
🗣️ /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/

කැප කරනවා, පරිත්‍යාග කරනවා, බිලි දෙනවා

How to use "sacrifice" in a sentence:

sacrifice something (for someone/something)

  • She sacrificed her free time to volunteer at the homeless shelter.

sacrifice (someone/something)

  • He sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of his family's well-being.


🗣️ /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/

තෘප්තිමත් කරනවා

How to use "satisfy" in a sentence:

satisfy someone (of someone)

  • She satisfied the interviewer of her qualifications with her strong resume.

satisfy something

  • I will satisfy your request for more practice exercises.

satisfy someone (that)

  • I can satisfy you that your hard work will pay off in the end.


🗣️ /seɪv/

ගලවා ගන්නවා, බේරා ගන්නවා, ඉතිරි කරනවා

How to use "save" in a sentence:

save someone/something (from something)

  • He saved the cat from the tree.

save something (for someone/something)

  • I always save some money for my child's college education.

save someone something

  • "I will save you this seat for later."

save (someone) (something) on something

  • I save your progress on my computer.

save (someone) doing something

  • I saved him from falling off the cliff.


🗣️ /seɪ/


How to use "say" in a sentence:

say something to someone

  • He said something to her during their argument.

say that...

  • I say that English is a beautiful language.


🗣️ /ˈʃedʒuːl/

(වෙලාවක් දාගන්නවා) සැලසුම් කරගන්නවා

How to use "schedule" in a sentence:

schedule something (for something)

  • She scheduled a meeting for 2 pm on Monday.

schedule someone/something to do something

  • I have scheduled my class to take a test next week.


🗣️ /skɔː(r

ලකුණු ගන්නවා

How to use "score" in a sentence:

score something (adv./prep.)

  • The soccer player scored a goal with an impressive header.


🗣️ /skriːm/

(බයෙන්/වේදනාවෙන්) කෑගහනවා, මොර දෙනවා

How to use "scream" in a sentence:

scream (out) (in/with something)

  • The child screamed in pain as the bee stung him.

scream (out) (for someone/something)

  • She screamed out for her husband to help her when she saw the spider crawling up the wall.

scream at someone (to do something)

  • She screamed at her team to run faster on the field.

scream (out) that

  • I screamed that I saw a spider in my room.


🗣️ /sɜːtʃ/

සොයනවා, තියුණු ලෙස පරීක්ෂා කර බලනවා

How to use "search" in a sentence:

search (something) (for someone/something)

  • I am searching the house for my missing keys.

search someone for something

  • I will search the suspect for any weapons during the interrogation.


🗣️ /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/

ලබා ගන්නට සමත් වෙනවා, යමකට තදින් ගැට ගසනවා, සුරක්ෂිත කරනවා

How to use "secure" in a sentence:

secure something (for someone/something)

  • I will secure a table for the guests at the party.

secure something to something

  • I secured the rope to the flagpole to prevent it from falling.

secure something

  • She secured the door before leaving the house to ensure her safety.


🗣️ /siː/

දකිනවා, බලනවා, හමු වෙනවා

How to use "see" in a sentence:

see (someone/something)

  • I see the birds flying in the sky.

see that...

  • I see that you have finished your homework.

see wh-

  • I saw what you did.

see someone/something + adj.

  • I see my friends tired after a long day.

see someone/something doing something

  • I see John running in the park.

see someone/something do something

  • I see my cat sleeping on the couch.


🗣️ /siːk/

හොයනවා, ඉල්ලා සිටිනවා, උත්සාහ කරනවා

How to use "seek" in a sentence:

seek someone/something

  • The detective seeks the truth.

seek for someone/something

  • She sought for her lost puppy all over the neighborhood.

seek something from someone

  • She sought guidance from her teacher before starting her project.

seek to do something

  • She seeks to improve her English skills by practicing every day.


🗣️ /siːm/

බැලූ බැල්මට පේනවා (වගේ පේනවා)

How to use "seem" in a sentence:

seem (to someone) (to be) + adj.

  • She seems happy today.

seem + noun

  • The sky seems blue.

seem that...

  • It seems that you have already finished your homework.

seem like something

  • She seems like a talented dancer.

seem to be/do/have something

  • The book seems to be heavy.


