
🗣️ /peɪs/

සක්මන් කරනවා, වේගය පිහිටුවනවා

How to use "pace" in a sentence:

pace adv./prep.

  • He walked at a leisurely pace through the park.

pace something

  • She paced her room, her mind racing with worry.


🗣️ /pæk/

අඩුක්කරනවා, තදබදව අසුරනවා

How to use "pack" in a sentence:

pack something (in/into something)

  • We pack our clothes in suitcases for our trip.


🗣️ /peɪnt/

සිතුවම් කරනවා, සායම් ගානවා, තීත්ත ගානවා

How to use "paint" in a sentence:

paint someone/something

  • I paint the wall blue.

paint something (with something)

  • The children paint the walls with bright colors.

paint something + adj.

  • She painted her bedroom walls white.


🗣️ /ˈpænɪk/

හදිසි බියෙන් කලබල වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "panic" in a sentence:

panic (someone)

  • The sudden loud noise panicked the small child.


🗣️ /pænt/

හති දානවා

How to use "pant" in a sentence:

  • I pant after running for an hour.


🗣️ /ˈpærəlaɪz/

අඩපණ කරනවා, අඩාල කරනවා

How to use "paralyse" in a sentence:

paralyse someone/something

  • Paralyse stress can harm your health.


🗣️ /ˈpærəfreɪz/

කියූ/ලියූ දෙයක් වෙනත් වචනවලින් තේරුම් කරනවා (තේරෙන භාෂාවෙන් කියනවා)

How to use "paraphrase" in a sentence:

paraphrase (something)

  • I will paraphrase the sentence to make it easier for my students to understand.


🗣️ /ˈpɑːdn/

සමාව දෙනවා, වරදකින් නිදහස් කරනවා

How to use "pardon" in a sentence:

pardon someone/something

  • Pardon me, I did not hear what you said.


🗣️ /pɑːk/

(වාහනයක්) නතර කරනවා

How to use "park" in a sentence:

park something (adv./prep.)

  • I parked my car in the garage.


🗣️ /ˈpæri/

ප්‍රහාරයක් වළක්වනවා

How to use "parry" in a sentence:

parry (something)

  • I was able to parry his attack and land a counter punch.


🗣️ /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/

සහභාගී වෙනවා

How to use "participate" in a sentence:

participate (in something)

  • I participate in sports every weekend.


🗣️ /pɑːs/

යමක් පසු කර යනවා, සමත් වෙනවා, ඉදිරියට යනවා, අතින් අතට යනවා/යවනවා

How to use "pass" in a sentence:

pass someone/something

  • The teacher passed the papers to the students.

pass adv./prep.

  • After studying for weeks, she finally passed her driving test with flying colors.

pass someone something

  • I passed the soda to my friend at the dinner table.

pass something (to someone)

  • I will pass the book to my friend.


🗣️ /peɪst/


How to use "paste" in a sentence:

paste something (adv./prep.)

  • "Paste the picture on the wall carefully."


🗣️ /pæt/

පැතලි අතින් හෙමිහිට

තට්ටු කරනවා

How to use "pat" in a sentence:

pat something

  • I pat my dog on the head for being a good boy.


🗣️ /pætʃ/

අණ්ඩ දමනවා

How to use "patch" in a sentence:

patch something (with something)

  • She patched the hole in the wall with a piece of duct tape.


🗣️ /pəˈtrəʊl/

මුර සංචාරයේ යෙදෙනවා

How to use "patrol" in a sentence:

patrol (something)

  • "The police patrol the streets every night to ensure safety."


🗣️ /pɔːn/

උකස් කරනවා

How to use "pawn" in a sentence:

pawn something

  • I was forced to pawn my mother's ring for rent money.


🗣️ /peɪ/

ගෙවනවා etc.

