How to...
Show concern

Showing concern

Sometimes other people are sad, upset or have a problem of some kind. There are many things we can say to show concern. Here are ten of them.

  1. What's the matter?
  2. Are you alright?
  3. What's getting you down?
  4. What's up (with you)?
  5. Why the long face?
  6. You look a bit down.
  7. Is there anything I can do to help?
  8. Do you need a shoulder to cry on?
  9. You look like you could do with a drink.
  10. Oh you poor thing!


  • Phrases 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are asking the other person what their problem is.
  • Phrases 1, 2, and 3 are more sympathetic while phrases 4 and 5 are less friendly.
  • Phrase 6 is a simple observation that the other person looks sad. But you expect the other person to explain the problem.
  • Phrases 7 and 8 are offering help or sympathy.
  • Phrase 8 is specifically offering to listen while the other person talks about their problem or reason for sadness.
  • Phrase 9 is an offer of a drink (alcohol or a cup of tea). This is a typical British response to somebody with a major problem or after a disaster of some kind.
  • Phrase 10 is intended to sound sympathetic. This expression can sound patronizing to some people.