🗣️ /siːz/

උදුරා ගන්නවා, බලෙන් අල්ලගන්නවා, අත් අඩංගුවට ගන්නවා, අත් පත් කරගන්නවා

How to use "seize" in a sentence:

seize someone/something (from someone)

  • He seized the book from his little sister without asking.

seize something

  • The police officer seized the suspect's gun.

seize someone

  • She seized him by the arm and dragged him out of the room.


🗣️ /sɪˈlekt/

තෝරා ගන්නවා

How to use "select" in a sentence:

select someone/something (for/as something)

  • She selected her best friend for the role of the lead actress in the school play.

select someone/something (to do something)

  • I will select you to present your project at the next school assembly.

select wh-

  • The teacher asked the students to select which book they wanted to read for their next assignment.


🗣️ /sel/

විකුණනවා, විකිණෙනවා

How to use "sell" in a sentence:

sell something (to someone) (for something)

  • She sells apples to her neighbors for a fair price.

sell someone something (for something)

  • I sell my products to customers for a reasonable price.

sell (something) (at something)

  • "We sell vegetables at the market on weekends."


🗣️ /send/

යවනවා, පිටත් කර යවනවා

How to use "send" in a sentence:

send someone something

  • She sends her sister a birthday present.

send something (to someone)

  • She sent a letter to her friend.

send something (that)

  • I sent a letter yesterday.

send someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • I will send my friend an email tomorrow.

send someone/something (to do something)

  • I will send my daughter to buy groceries.

send someone + adj.

  • She sent her family some delicious sweets.


🗣️ /ˈsepəreɪt/

වෙන් කරනවා, වෙන් වෙනවා

How to use "separate" in a sentence:

separate (something) (from something)

  • I will separate the red apples from the green apples for the fruit salad.

separate (something) into something

  • I will separate the groceries into two bags.

separate something and something

  • "It is important to separate your recyclables and non-recyclables when disposing of waste."


🗣️ /sɜːv/

අහාර බෙදනවා/පිළිගන්වනවා, සේවය කරනවා

How to use "serve" in a sentence:

serve something (to someone)

  • I will serve dinner to my family tonight.

serve someone something

  • I serve my family dinner.

serve something + adj.

  • I served my guests hot soup for dinner.

serve someone (as something)

  • She serves her family as a caretaker.

serve in/on/with something

  • The waiter serves water with the meal.

serve under/with someone

  • She serves under her boss and follows all his instructions.


🗣️ /set/

සකස් කරනවා, සවි කරනවා, පිහිටුවනවා, තබනවා, (ඉර/හඳ) බැස යනවා

How to use "set" in a sentence:

set someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • She set the books on the shelf carefully.

set someone/something doing something

  • I set my students to work on their grammar exercises.

set something

  • Would you please set the table for dinner?


🗣️ /ˈsetl/

එකඟත්වයට එනවා, (ණය) ගෙවා අවසන් කරනවා, තැන්පත් වෙනවා, පදිංචි වෙනවා

How to use "settle" in a sentence:

settle (something)

  • She will settle the bill at the restaurant.

settle something

  • He finally agreed to settle the argument between his two friends.

settle adv./prep.

  • She settled comfortably into her new home.

settle someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • The lawyer settled the case quietly out of court.


🗣️ /ʃeɪk/

සොලවනවා/සෙලවෙනවා, ගස්සනවා/ගැස්සෙනවා, වෙවුලනවා, තර්ජනය කරනවා, අතට අත දෙනවා

How to use "shake" in a sentence:

shake someone/something

  • He shook his head to show his disagreement.

shake with something

  • He shook with fear as the spider crawled across his hand.


🗣️ /ʃeɪp/

හැඩ ගන්වනවා, හැඩ ගස්වනවා

How to use "shape" in a sentence:

shape A into B

  • I shaped the clay into a ball.

shape someone/something

  • He shapes the clay into a vase.


🗣️ /ʃeə(r)/

බෙදා හදා ගන්නවා, හවුලේ පරිහරණය කරනවා

How to use "share" in a sentence:

share (something) (with someone)

  • I share my lunch with my friend.

share something (out) (between/among someone)

  • I will share the cookies out between my two children.


🗣️ /ʃeɪv/

(රැවුල/රෝම/කොණ්ඩය) මුලින්ම කපා දමනවා

How to use "shave" in a sentence:

shave (someone/something)

  • He always shaves his beard before going to work.


🗣️ /ʃɪft/

(තැනකින් තැනකට/දෙයකින් දෙයකට) මාරු වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "shift" in a sentence:

shift something

  • He shifted his weight to his left foot as he moved forward.

shift something (from …) (to/towards …)

  • She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.


