
🗣️ /jɔːn/

ඈනුම් අරිනවා

How to use "yawn" in a sentence:

  • She yawned during the boring lecture.


🗣️ /jɜːn/

පුල පුලා බලා සිටිනවා

How to use "yearn" in a sentence:

yearn (for someone/something)

  • She yearns for her mother's cooking.

yearn to do something

  • She yearns to travel the world.


🗣️ /jel/

කෑ මොර දෙනවා

How to use "yell" in a sentence:

yell (at someone/something)

  • The teacher yelled at her students for not paying attention during class.

yell at someone (to do something)

  • She yelled at her children to clean their room.

yell with something

  • He yelled with excitement as he opened his birthday present.

yell out (in something)

  • He yelled out in anger when he saw the broken vase.

yell something (at someone/something)

  • She yelled insults at the driver who cut her off in traffic.

yell out something

  • The students yelled out the answer loudly.


🗣️ /jiːld/

(ඵලදාව/ලාභ) ලබා දෙනවා, යටත් වෙනවා, නැමෙනවා

How to use "yield" in a sentence:

yield something

  • "The farmer's field yielded a bountiful crop this year."

yield (to someone/something)

  • She yielded to her brother's request and let him borrow her car.

yield (up) someone/something (to someone/something)

  • The defeated army yielded up their weapons to the victorious soldiers.