How to use "pay" in a sentence:

pay (something) (for something)

  • He paid $10 for his lunch.

pay someone something

  • I will pay you ten dollars for helping me with my homework.

pay (something) (to/for someone)

  • I pay my rent to my landlord every month.

pay (someone) (for something)

  • She pays her babysitter for watching her children.

pay someone to do something

  • She paid her brother to wash the car.

pay with something

  • The customer paid with cash for the groceries.


🗣️ /piːk/

(නොබැලිය යුත්තක් දිහා) හොරෙන් බලනවා

How to use "peek" in a sentence:

peek at someone/something

  • She sneaked a peek at the exam paper to check the answer.

peek adv./prep.

  • She peeked over the wall to see what was happening.


🗣️ /piːl/

පොතු අරිනවා, ලෙලි අරිනවා, පොතු ගැලවෙනවා

How to use "peel" in a sentence:

peel something

  • He peels the apple before eating it.

peel something (away/off)

  • She peeled the sticker off the book.

peel (off)

  • The banana peel came off easily in my hand.


🗣️ /piːp/

සිදුරකින් එබී හොරෙන් බලනවා

How to use "peep" in a sentence:

peep at someone/something

  • She peeps at her new baby brother through the nursery window.

peep adv./prep.

  • The baby peeped curiously into the box.


🗣️ /ˈpenətreɪt/

පසාරු කරගෙන යනවා

How to use "penetrate" in a sentence:

penetrate something

  • "The knife was able to penetrate the tough apple easily."

penetrate into/through something

  • The water from the leaking roof penetrates into the ceiling, causing damage.


🗣️ /pəˈfekt/

යමක් පරිපූර්ණත්වය දෙසට වැඩි දියුණු කරනවා

How to use "perfect" in a sentence:

perfect something

  • I will perfect my tennis serve before the tournament begins.


🗣️ /pəˈfɔːm/

(යමක්) කරනවා, (නාට්‍යයක) රඟ පානවා

How to use "perform" in a sentence:

perform (something)

  • She performed a beautiful dance in front of the audience.

perform adv./prep.

  • He performed exceptionally well in his piano recital.


🗣️ /ˈperɪʃ/

විනාශ වෙනවා

How to use "perish" in a sentence:

  • The flowers will perish without enough water.


🗣️ /pəˈmɪt/

අවසර දෙනවා

How to use "permit" in a sentence:

permit something

  • The teacher permitted the students to bring their own notes into the exam.

permit someone to do something

  • I permit my students to use their first language in the classroom if they need to clarify something.


🗣️ /pəˈsweɪd/


(යමක් කරන්නට) පොළඹවා ගන්නවා

How to use "persuade" in a sentence:

persuade someone (to do something)

  • I persuaded my friend to join the club.

persuade someone (into doing something)

  • I persuaded him into trying the new restaurant.


🗣️ /pet/

හුරතල් කරනවා

How to use "pet" in a sentence:

pet someone/something

  • The boy loves to pet his dog.


🗣️ /fəʊn/

දුරකතනයෙන් අමතනවා

How to use "phone" in a sentence:

phone someone/something

  • "I'll phone the IT department tomorrow to fix the computer issue."


🗣️ /pɪk/

තෝරාගන්නවා, (දත්/නහය) හාරනවා, නෙළා ගන්නවා, ඇහිඳිනවා

How to use "pick" in a sentence:

pick someone/something

  • I will pick a flower for my mom from the garden.

pick something up

  • She picked up the pencil from her desk.


🗣️ /pɪəs/

විදිනවා, පසාරු කරගෙන යනවා

How to use "pierce" in a sentence:

pierce something

  • She pierced her ear with a needle.

pierce (though) something

  • "The needle pierced through the fabric easily, leaving a tiny hole behind."


🗣️ /paɪl/

එක උඩ එක තියනවා/ගොඩගහනවා

How to use "place" in a sentence:

place something (up)

  • Place the book up on the shelf.

place B on(to) A

  • He placed the book on the table.

place adv./prep.

  • I placed the book on the table.