🗣️ /ʃaɪn/

දිලිසෙනවා, බබලනවා, ඔප දමනවා

How to use "shine*" in a sentence:

shine* (something)

  • The sun is shining brightly through the window.


🗣️ /ˈʃɪvə(r)/

(බයෙන්/සීතලෙන්) වෙවුලනවා

How to use "shiver" in a sentence:

shiver with something

  • She shivered with fear as she stepped into the haunted house.


🗣️ /ʃɒk/

කම්පනයක්/සංවේගයක්/තිගැස්මක්/පිළිකුලක් ඇති කරනවා

How to use "shock" in a sentence:

shock someone

  • The news of her death shocked me.

shock someone (that)

  • The news of her resignation shocked her students.

shock someone (to do something)

  • The news of his sudden death shocked everyone to tears.


🗣️ /ʃuːt/

වෙඩි තියනවා, ඊතලයකින් විදිනවා, සැරෙන් වේගයෙන් යනවා/යවනවා, ඡායාරූප ගන්නවා, චිත්‍රපට හදනවා

How to use "shoot" in a sentence:

shoot someone/something

  • She shot the target with precision.

shoot (something) (at someone/something)

  • She shoots the basketball at the hoop.

shoot something (from something)

  • He shot the arrow from the bow.


🗣️ /ʃaʊt/


How to use "shout" in a sentence:

shout for something

  • I shouted for help when I fell off my bike.

shout at someone (to do something)

  • He shouted at his students to stand up for the national anthem.

shout that...

  • He shouted that he was going to the park.


🗣️ /ʃəʊ/

පෙන්වනවා, පෙන්වාදෙනවා, ප්‍රදර්ශනය කරනවා

How to use "show" in a sentence:

show (someone) that

  • I will show my students that English grammar can be learned successfully.

show (someone) wh-

  • I will show her where the store is.

show someone something

  • John showed Jane the painting.

show something to someone

  • "I will show the new book to my friend tomorrow."

show someone (adv./prep.)

  • I will show my students how to use this verb phrase in a sentence.


🗣️ /ʃrɪŋk/

ප්‍රමාණයෙන් කුඩා වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "shrink" in a sentence:

shrink (something)

  • The shirt shrank in the dryer.


🗣️ /ʃʌt/

වහනවා, වැහෙනවා

How to use "shut" in a sentence:

shut (something)

  • I shut the door.


🗣️ /saɪ/

සුසුමක් හෙලනවා, හූල්ලනවා

How to use "sigh" in a sentence:

sigh (with something)

  • She sighed heavily with disappointment when she saw her test grade.


🗣️ /saɪn/

අත්සන් කරනවා, ඉඟි කරනවා, සංඥා කරනවා, ගිවිසුම් ගහනවා

How to use "sign" in a sentence:

sign (something)

  • He quickly signed the contract without reading it.

sign (to/for someone) (to do something)

  • He signed the document for his lawyer to review.

sign that...

  • She signed that she will attend the meeting tomorrow.

sign someone

  • He signed me as his business partner.

sign for something

  • I will sign for the package when it arrives.

sign with something

  • I always sign with my left hand.


🗣️ /ˈsɪɡnəl/

සංඥා කරනවා

How to use "signal" in a sentence:

signal (to someone) (for something)

  • She signaled to the waiter for the bill.

signal to/for someone (to do something)

  • She signaled to her friend to wait for her outside the store.

signal someone to do something

  • She signalled her students to line up for recess.

signal something

  • The lifeguard signaled the swimmers to come back to shore.

signal that...

  • "The red light signals that it is time to stop."

signal wh-

  • "The lifeguard signaled the swimmers to stay close to shore."


🗣️ /sɪŋ/

ගයනා කරනවා, සින්දු කියනවා

How to use "sing" in a sentence:

sing someone something

  • I will sing you a song.

sing (something) (to someone)

  • "I will sing a song to my parents at the family reunion tomorrow."


🗣️ /sɪŋk/

ගිලෙනවා, (නැවක්/බෝට්ටුවක්) ගිල්වනවා

How to use "sink" in a sentence:

sink (something) (adv./prep.)

  • The ship sank slowly beneath the waves.


🗣️ /sɪp/

හෙමින් හෙමින් බොනවා (තොල ගානවා)

How to use "sip" in a sentence:

sip (at) something

  • He sipped at his tea, savoring the warmth and flavor.


