
🗣️ /reɪs/

තරඟ වදිනවා, වේගයෙන් යනවා/පදවනවා

How to use "race" in a sentence:

race someone/something

  • I raced my dog to the finish line.

race against someone/something

  • "He's been training hard to race against his rival."

race to do something

  • They raced to finish their homework before the deadline.

race adv./prep.

  • I raced down the street, trying to catch the bus that was already pulling away.


🗣️ /reɪn/


How to use "rain" in a sentence:

  • It rains every day in the summer in Sri Lanka.


🗣️ /reɪz/

ඔසවනවා, ඉහළ දමනවා, හදා වඩා ගන්නවා

How to use "raise" in a sentence:

raise something (adv./prep.)

  • I will raise my hand in class to ask a question.

raise someone

  • He raised his hand to answer the question.


🗣️ /reɪndʒ/

පරාසයක පවතිනවා

How to use "range" in a sentence:

range from A to B

  • The temperature in this desert can range from 40 degrees to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

range between A and B

  • The price of the tickets ranges between $10 and $20.

range adv./prep.

  • The birds range freely across the open sky.


🗣️ /riːtʃ/

ලඟා වෙනවා, සමීප වෙනවා, අත දික්කරනවා

How to use "reach" in a sentence:

reach someone/something

  • She reached her hand out to grab the book on the shelf.

reach (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She reached for her phone on the table.


🗣️ /riˈækt/

ප්‍රතික්‍රියා කරනවා, ක්‍රියාවකට ප්‍රතිචාර දක්වනවා

How to use "react" in a sentence:

react (to something) (by doing something)

  • He reacted to the criticism by apologizing.

react (adv./prep.)

  • He reacted quickly to the news.

react (with something)

  • The students reacted with excitement when they saw their grades.

react (together)

  • The class reacted together in excitement as their teacher announced the field trip.


🗣️ /riːd/


How to use "read" in a sentence:

read (something)

  • She reads a book every night before bed.

read someone something

  • I read my sister a bedtime story.

read something (to someone)

  • I will read the story to my little sister.

read about/of something

  • I read about the history of Sri Lanka in a book.

read that...

  • I can read that book in less than an hour.


🗣️ /ˈriːəlaɪz/

තත්වයක් වටහා ගන්නවා

How to use "realize" in a sentence:

realize something

  • I realized my mistake after I had already sent the email.

realize that...

  • I realized that I left my keys at home.

realize wh-

  • They realized where they were going.


🗣️ /ˈriːzn/

තාර්කිකව කරුණු දක්වනවා/සලකා බලනවා

How to use "reason" in a sentence:

reason (that)

  • The reason that I am late is because of traffic.


🗣️ /rɪˈkɔːl/

යළි මතක් කරගන්නවා

How to use "recall" in a sentence:

recall something

  • I recall studying for my English exam last night.

recall (someone/something) doing something

  • I can recall my mother cooking delicious meals every evening.

recall that...

  • I recall that we met at the park last weekend.

recall wh-

  • I recall what I had for breakfast this morning.


🗣️ /rɪˈsiːv/

ලබාගන්නවා, පිළිගන්නවා, බාරගන්නවා

How to use "receive" in a sentence:

receive something from someone

  • I receive the package from my friend.

receive something with something

  • He receives his guests with a warm smile.

receive someone (into something)

  • She received her friends into her home for a birthday party.


🗣️ /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/

හඳුනාගන්නවා, පිළිගන්නවා

How to use "recognize" in a sentence:

recognize someone/something (as someone/something) (by/from something)

  • I recognize my best friend's voice from across the room.

recognize that...

  • I recognize that he is struggling with the concept.

recognize wh-

  • I recognized what I saw from the train window.


🗣️ /ˌrekəˈmend/

යෝග්‍ය යැයි යෝජනා කරනවා

How to use "recommend" in a sentence:

recommend someone/something (to someone) (for/as something)

  • I recommend my favorite book to my students for their next reading assignment.

recommend someone (to do something)

  • I recommend Sarah to study for her exam.

recommend (someone) doing something

  • I recommend my students studying for their exams every day.

recommend that...

  • I recommend that you study for your exam thoroughly.

recommend wh-

  • I recommend what to eat for breakfast tomorrow.


🗣️ /rɪˈkɔːd/

වාර්තාගත කරනවා, සටහන් කරනවා, පටිගත කරනවා

How to use "record" in a sentence:

record something

  • I recorded the lecture for you.

record that...

  • I record that you will attend the class tomorrow.

record wh-

  • "Can you please record what you are saying for me to listen to later?"


