Conversation: Depositing money in a Sri Lankan bank

Depositing money in a Sri Lankan bank

Shehan arrives at the bank and approaches the bank teller to deposit money into his grandmother's savings account.



Hello, I'd like to deposit 100,000 Rupees into my grandmother's savings account, please.

Bank Teller

Of course, Shehan. I'll be happy to assist you with that. Do you have your grandmother's account details with you?


Yes, I have her account number and her name here. The account number is 1234567890, and her name is Mrs. Kalpani Rajapaksha.

Bank Teller

Great. Thank you for providing that information. Just give me a moment to process the deposit.


Sure, take your time.

Bank Teller

Thank you for your patience. Your deposit has been successfully processed. Is there anything else you'd like to do today?


No, that's all for today. Thank you for your help!

Bank Teller

You're welcome, Shehan. Have a great day, and please convey our regards to your grandmother!