
🗣️ /kiːp/

තියාගන්නවා, රඳවාගන්නවා, පවත්වා ගන්නවා, යමක් දිගට කරගෙන යනවා, යමක් කිරීමෙන් වළකිනවා etc.

How to use "keep" in a sentence:

keep something

  • I keep my passport with me at all times.

keep + adj.

  • I will keep quiet during the test.

keep adv./prep.

  • I always keep on time to avoid being late.

keep doing something

  • She keeps practicing her English every day.

keep someone/something (on/from) doing something

  • She kept telling her son to clean his room, but he continued to ignore her.


🗣️ /kɪk/

පයින් ගහනවා

How to use "kick" in a sentence:

kick someone/something

  • She kicked the ball.


🗣️ /kɪl/

මරනවා, පණ නසනවා, වේදනා දෙනවා, අධික ලෙස වෙහෙසනවා

How to use "kill" in a sentence:

kill someone/something

  • The man killed the spider in his room.


🗣️ /kɪs/

සිප ගන්නවා

How to use "kiss" in a sentence:

kiss someone/something

  • She kissed her dog on the nose.


🗣️ /niːd/

(පිටි/මැටි) අනනවා

How to use "knead" in a sentence:

knead something

  • Joe kneaded the dough for the pizza crust.


🗣️ /niːl/

දණ ගහනවා

How to use "kneel" in a sentence:

kneel (down)

  • "Please kneel down during the prayer."


🗣️ /nɒk/

(දොරක් ආදියට)

තට්ටු කරනවා, වද්දනවා/වද්දගන්නවා, පහරදී/වැදී වට්ටනවා

How to use "knock" in a sentence:

knock (at/on something)

  • She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

knock something (against/on something)

  • He knocked the book against the table.

knock something down

  • "The demolition crew is going to knock the old building down tomorrow."


🗣️ /nəʊ/


How to use "know" in a sentence:

know someone/something

  • I know my students are eager to learn English.

know that...

  • I know that tomorrow is a holiday.

know wh-

  • I know what you mean.

know (of something)

  • She knows of his plan to propose to her.