🗣️ /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/

අසනීපයකින් සුවය ලබනවා, නැති වූ දෙයක් ආපසු ලබා ගන්නවා

How to use "recover" in a sentence:

recover (from something)

  • She is recovering from a knee injury.

recover something (from someone/something)

  • I recovered my lost wallet from the lost and found.


🗣️ /rɪˈdjuːs/


How to use "reduce" in a sentence:

reduce something (from something) (to something) (by something)

  • I have reduced the price of this product from $50 to $40 by $10.


🗣️ /rɪˈfɜː(r)/

ගැන කතා කරනවා, සඳහන් කරනවා, යොමු කරනවා

How to use "refer" in a sentence:

refer to someone/something

  • "He always refers to his sister for advice."

refer someone/something to someone/something

  • I will refer the new student to the school counselor for academic support.


🗣️ /rɪˈflekt/

පරාවර්තනය කරනවා, පිළිබිඹු කරනවා, ප්‍රත්‍යවේක්ෂණය කරනවා

How to use "reflect" in a sentence:

reflect someone/something (in something)

  • My mirror reflects me in the morning.

reflect that...

  • I reflected that my students' understanding of the concept had greatly improved.

reflect wh-

  • He paused for a moment to reflect what he had just heard.

reflect on/upon something

  • She took a moment to reflect on her actions before making a decision.


🗣️ /rɪˈfreɪn/


How to use "refrain" in a sentence:

refrain (from something)

  • She always refrains from talking during her boyfriend's favorite movie.

refrain (from doing something)

  • The students have been asked to refrain from talking during the test.


🗣️ /rɪˈfjuːz/

බාර නොගෙන සිටිනවා, ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරනවා

How to use "refuse" in a sentence:

refuse something

  • She refused the offer of a cookie.

refuse someone something

  • He refused his mother food.


🗣️ /rɪˈɡeɪn/

නැති වූ යමක් යළි ලබා ගන්නවා

How to use "regain" in a sentence:

regain something

  • She was determined to regain her lost confidence.


🗣️ /rɪˈɡɑːd/

(විශේෂ යමෙක්/දෙයක් ලෙස) සලකනවා, සැලකිල්ලට ගන්නවා

How to use "regard" in a sentence:

regard someone/something as someone/something

  • I regard her as my closest friend.

regard someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • He regards his sister with admiration.


🗣️ /ˈredʒɪstə(r)/

ලියාපදිංචි කරනවා, ලේඛනගත කරනවා

How to use "register" in a sentence:

register something (in something)

  • The students must register their names in the attendance book before class starts.

register (someone) as something

  • I will register you as a student in our English class.

register (something)

  • She registered her car at the Department of Motor Vehicles.


🗣️ /rɪˈɡret/

පසු තැවෙනවා, කනගාටු වෙනවා, කනගාටුව පළ කරනවා

How to use "regret" in a sentence:

regret something

  • I regret eating too much cake last night.

regret doing something

  • I regret eating so much cake at the party yesterday.

regret that...

  • I regret that I didn't study harder for the exam.

regret wh-

  • I regret why I didn't study harder for the exam yesterday.

regret to do something

  • I regret to inform you that your request has been denied.


🗣️ /rɪˈdʒekt/

බාර නොගෙන ඉන්නවා, ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරනවා, ඉවත දමනවා

How to use "reject" in a sentence:

reject someone/something

  • Sarah rejected the invitation.


🗣️ /rɪˈlæks/

විවේකී වෙනවා, විවේකීව ඉන්නවා

How to use "relax" in a sentence:

relax (something)

  • "Squeeze the stress ball to help relax your hand muscles."


🗣️ /rɪˈliːs/

මුදා හරිනවා, විසුරුවා හරිනවා

How to use "release" in a sentence:

release someone/something

  • I released the bird into the sky.

release someone/something from something

  • I released the bird from its cage.


🗣️ /rɪˈliːv/

සහනය සලසනවා

How to use "relieve" in a sentence:

relieve someone/something

  • "He relieved the pressure in his tire by adding some air."


🗣️ /ˌriːˈlɪv/

පරණ මතක හිතින් ආයෙමත් විඳිනවා

How to use "relive" in a sentence:

relive something

  • I will relive my childhood memories by looking through old photo albums.


🗣️ /rɪˈmeɪn/

ඉතිරි වෙනවා, රැඳී සිටිනවා, පවතිනවා

How to use "remain" in a sentence:

remain +adj./noun

  • She remained silent throughout the meeting.

remain adv./prep.

  • The students remained quiet during the lecture.

remain (to do something)

  • The task remains to be completed by tomorrow.