🗣️ /pleɪs/

(පරෙස්සමින්) කිසියම් තැනකින් තබනවා

How to use "plan" in a sentence:

plan (someone) (adv./prep.)

  • I planned her a surprise party next week.


🗣️ /plɑːnt/

පැළ කරනවා

How to use "plant" in a sentence:

plant something

  • I will plant flowers in my garden tomorrow.


🗣️ /pleɪ/

සෙල්ලම් කරනවා, වාදනය කරනවා, රඟ දක්වනවා

How to use "play" in a sentence:

play (something)

  • She plays soccer every Saturday.


🗣️ /pliːd/

ආයාචනා කරනවා

How to use "plead" in a sentence:

plead (with someone) (to do something)

  • I plead with my students to study harder for their upcoming exams.

plead (with someone) (for something)

  • He pleaded with the judge for a lighter sentence.


🗣️ /pliːz/

සතුටු කරනවා

How to use "please" in a sentence:

please (someone) (to do something)

  • "Please remind your mother to pick you up from school at 3 PM."


🗣️ /pɔɪnt/

(ඇඟිල්ල/තුවක්කුව ආදිය) දික් කරනවා/එල්ල කරනවා

How to use "point" in a sentence:

point (at/to/towards someone/something)

  • She pointed to the board to direct her students' attention to the new vocabulary words.

point (something) at someone/something

  • Sarah pointed her finger at the map on the wall.


🗣️ /ˈpɔɪzn/

වස දෙනවා, වස දානවා

How to use "poison" in a sentence:

poison someone

  • I will poison someone if they try to harm me.

poison something

  • "I accidentally poisoned the plants by using too much fertilizer."


🗣️ /pəˈluːt/

යම් දෙයක් දූෂ්‍ය කරනවා/අපිරිසිදු කරනවා

How to use "pollute" in a sentence:

pollute something (by/with something)

  • The factory pollutes the river by dumping chemicals into it.


🗣️ /pɔːˈtreɪ/

විචිත්‍රව විස්තර කරනවා

How to use "portray" in a sentence:

portray someone/something (as something)

  • He portrayed himself as a successful businessman.


🗣️ /pəˈzes/

අයිතිව තියෙනවා, අයත් කරගෙන ඉන්නවා

How to use "possess" in a sentence:

possess something

  • She possesses a beautiful singing voice.


🗣️ /pəʊst/

තැපැල් කරනවා, දැනගැනීම පිණිස ප්‍රසිද්ධ කරනවා etc.

How to use "post" in a sentence:

post someone something

  • I will post you the invitation tomorrow.

post something (off) (to someone)

  • I will post the package off to my friend tomorrow.

post something (adv./prep.)

  • She posted her resume on the job website.


🗣️ /pɔː(r)/



How to use "pour" in a sentence:

pour (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She poured milk slowly into her cereal bowl.

pour something (out)

  • He poured the milk out of the bottle into a glass.

pour someone something

  • She poured him a glass of water.

pour something for someone

  • He poured some water for his friend.


🗣️ /ˈpræktɪs/

පුරුදු පුහුණු වෙනවා, ක්‍රියාවෙහි යොදවනවා

How to use "practise" in a sentence:

practise something

  • "I practise yoga every morning to improve my flexibility."

practise (for something)

  • She practiced for her piano recital every day.

practise doing something

  • Students must practise speaking English every day in order to improve their skills.

practise (something) on someone/something

  • She practiced her speech on her cat before presenting it to her class.


🗣️ /preɪz/

වර්ණනා කරනවා, ප්‍රශංසා කරනවා

How to use "praise" in a sentence:

praise someone/something (for something)

  • He praised her for her hard work.

praise someone/something (for doing something)

  • She praised her students for their hard work in studying English.

praise someone/something (as something)

  • He praised his students as hardworking and dedicated.


🗣️ /preɪ/

යාඥා කරනවා, යදිනවා

How to use "pray" in a sentence:

pray for someone/something

  • I pray for my family's health and happiness every day.

pray to someone (for someone/something)

  • I pray to God for good health.


