Verb Tenses

Present perfect

The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the result or the effect than in the action itself.

Subject-Verb Agreement

The present perfect of any verb is composed of two elements : the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb to have (present tense), plus the past participle of the main verb.


  • I have drunk...
  • You have drunk...
  • We have drunk...
  • They have drunk...
  • He has drunk...
  • She has drunk...
  • It has drunk...


  • Have I drunk...?
  • Have you drunk...?
  • Have we drunk...?
  • Have they drunk...?
  • Has he drunk...?
  • Has she drunk...?
  • Has it drunk...?


  • I haven't drunk...
    • I have not drunk...
  • You haven't drunk...
    • You have not drunk...
  • We haven't drunk...
    • We have not drunk...
  • They haven't drunk...
    • They have not drunk...
  • He hasn't drunk...
    • He has not drunk...
  • She hasn't drunk...
    • She has not drunk...
  • It hasn't drunk...
    • It has not drunk...


To describe an action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present.


  • I have lived in Bristol since 1984 (= and I still do.)
  • They haven't lived here for years.
  • She has worked in the bank for five years.
  • We have had the same car for ten years.

To describe an action performed during a period that has not yet finished.


  • She has been to the cinema twice this week (= and the week isn't over yet.)
  • It has rained a lot this year.
  • We haven't seen her today.

A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now.


  • We have visited Portugal several times.
  • They have seen that film six times
  • It has happened several times already.
  • We have eaten at that restaurant many times.

To describe an action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by 'just'.


  • I have just finished my work.
  • I have just eaten.
  • We have just seen her.
  • Has he just left?

To describe an action when the precise time of the action is not important or not known:


  • He has read 'War and Peace'. (= the result of his reading is important)
  • Someone has eaten my soup!
  • She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English.

ever and never

The adverbs ever and never express the idea of an unidentified time before now. ever and never are always placed before the main verb.

In questions


Have you ever been to England? Has she ever met the Prime Minister?

In negative questions


  • Haven't they ever been to Europe?
  • Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food?

In some statements

nothing + ever or nobody + ever


  • Nobody has ever said that to me before.
  • Nothing like this has ever happened to us.
the first time


  • It's the first time that I've ever eaten snails.
  • This is the first time I've ever been to England.


never means at no time before now, and is the same as not ... ever:


  • I have never visited Berlin


already refers to an action that has happened at an unspecified time before now. It suggests that there is no need for repetition.


  • I've already drunk three coffees this morning.
    • (= and you're offering me another one!)
  • Don't write to John, I've already done it.

It is also used in questions:


  • Have you already written to John?
  • Has she finished her homework already?

already can be placed before the main verb (past participle) or at the end of the sentence:


  • I have already been to Tokyo.
  • I have been to Tokyo already.


yet is used in negative statements and questions, to mean not in the period of time between before now and now, not up to and including the present. yet is usually placed at the end of the sentence.


  • Have you met Judy yet?
  • I haven't visited the Tate Gallery yet
  • Has he arrived yet?
  • They haven't eaten yet

for and since

Using the present perfect, we can define a period of time before now by considering its duration, with for + a period of time, or by considering its starting point, with since + a point in time.

for + a period of time


  • I have worked here for five years.
  • She has lived here for twenty years.
  • We have taught at this school for a long time.
  • Alice has been married for three months.
  • They have been at the hotel for a week.

since + a point in time


  • I have worked here since 1990.
  • She has lived here since 1980.
  • We have taught at this school since 1965.
  • Alice has been married since March 2nd.
  • They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday.

Present Perfect vs. Simple Past

Use the present perfect tense when the time of the action is not specified or important, and use the simple past when details about the time or place than an action occurred are given.

Present PerfectSimple Past
I have lived in Lyon.I lived in Lyon in 1989
They have eaten Thai food.They ate Thai food last night.
Have you seen 'Othello'?When did you see 'Othello'?
We have been to Ireland.When did you go to Ireland?


There is also a difference in attitude between the two tenses, which is often an important factor in choosing which tense to use.

"What did you do at school today?"

The simple past tense is used here because the question is about activities, and the school day is considered finished.

"What have you done at school today? Show me."

The present perfect is used here because the question is about results. The time at which the question is asked is considered as a continuation of the school day.