🗣️ /rɪˈmembə(r)/

මතකයි, මතක තියාගන්නවා, මතක් කරනවා

How to use "remember" in a sentence:

remember (someone/something)

  • She remembers her childhood with fondness.

remember that...

  • Remember that practice makes perfect.

remember wh-

  • Remember what you need to study for the test.

remember to do something

  • I always remember to bring my umbrella with me when it rains.

remember doing something

  • I remember visiting Sri Lanka last year.


🗣️ /rɪˈmaɪnd/

මතක් කරනවා

How to use "remind" in a sentence:

remind someone (about /of something)

  • I remind my students of the importance of practicing their English every day.

remind someone (to do something)

  • She reminded me to turn off the lights before leaving.

remind someone (that)

  • I reminded my students that the test is tomorrow.

remind someone (wh-)

  • I reminded her about the meeting tonight.


🗣️ /rɪˈmuːv/

ඉවත් කරනවා, ඉවතට ගෙන යනවා

How to use "remove" in a sentence:

remove someone/something (from someone/something)

  • I removed the picture from the frame.


🗣️ /rent/

කුලියට ගන්නවා, කුලියට දෙනවා

How to use "rent" in a sentence:

rent something

  • I will rent a car for my road trip.

rent something out

  • I am going to rent my apartment out to students next semester.


🗣️ /rɪˈpeə(r)/

අලුත්වැඩියා කරනවා

How to use "repair" in a sentence:

repair something

  • He repaired the broken window.


🗣️ /rɪˈpiːt/

නැවත කියනවා, නැවත කරනවා, නැවත නැවත සිදුවෙනවා etc.

How to use "repeat" in a sentence:

repeat something (to someone)

  • I will repeat the instructions to you one more time.

repeat something (after someone)

  • Please repeat after me: "I want to improve my English skills."

repeat that...

  • "Please repeat that word again."

repeat what

  • "Please repeat what I just said so I know you understood."


🗣️ /rɪˈpleɪs/

ආදේශ කරනවා

How to use "replace" in a sentence:

replace someone/something (with someone/something)

  • I will replace the old computer with a new one for faster performance.


🗣️ /rɪˈplaɪ/

පිළිතුරු දෙනවා

How to use "reply" in a sentence:

reply (to someone) (with something)

  • She replied to her friend's message with a simple 'thank you'.

reply that...

  • I replied that I couldn't come to the party.


🗣️ /rɪˈpɔːt/

වාර්තා කරනවා, පැමිණිලි කරනවා

How to use "report" in a sentence:

report something (to someone)

  • I reported the incident to the police.

report (on something) (to someone)

  • He reports on the progress of his project to his boss every week.

report (someone/something) doing something

  • The police reported the suspect fleeing the scene of the crime.

report someone/something as something

  • She reported her husband as a missing person to the police.

report someone/something as doing something

  • His coworkers reported him as being a hardworking and reliable employee.

report that...

  • "The student reported that he had finished his homework on time."

report wh-

  • "Could you please report what happened during the experiment?"


🗣️ /ˌreprɪˈzent/

නියෝජනය කරනවා

How to use "represent" in a sentence:

represent someone/something

  • The student will represent our school in the regional spelling bee competition.


🗣️ /rɪˈkwest/

ඉල්ලනවා, අයදිනවා

How to use "request" in a sentence:

request something (from someone)

  • She requested a cup of tea from her mother.

request someone to do something

  • I requested my students to finish their homework before class.

request that...

  • I request that my students complete the homework assignment by tomorrow.


🗣️ /rɪˈkwaɪə(r)/

අවශ්‍ය වෙනවා, අපේක්ෂා කරනවා

How to use "require" in a sentence:

require someone/something (to do something)

  • I require my students to complete their homework before class.

require that...

  • I require that my students complete their homework assignments on time.

require doing something

  • I require completing the assigned homework before tomorrow's class.

require of th

  • I require of them to complete their homework before class.

require someone to do something

  • I require you to finish your homework before class tomorrow.


🗣️ /ˈreskjuː/

බේරා ගන්නවා, (අනතුරකින්/විපතකින්)

ගලවා ගන්නවා

How to use "rescue" in a sentence:

rescue someone/something (from someone/something)

  • He rescued the cat from the tree.


🗣️ /rɪˈzembl/

(පෙනුමෙන්/හැසිරීමෙන්) වෙනත් කෙනෙකුට/දෙයකට සමානකමක් දක්වනවා

How to use "resemble" in a sentence:

resemble someone/something

  • Tom resembles his father in appearance.


