Conversation: Should we attend the annual party

Should we attend the annual party

Two employees at a company, Supuni and Jehan, are having a conversation in the break room about whether they should attend the company's annual party.



Hey, Jehan, are you planning to attend the annual party this year?


I'm not sure, Supuni. I've been on the fence about it. How about you?


I'm in the same boat. I mean, it can be fun, but I'm not always a fan of big parties with coworkers.


Exactly, the whole 'office party' thing can get a bit awkward sometimes. Plus, it's on a weekend, and I could use some rest.


That's true. On the other hand, it's a good opportunity to socialize and network. We might even enjoy it more than we expect.


You have a point, Supuni. I'll think it over. Maybe a little change of scenery and some fun with colleagues won't hurt.