🗣️ /sɪt/

වාඩි වෙනවා, වාඩි කරනවා, විභාගයකට පෙනී සිටිනවා

How to use "sit" in a sentence:

sit (someone) (adv./prep.)

  • He sat his son on the chair.

sit something

  • The cat sat on the chair.


🗣️ /skɪp/

පැන පැන යනවා, (කොටසක්) මගහරිනවා

How to use "skip" in a sentence:

skip (adv./prep.)

  • He skipped over the puddle on his way to school.

skip something

  • He decided to skip breakfast this morning because he was running late.

skip over something

  • "He quickly skipped over the difficult foreign words in the novel, hoping to understand the story."

skip to something

  • He skipped to the next chapter to find the answer.


🗣️ /sliːp/

නිදා ගන්නවා

How to use "sleep" in a sentence:

sleep (adv./prep.)

  • She sleeps deeply every night.


🗣️ /slaɪd/

ලිස්සා යනවා/යවනවා

How to use "slide" in a sentence:

slide (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She slides the book onto the shelf.


🗣️ /slɪp/

ලිස්සා යනවා, ලිස්සා වැටෙනවා

How to use "slip" in a sentence:

slip (adv./prep.)

  • She slipped quietly down the hallway.

slip (over)

  • The banana peel caused him to slip over.


🗣️ /sləʊ/

වේගය අඩු වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "slow" in a sentence:

slow (someone/something) (down)

  • Walking with a heavy backpack slowed me down.


🗣️ /smel/

ගඳ සුවඳ

පිට කරනවා/දැනෙනවා/බලනවා, ඉව අල්ලනවා

How to use "smell*" in a sentence:

smell* adj.

  • The flowers smell sweet.

smell* of something

  • The room smelled of freshly baked cookies.

smell* like something

  • The food smells like garlic.

smell* something

  • I can smell the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread.

smell* something doing something

  • I smell something burning in the kitchen.

smell* that...

  • I smell something burning.


🗣️ /smaɪl/

සිනහ වෙනවා

How to use "smile" in a sentence:

smile at someone/something

  • She smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

smile adv./prep.

  • She smiled happily at her friend.


🗣️ /sməʊk/

දුම් පිට කරනවා, දුම් බොනවා, දුම් ගස්සනවා

How to use "smoke" in a sentence:

smoke (something)

  • The man smokes a cigarette outside the building.


🗣️ /snɪə(r)/

උපහාසාත්මක ලෙස කතා කරනවා/සිනාසෙනවා

How to use "sneer" in a sentence:

sneer (at someone/something)

  • She sneered at the poor quality of the presentation.


🗣️ /sniːz/

කිවිසුම් අරිනවා

How to use "sneeze" in a sentence:

  • He sneezed loudly in class, interrupting the lecture.


🗣️ /snəʊ

හිම වැටෙනවා

How to use "snow" in a sentence:

  • It snowed yesterday.


🗣️ /səʊk/

පෙඟෙනවා, පොඟවනවා

How to use "soak" in a sentence:

soak (someone/something) (in something)

  • I soaked my shirt in a bucket of water to get rid of the stain.


🗣️ /sɒlv/


How to use "solve" in a sentence:

solve something

  • The students must solve the math problem before the end of class.


🗣️ /sɔːt/

වර්ග කරනවා, තෝරනවා

How to use "sort" in a sentence:

sort something (into/from something)

  • She sorted the clothes into different piles based on their colors.


🗣️ /saʊnd/

ශබ්ද නගනවා, වගේ ඇහෙනවා (දැනෙනවා), නාද කරනවා

How to use "sound" in a sentence:

sound adj.

  • "The music sounded beautiful."

sound noun

  • The alarm sounded loudly.

sound like someone/something

  • She sounds like her mother when she talks.

sound as if

  • It sounds as if the dog is barking in the backyard.

sound something

  • The alarm clock sounds early in the morning.


🗣️ /spiːk/

කතා කරනවා

How to use "speak" in a sentence:

speak (to/with someone) (about something/someone)

  • I speak to my best friend about my problems.

speak of someone/something

  • He always speaks highly of his mother.

speak adv./prep.

  • She speaks fluently in English.


🗣️ /spiːd/

වේගවත් කරනවා, වේගයෙන් යනවා/ගෙනයනවා

How to use "speed*" in a sentence:

speed* something

  • "I will speed up my studying to finish the exam on time."

speed* (someone/something) (adv./prep.)