🗣️ /rɪˈzɜːv/

මතු ප්‍රයෝජනයට වෙන් කර තබනවා

How to use "reserve" in a sentence:

reserve something (for someone/something)

  • I need to reserve a table for tonight's dinner.


🗣️ /rɪˈzaɪn/

ඉල්ලා අස්වෙනවා, පදවිය අත් හරිනවා

How to use "resign" in a sentence:

resign (from something)

  • She decided to resign from her position as CEO of the company.

resign (as something)

  • I will resign as the class president.

resign something

  • She resigned her position as CEO of the company.


🗣️ /rɪˈzɪst/

විරෝධය පානවා, අවනත වීම ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරනවා

How to use "resist" in a sentence:

resist (something)

  • He could not resist the temptation of eating the delicious cake.

resist doing something

  • He couldn't resist shouting out the answer in class.


🗣️ /rɪˈspekt/

ගෞරවයෙන් සලකනවා

How to use "respect" in a sentence:

respect someone/something (for something)

  • I respect my parents for their hard work and sacrifices.


🗣️ /rɪˈspɒnd/

ප්‍රතිචාර දක්වනවා

How to use "respond" in a sentence:

respond (to someone/something) (with something)

  • The students responded to the difficult grammar question with thoughtful answers.

respond that...

  • I responded that I would be attending the meeting tomorrow.

respond (to someone/something) (by doing something)

  • "The students responded to the teacher's question by raising their hands."


🗣️ /rest/

විවේක ගන්නවා, රැඳී සිටිනවා/තිබෙනවා, හේත්තු වී සිටිනවා/තිබෙනවා

How to use "rest" in a sentence:

rest (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She rested her head on her pillow.


🗣️ /rɪˈstɔː(r)/

ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණය කරනවා, ප්‍රකෘති තත්වයට පත් කරනවා, ආපසු පැවති තත්වයට ගේනවා

How to use "restore" in a sentence:

restore something

  • The company will restore the old building next month.

restore someone/something to something

  • I will restore the old building to its former glory.


🗣️ /rɪˈstrɪkt/

සීමා කරනවා, සීමාවලට යටත් කරනවා

How to use "restrict" in a sentence:

restrict something (to something)

  • She restricts her diet to only fruits and vegetables.

restrict something (to someone)

  • The school restricts access to the library to students with valid IDs.


🗣️ /rɪˈzjuːm/

යළි පටන් ගන්නවා

How to use "resume" in a sentence:

resume (something)

  • I will now resume the presentation.

resume doing something

  • "After taking a break to have some water, we will resume dancing."


🗣️ /rɪˈteɪn/

රඳවා තබා ගන්නවා, පවත්වා ගන්නවා, සේවය ලබා ගන්නවා

How to use "retain" in a sentence:

retain something

  • He was able to retain his title as the spelling bee champion for three consecutive years.

retain someone/something

  • He was able to retain all the information from the lecture.


🗣️ /rɪˈtaɪə(r)/

විශ්‍රාම ගන්නවා/ගන්වනවා

How to use "retire" in a sentence:

retire (from something)

  • He will retire from his job next year.

retire (to something)

  • She retired to her beach house after years of hard work.

retire someone

  • He retired his father's work and continued the family business.


🗣️ /rɪˈtriːt/

පසු බසිනවා

How to use "retreat" in a sentence:

retreat (adv./prep.)

  • She retreated slowly into her room.


🗣️ /rɪˈtɜːn/

ආපසු එනවා/යනවා, ආපසු ගේනවා/දෙනවා/යවනවා

How to use "return" in a sentence:

return (to …) (from …)

  • I will return to my office from lunch at 1pm.

return to something

  • She will return to her hometown next week.

return someone/something (to someone/something)

  • I will return the borrowed book to the library tomorrow.


🗣️ /rɪˈviːl/

අනාවරණය කරනවා, හෙළිදරව් කරනවා

How to use "reveal" in a sentence:

reveal (something) (to someone)

  • He revealed his true identity to her.

reveal that...

  • I am happy to reveal that I am getting married next month.

reveal wh-

  • I will reveal what I found in your bag.


🗣️ /rɪˈvɜːs/

ප්‍රතිවර්ත කරනවා, අනිත් අතට හරවනවා, (වාහනයක්) පස්සට ගන්නවා

How to use "reverse" in a sentence:

reverse something

  • I will reverse your opinion on the matter.


🗣️ /rɪˈvjuː/

සමාලෝචනය කරනවා, ගුණ දොස් විවේචනය කරනවා

How to use "review" in a sentence:

review something

  • I will review your homework assignment tomorrow.


🗣️ /rɪˈvaɪz/

(ලියවිල්ලක්) පරීක්ෂා කර සංශෝධනය කරනවා

How to use "revise" in a sentence:

revise something

  • I will revise my essay before submitting it.


