More ways to say...
"It's boring!"

Here are ten phrases to tell people how boring you find something, but be careful you don't offend them.

  1. How boring/tedious/dull!
  2. What a bore!
  3. It bores me to tears.
  4. It leaves me cold.
  5. It does nothing for me.
  6. It's as dull as ditch-water.
  7. I can't see what all the fuss is about.
  8. It's as interesting as watching paint dry
  9. I'm afraid I don't share your enthusiasm..
  10. I can't say that I find it interesting.


  • Phrases 1 ,2, 3 and 6 are really very strong. You can say this to somebody who probably agrees or who you know will not be offended.
  • Phrases 4 and 5 are saying that you feel no emotion at all about a certain thing ot topic.
  • Phrase 7 means that other people are interested in the subject but that you cannot understand why they are interested.
  • Phrase 8 is saying that it is extremely boring by comparing it to watching paint drying - which most people consider a very boring activity.
  • Phrases 9 and 10 are more polite. However, you are still saying something negative so you may want to soften it by saying "I'm afraid..." or "I'm sorry to say...".