🗣️ /prɪˈdɪkt/

අනාවැකි පල කරනවා, වෙන දේ කලින් කියනවා

How to use "predict" in a sentence:

predict something

  • She predicted the outcome of the game.

predict that...

  • "I predict that it will rain tomorrow."

predict wh-

  • I predict which team will win the game.


🗣️ /prɪˈfɜː(r)/

වැඩිපුර කැමතියි

How to use "prefer" in a sentence:

prefer someone/something

  • I prefer tea over coffee.

prefer someone/something + adj.

  • She prefers spicy food.

prefer to do something

  • I prefer to study early in the morning.

prefer doing something

  • I prefer reading to watching TV.

prefer that...

  • I prefer that you use a pencil instead of a pen for this assignment.

prefer A to B

  • I prefer tea to coffee.


🗣️ /prɪˈpeə(r)/

සූදානම් වෙනවා, සූදානම් කරනවා

How to use "prepare" in a sentence:

prepare (someone/something) (for someone/something)

  • She prepares her children for school every morning.

prepare to do something

  • I prepare to teach my students every day.


🗣️ /prɪˈskraɪb/

(පොතක්/බෙහෙතක්) නියම කරනවා

How to use "prescribe" in a sentence:

prescribe something

  • The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection.

prescribe (someone) something (for something)

  • "The doctor prescribed the patient painkillers for their headache."

prescribe that...

  • "I prescribe that my students practice speaking English every day to improve their language skills."

prescribe wh-

  • The doctor prescribed whatever medication the patient needed.


🗣️ /prɪˈzent/

ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා, ගෙනහැර දක්වනවා, තෑගි කරනවා

How to use "present" in a sentence:

present something (to someone)

  • She presented her project to the class.

present someone with something

  • I will present you with a certificate for your outstanding performance in class.

present someone/something (as someone/something)

  • She presented herself as a successful businesswoman in the interview.


🗣️ /prɪˈzɜːv/

යම් දෙයක තත්වය ආරක්ෂා කරගන්නවා, කෑම කල් තබා ගන්නවා

How to use "preserve" in a sentence:

preserve something

  • I preserve old photographs in acid-free paper to prevent them from deteriorating.


🗣️ /pres/

තද වෙනවා/කරනවා, මිරිකනවා, පීඩනයක් යොදනවා

How to use "press" in a sentence:

press (someone/something) (against someone/something)

  • He pressed his body against the wall to hide from the security guard.

press something together

  • I pressed my hands together in prayer.

press something to something

  • She pressed the button to turn on the computer.


🗣️ /prɪˈzjuːm/

සත්‍ය යැයි සිතනවා, අනුමාන කරනවා

How to use "presume" in a sentence:

presume (that)

  • I presume that you will arrive on time for the meeting.

presume something

  • I presume you are enjoying the class.

presume someone/something + adj.

  • He presumed the exam would be easy because he studied well.

presume someone/something to be someone/something

  • I presume the new student to be from Sri Lanka based on her accent.

presume someone/something to have done something

  • I presume the student to have completed the assignment yesterday.


🗣️ /prɪˈtend/

යම් දෙයක් බොරුවට අඟවනවා

How to use "pretend" in a sentence:

pretend (to someone) (that)

  • I pretended to my friend that I hadn't eaten the last piece of cake.

pretend to be/do/have something

  • I pretend to be a doctor during playtime.

pretend something

  • "She pretended to be a princess during the school play."


🗣️ /prɪˈvent/


How to use "prevent" in a sentence:

prevent someone/something (doing something)

  • I will teach you how to prevent yourself from getting a cold during the winter season.

prevent someone/something (from doing something)

  • I prevent my dog from chewing on my shoes.


🗣️ /praɪs/

මිල නියම කරනවා

How to use "price" in a sentence:

price something at something

  • I priced the car at $10,000.

price something (up)

  • I priced up the car before deciding to buy it.

price something (adv./prep.)