  • She sped down the highway on her motorcycle.


🗣️ /spel/

වචනයක අකුරු වෙන වෙනම පිළිවෙලින් කියනවා

How to use "spell*" in a sentence:

spell* something

  • I can spell my name, it's J-A-N-E.


🗣️ /spend/

වියදම් කරනවා, වැය කරනවා

How to use "spend" in a sentence:

spend something (on someone/something)

  • He spends his money on books.

spend something (on/in) doing something

  • "He spent all of his savings on buying a new car."


🗣️ /spɪl/

(ද්‍රවයක්) හැලෙනවා, හලනවා

How to use "spill*" in a sentence:

spill* (something) (adv./prep.)

  • The child spilled the milk quickly.


🗣️ /spɪn/

භ්‍රමණය වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "spin" in a sentence:

spin (something) (adv./prep.)

  • I spun the top clockwise.


🗣️ /splɪt/

කොටස්වලට වෙන් වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "split" in a sentence:

split (something) (into something)

  • She split the cake into equal pieces for everyone to enjoy.

split something (with someone)

  • I split the bill with my friend at the restaurant.

split something between someone

  • I split the cake between my two friends.


🗣️ /spɔɪl/

නරක් කරනවා, (කෑම) නරක් වෙනවා

How to use "spoil*" in a sentence:

spoil* someone/something

  • He spoils his dog by giving it too many treats.


🗣️ /ˈspɒnsə(r)/

අනුග්‍රහය දක්වනවා

How to use "sponsor" in a sentence:

sponsor someone/something (for something)

  • She sponsored her daughter for a dance competition.

sponsor someone/something (to do something)

  • She sponsored him to attend the international conference.

sponsor someone/something (through something)

  • She sponsors her nephew through his university education.


🗣️ /spred/

පැතිරෙනවා/පතුරනවා, විහිදෙනවා/විහිදුවනවා, එළනවා, (ජෑම්/බටර් වැනි) තුනී තට්ටුවක් ගානවා

How to use "spread" in a sentence:

spread (something) (adv./prep.)

  • I spread butter on my toast.

spread something (out) (on/over something)

  • She spread the picnic blanket out on the grass before placing the food on top.

spread A on/over B

  • He spread butter on his toast.

spread B with A

  • "The chef spread the toast with butter."


🗣️ /skwɒʃ/

තලා පොඩි කරනවා

How to use "squash" in a sentence:

squash something/someone (against something)

  • I squashed the bug against the wall with my shoe.


🗣️ /skwiːz/

(ඇඟිලිවලින්) තද කරමින් මිරිකනවා

How to use "squeeze" in a sentence:

squeeze (something)

  • The child squeezed the balloon until it popped.

squeeze something (out)

  • I squeezed the toothpaste out of the tube.

squeeze something (out of/from something)

  • She squeezed the juice out of the orange.


🗣️ /ˈsteɪbəlaɪz/

ස්ථායී වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "stablize" in a sentence:

stablize (something)

  • The new medication helped to stabilize her blood pressure.


🗣️ /steɪn/

කැළැල් කරනවා

How to use "stain" in a sentence:

stain (something) (with something)

  • I stained my shirt with spaghetti sauce.


🗣️ /stænd/

හිටගන්නවා/හිට්ටනවා, පිහිටා තියෙනවා, නැගී සිටිනවා etc.

How to use "stand" in a sentence:

stand (someone/something) (adv./prep.)

  • I stood the bottle on the table for everyone to see.

stand + adj./noun

  • The car stood abandoned on the side of the road.

stand to do something

  • She stood to read the poem aloud in front of the class.

stand on something

  • I stand on the chair to change the lightbulb.


🗣️ /stɑːt/

ආරම්භ කරනවා, පටන් ගන්නවා, ක්‍රියාත්මක කරනවා

How to use "start" in a sentence:

start something

  • I start the car.

start to something

  • She starts to read the book.

start (someone) doing something

  • She started her son studying for the test.

start on something

  • The students will start on the project tomorrow.


🗣️ /steɪt/

ප්‍රකාශ කරනවා, සඳහන් කරනවා

How to use "state" in a sentence:

state something

  • She stated her feelings about the situation.

state that...

  • The teacher stated that the test would be postponed.

state wh-

  • "Can you state when your birthday is?"


