More ways to say...
"It's easy"

Here are some English phrases that you can say when you think something is easy or very easy.

  1. It's a piece of cake.
  2. Easy-peasy.
  3. It's a cinch.
  4. There's nothing to it.
  5. Anyone can do it.
  6. It's child's play.
  7. It's a walk in the park.
  8. It's not rocket science.
  9. It's easy as pie/easy as A,B,C.
  10. I can do it with my eyes shut.


  • Phrases 1, 2 and 3 are saying that something is totally simple.
  • Phrase 4 is saying that you don't need to think about it. you can do it without thinking.
  • Phrase 5 says that it's so easy that everybody can do it.
  • Phrases 6 and 9 say that it's so easy that young children can do it.
  • Phrase 8 is saying that it is not difficult like building rockets.
  • Phrase 10 is saying that it is so easy that you can do it without looking - with your eyes shut.