🗣️ /rɪˈwɔːd/

තෑග්ගක් දෙනවා

How to use "reward" in a sentence:

reward someone (with something) (for something/doing something)

  • The teacher rewarded the top student with a certificate for his hard work in the class.


🗣️ /raɪd/

(බයිසිකලයක්/අශ්වයෙක්) පදිනවා, වාහනයක මගියෙකු ලෙස ගමනක් යනවා

How to use "ride" in a sentence:

ride (something) adv./prep.

  • He rode the bike quickly down the hill.


🗣️ /rɪŋ/

ටෙලිෆෝන් කරනවා, සීනුවක් නාද කරනවා, වට කරනවා

How to use "ring" in a sentence:

ring someone/something up

  • I will ring the bell up to signal the start of the meeting.

ring (something) (for someone/something)

  • I will ring the doorbell for the guests when they arrive at the party.

ring someone/something (with something)

  • I rang the bell with the handle.


🗣️ /raɪz/

ඉහළ යනවා, නැගිටිනවා, (ඉර/හඳ) පායනවා

How to use "rise" in a sentence:

rise (adv./prep.)

  • The sun will rise above the mountains tomorrow morning.


🗣️ /rɪsk/

අවදානමේ දානවා, අවදානමක් ගන්නවා

How to use "risk" in a sentence:

risk something

  • I always risk my life to save others in dangerous situations.

risk (doing) something

  • She risked losing her job by speaking out against her boss.

risk doing something

  • I risk oversleeping if I stay up too late studying.


🗣️ /rɒb/


How to use "rob" in a sentence:

rob someone/something (of something)

  • The thief robbed the store of all its cash.


🗣️ /rɒk/

පැද්දෙනවා, පද්දනවා, තදින් හෙලවෙනවා/හොලවනවා

How to use "rock" in a sentence:

rock (adv./prep.)

  • She rocked her baby to sleep in the rocking chair.


🗣️ /rəʊl/

පෙරළෙනවා/පෙරළනවා, රෝල් කරනවා/වෙනවා

How to use "roll" in a sentence:

roll (something) (adv./prep.)

  • "The baker rolled the dough onto the counter."


🗣️ /rʌb/

අතුල්ලනවා, ඇතිල්ලෙනවා, ඔප දමනවා, පිරිමදිනවා

How to use "rub" in a sentence:

rub something (with something)

  • She rubbed her sore muscles with lotion after a long day at work.

rub on something

  • I rub on some lotion after I take a shower.

rub against something

  • I rub against the wall to remove the dirt from my clothes.

rub at something

  • She rubbed at the stain on her shirt until it came out.

rub (something) (together)

  • I rub my hands together to warm them up.

rub something + adj.

  • I rub my hands together to warm them up.

rub something (adv./prep.)

  • He rubbed his hands with some lotion before going outside to prevent dry skin.


🗣️ /ˈruːɪn/

විනාශයට පත් කරනවා

How to use "ruin" in a sentence:

ruin something

  • He ruined his shirt by spilling paint on it.


🗣️ /ruːl/

පාලනය කරනවා, නීතිමය තීරණයක් දෙනවා

How to use "rule" in a sentence:

rule something

  • The queen rules the kingdom.

rule over someone/something

  • "The king rules over his kingdom with an iron fist."

rule on something

  • The judge will rule on the case tomorrow.

rule that...

  • I rule that punctuality is a crucial aspect of a successful student.


🗣️ /rʌn/

දුවනවා, වේගයෙන් යනවා, කරගෙන යනවා, කෙරීගෙන යනවා, ගලාගෙන යනවා, ගලාගෙන යන්න සලස්වනවා

How to use "run" in a sentence:

run adv./prep.

  • The runner ran quickly down the street.

run something

  • She ran the marathon in just under 3 hours.

run (for something)

  • "I have to run for the bus or I'll be late for work."

run (something) (into something) (for st/someone)

  • He ran the shopping trip into the supermarket for his wife.

run someone something

  • I ran my friend a hot cup of tea.


🗣️ /rʌʃ/

(හදිස්සියෙන්/කලබලෙන්/වේගයෙන්) යනවා/ගෙනයනවා, හදිස්සි වෙනවා, හදිස්සි කරනවා

How to use "rush" in a sentence:

rush adv./prep.

  • She rushed into the room angrily.

rush something

  • He rushed his homework before the deadline.

rush someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • She rushed the cake onto the plate and served it quickly to the guests.

rush (someone) into something

  • He rushed his sister into making a decision without considering all the options.