🗣️ /steɪ/

රැඳී සිටිනවා, නැවතී සිටිනවා

How to use "stay" in a sentence:

stay (adv./prep.)

  • She stays at home.

stay doing something

  • She stays practicing the piano every evening.


🗣️ /stiːl/

හොරකම් කරනවා, හොරෙන් යනවා

How to use "steal" in a sentence:

steal (something) (from someone/something)

  • She stole my pen from my desk.

steal adv./prep.

  • He stole quietly into the room while everyone was sleeping.


🗣️ /stɪk/

හිර වෙනවා/කරනවා, ඇලෙනවා/අලවනවා, (යමක් තුළට) ඔබනවා

How to use "stick" in a sentence:

stick (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She stuck the note on the fridge with a magnet.

stick (in something)

  • I stick my notes in my notebook for safe keeping.


🗣️ /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/

උත්තේජනය කරනවා

How to use "stimulate" in a sentence:

stimulate someone/something (to do something)

  • Stimulate the students to participate actively in the classroom discussions.


🗣️ /stɪŋk/

අප්‍රසන්න ගඳක් විහිදුවනවා

How to use "stink" in a sentence:

stink (of something)

  • The garbage bin stinks of rotten food.


🗣️ /stɜː(r)/

හැන්දෙන් කලතනවා/කලවම් කරනවා, යන්තම් හෙලවෙනවා/හොලවනවා, (හැඟීමක්) ඇවිස්සෙනවා/අවුස්සනවා

How to use "stir" in a sentence:

stir something

  • He stirred the soup before serving it.

stir something (into something)

  • I will stir the sugar into my tea until it dissolves.

stir (someone/something)

  • She stirred the soup with a wooden spoon.


🗣️ /stɒp/

නතර වෙනවා/කරනවා, (යමක් කරන්නට) නතර වෙනවා

How to use "stop" in a sentence:

stop (someone/something)

  • Please stop talking.

stop doing something

  • "Stop eating that candy, it's not good for you."

stop for something

  • I will stop for coffee on my way to work.

stop to do something

  • I will stop to have lunch before continuing my work.


🗣️ /stɔː(r)/

ගබඩා කර තබා ගන්නවා

How to use "store" in a sentence:

store something (away/up)

  • I store my winter clothes away during the summer.


🗣️ /ˈstreŋθn/

ශක්තිමත් වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "strengthen" in a sentence:

strengthen (someone/something)

  • He spent years in the gym to strengthen his muscles.


🗣️ /stres/

අවධාරණය කරනවා, (යාන්ත්‍රික/කායික/මානසික) පීඩනයට හසු වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "stress" in a sentence:

stress something

  • I stress the importance of studying grammar in order to improve your English skills.

stress that...

  • I stress that studying regularly is important for improving your English skills.

stress wh-

  • I stress what is most important in my lessons to ensure my students understand key concepts.

stress (someone) out

  • The final exams are really stressing my students out.


🗣️ /stretʃ/

අදිනවා/ඇදෙනවා, (අත) දිගු කරනවා, විහිදෙනවා

How to use "stretch" in a sentence:

stretch (something)

  • She stretched her arms after sitting at her desk for hours.

stretch (something) (adv./prep.)

  • He stretched his arms upwards to relieve the tension in his muscles.


🗣️ /straɪk/

වැදෙනවා/වද්දනවා, ගැටෙනවා/ගටනවා, පහර දෙනවා etc.

How to use "strike" in a sentence:

strike someone/something

  • The boxer struck his opponent with a powerful punch.


🗣️ /straɪv/

(වෙනුවෙන්/විරුද්ධව) තදින්ම මහන්සි වෙනවා, උත්සාහ කරනවා

How to use "strive*" in a sentence:

strive* (for/against something)

  • He strives for excellence in all his academic pursuits.

strive* to do something

  • I strive to improve my English every day.


🗣️ /ˈstrʌɡl/

(වෙනුවෙන්/විරුද්ධව/සමග) අරගල/සටන් කරනවා

How to use "struggle" in a sentence:

struggle (for/against/with someone/something)

  • She struggled for years to make her dream come true.

struggle to do something

  • She struggles to understand the math problem.


🗣️ /ˈstʌdi/

අධ්‍යනය කරනවා, හදාරනවා, පාඩම් කරනවා

How to use "study" in a sentence:

study (something)

  • I study math every evening.

study (for something)

  • I study for my exams every day after school.

study (something) (at/under …)

  • She studies mathematics at the university.

study to be/do something

  • She studies to be a doctor.

study wh-

  • I study when my mom lets me.


🗣️ /səbˈmɜːdʒ/

(දියරයක) ගිලෙනවා/ගිල්වනවා, (හැඟීමක්/අදහසක්) සම්පූර්ණයෙන් යටපත් කරනවා

How to use "submerge" in a sentence:

submerge (something)

  • The submarine submerged for a deep-sea exploration.


🗣️ /səkˈsiːd/

සාර්ථක වෙනවා/කරගන්නවා, අනුපිළිවෙලින් (පදවියකට) පත් වෙනවා

How to use "succeed" in a sentence:

succeed in something

  • She succeeded in her presentation.

succeed in doing something

  • He succeeded in passing the exam.

succeed as something

  • He will succeed as a doctor one day.

succeed someone/something

  • Jill will succeed Sarah as the president of the student council.

succeed to something

  • He succeeded to his father's business after his passing.


🗣️ /sʌk/

උරනවා, උරා බොනවා, (දියර/වායුව ආදිය) අදිනවා

How to use "suck" in a sentence:

suck something (adv./prep.)

  • She sucks loudly on her straw, trying to get a taste of her milkshake.

suck (at/on) something

  • I suck at playing the guitar.


🗣️ /ˈsʌfə(r)/

(ලෙඩකින්/දුකකින්/හිඟකමකින් ආදියෙන්) විඳවනවා

How to use "suffer" in a sentence:

suffer from something

  • She suffers from a chronic illness.

suffer for something

  • He suffered for his mistakes.

suffer something

  • The children suffered hunger and malnutrition in war-torn countries.


🗣️ /səˈdʒest/

යෝජනා කරනවා, හඟවනවා

How to use "suggest" in a sentence:

suggest something (to someone)

  • We should suggest an alternative plan to the team.

suggest something (as something)

  • I suggest apples as a healthy snack.

suggest something (for something) suggest doing something

  • I suggest studying every day.

suggest that...

  • I suggest that you study harder if you want to improve your grades.

suggest wh-

  • I suggest what you should wear to the party.


🗣️ /suːt/

යෝග්‍ය වෙනවා, (ඇඳුමක් වැන්නක්) ගැලපෙනවා

How to use "suit" in a sentence:

suit someone/something

  • "The red dress suits you perfectly."


🗣️ /sʌlk/

බුම්මා ගන්නවා

How to use "sulk" in a sentence:

  • He sulked after failing the exam.


🗣️ /səˈplaɪ/

සපයනවා, ලබා දෙනවා

How to use "supply" in a sentence:

supply something (to someone/something)

  • The company supplies paper to their clients.

supply someone/something (with something)

  • The store will supply us with fresh produce every week.


🗣️ /səˈpɔːt/

සහාය දෙනවා, ආධාර උපකාර කරනවා, ආධාරකයක් ලෙස පවතිනවා

How to use "support" in a sentence:

support someone/something (in something)

  • "I support my students in their pursuit of academic excellence."

support someone/something

  • I support my students in learning English.


🗣️ /səˈpəʊz/

(යමක් එසේ යැයි) සිතනවා/සලකනවා/උපකල්පනය කරනවා

How to use "suppose" in a sentence:

suppose (that)

  • "I suppose that you are tired after running all day."

suppose someone/something to be/do/have

  • I suppose the cat to be sleeping on the couch.

suppose something

  • I suppose she will arrive late.


🗣️ /səˈpres/

යමක් බලෙන් මැඩ පවත්වනවා

How to use "supress" in a sentence:

supress something

  • She tried to suppress her emotions during the speech.


🗣️ /səˈpraɪz/

විශ්මයට/පුදුමයට පත් කරනවා

How to use "surprise" in a sentence:

surprise someone

  • He surprised me with a birthday party.

surprise someone (wh-)

  • I surprised my friend with a birthday party.


🗣️ /səˈraʊnd/

වට කරනවා, වටේට තියෙනවා

How to use "surround" in a sentence:

surround someone/something

  • The walls surround the castle.

surround someone/something (with someone/something) [P.V.]

  • The fence surrounds the garden, keeping the flowers safe from the animals.


🗣️ /səˈvaɪv/

නොනැසී ජීවත්වෙනවා/පවතිනවා/ඉතිරි වෙනවා, (යමකින්) දිවි රැක ගන්නවා, (යමකට) ඔරොත්තු දෙනවා

How to use "survive" in a sentence:

survive (something)

  • "She survived the car accident."

survive (from something)

  • They survived the earthquake by taking shelter under the sturdy table.

survive (on something)

  • They can survive on just rice and vegetables for weeks if necessary.


🗣️ /səˈspekt/

සැක කරනවා, අනුමාන කරනවා

How to use "suspect" in a sentence:

suspect (something)

  • I suspect that she stole my necklace.

suspect (that)

  • I suspect that she ate all the cookies.

suspect someone/something (to be/do/have something)

  • John suspects his neighbor to be a thief.


🗣️ /ˈswɒləʊ/

ගිලිනවා, ගිලගන්නවා, (යමක් සත්‍ය යැයි) පිළිගන්නවා

How to use "swallow" in a sentence:

swallow (something)

  • He swallowed a piece of candy without chewing it.


🗣️ /swɒp/

හුවමාරු කරගන්නවා

How to use "swap" in a sentence:

swap (something) (with someone)

  • I will swap my pencil with hers.

swap something for something

  • I swapped my pen for a pencil.

swap something

  • She swapped her pencil for his eraser.

swap (over)

  • We can swap over to the other team once we're finished with this game.


🗣️ /sweə(r)/

දිවුරනවා, පරුෂ වචනයෙන් බැණ වදිනවා

How to use "swear" in a sentence:

swear something

  • She swore her loyalty to him.

swear to do something

  • I swear to never give up on my dreams.

swear (on something)

  • She swore on her mother's grave that she would never return to that town again.

swear (that)

  • I swear that I saw a ghost last night.

swear at someone/something

  • "I heard him swear at the computer when it crashed."


🗣️ /swet/

දහඩිය දානවා, යම් වැඩකට තදින් මහන්සි වෙනවා

How to use "sweat" in a sentence:

sweat (something)

  • She sweated through her shirt during her intense workout at the gym.

sweat over something

  • I sweat over my math homework every night.


🗣️ /swiːp/

අතු ගානවා, (සුළඟ/වැස්ස/ගින්න) වේගයෙන් හමා යනවා

How to use "sweep" in a sentence:

sweep (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She sweeps the floor quickly.

sweep (adv./prep.)

  • She swept the floor quickly to remove the dust.


🗣️ /swel/

ඉදිමෙනවා, පිම්බෙනවා/පුම්බනවා, (ප්‍රමාණයෙන්) විශාල/වැඩි වෙනවා

How to use "swell" in a sentence:

swell (up)

  • Her ankle swelled up after she twisted it during soccer practice.

swell (something) (out)

  • The bruise on his arm swelled out, turning an angry purple color.

swell (something) (to something)

  • The balloon swelled to its maximum size.


🗣️ /swɪm/

පිහිනනවා, පාවෙනවා etc.

How to use "swim" in a sentence:

swim (something) (adv./prep.)

  • The fish swims gracefully in the ocean.


🗣️ /swɪŋ/

පැද්දෙනවා/පද්දනවා, (පහර දෙන්නට යමක්) වනනවා, වැනෙනවා, (අදහස්) එකින් එකට මාරු වෙනවා

How to use "swing" in a sentence:

swing (something)

  • She swung her umbrella as she walked down the street.

swing from something

  • She swung from the monkey bars at the playground.

swing adv./prep.

  • She swung gracefully over the bar.

swing (something) (at someone/something)

  • He swung his baseball bat at the ball.


🗣️ /swɪtʃ/

(දෙයකින් දෙයකට) මාරු කරනවා, එහා මෙහා කරනවා, හුවමාරු කරනවා/කරගන්නවා

How to use "switch" in a sentence:

switch (something) (over) (from something) (to something)

  • "Please switch the lights over from the kitchen to the living room."

switch between A and B

  • The students can switch between speaking Sinhala and English during class discussions.

switch something (over/around)

  • She switched the lights around to create a more comfortable ambiance in the room.

switch (something) (with someone/something)

  • She switched seats with her friend to get a better view of the movie.


🗣️ /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/

සංකේතවත් කරනවා

How to use "symbolize" in a sentence:

symbolize something

  • The dove symbolizes peace.


🗣️ /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/

අනුකම්පාව දක්වනවා

How to use "sympathize" in a sentence:

sympathize (with someone/something)

  • I sympathize with your situation.