  • The store will price the items before putting them on the shelf.


🗣️ /prɪnt/

මුද්‍රණය කරනවා

How to use "print" in a sentence:

print something

  • I need to print something from my computer for school tomorrow.


🗣️ /prəˈsiːd/

ඉදිරියට (කරගෙන) යනවා

How to use "proceed" in a sentence:

proceed (with something)

  • "He told them to proceed with the presentation."

proceed to do something

  • She proceeded to finish her homework before going to bed.

proceed adv./prep.

  • He proceeded down the hallway with caution.


🗣️ /ˈprəʊses/

සකස් කරනවා

How to use "process" in a sentence:

process something

  • I am currently processing the results of the experiment.


🗣️ /prəˈdjuːs/

නිෂ්පාදනය කරනවා, ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා

How to use "produce" in a sentence:

produce something

  • The farmer produces vegetables in his garden.


🗣️ /ˈprɒfɪt/

ලාභ ලබනවා

How to use "profit" in a sentence:

profit (on something)

  • She profited on the sale of her old car.

profit (from something)

  • She profited from her investment in the stock market.


🗣️ /ˈprɒmɪs/

පොරොන්දු වෙනවා

How to use "promise" in a sentence:

promise to do something

  • "I promise to help you study for your exam tomorrow."

promise something

  • She promised to study hard for her exams.

promise (someone) that

  • "I promise you that I will finish my homework before dinner."

promise someone something

  • I promise my students a fun and engaging lesson today.

promise something (to someone)

  • I promise to bring you a gift.


🗣️ /prəˈməʊt/

උසස් කරනවා, අනුබල දෙනවා, ප්‍රවර්ධනය කරනවා

How to use "promote" in a sentence:

promote someone (from something) (to something)

  • The company decided to promote their top performer from sales representative to manager.

promote something

  • The company is promoting their new product to increase sales.

promote something (as something)

  • I want to promote this event as a fun and educational experience for all attendees.


🗣️ /prɒmpt/

පොළඹවනවා, උනන්දු කරවනවා

How to use "prompt" in a sentence:

prompt someone to do something

  • "The loud alarm prompted me to wake up and get ready for school."


🗣️ /prəˈnaʊns/

උච්චාරණය කරනවා, තීන්දුවක් දෙනවා, නිල වශයෙන් ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කරනවා

How to use "pronounce" in a sentence:

pronounce something

  • She pronounced each word in the sentence with precision.

pronounce someone/something + noun/adj.

  • She pronounced the word "gnocchi" perfectly.

pronounce someone/something to be/have

  • "I pronounce him to be a skilled musician."

pronounce that...

  • I can pronounce that word correctly.


🗣️ /prəˈpəʊz/

යෝජනා කරනවා

How to use "propose" in a sentence:

propose something

  • "She proposed a change in our lesson plan."

propose that...

  • I propose that we have a class discussion on the topic of climate change.

propose to do something

  • She proposed to come to the meeting early tomorrow.

propose doing something

  • I propose studying grammar before the quiz.

propose to someone

  • She proposed to him on their trip to Paris.

propose something (to someone)

  • I will propose the new project to my boss tomorrow.

propose someone (for/as something)

  • I propose John for the position of class representative.


🗣️ /prəˈtekt/

ආරක්ෂා කරනවා, ආරක්ෂාව සපයනවා, ආරක්ෂා වෙනවා

How to use "protect" in a sentence:

protect (someone/something) (from/against something)

  • She protected her children from the rain by holding an umbrella over them.


🗣️ /prəˈtest/

විරුද්ධත්වය ප්‍රකාශ කරනවා, විරෝධය පානවා

How to use "protest" in a sentence:

protest (about/against/at something)

  • She protests loudly about the lack of representation for minority groups in the government.

protest that...

  • I protest that the new rules are unfair.


🗣️ /pruːv/

ඔප්පු කරනවා, තහවුරු කරනවා, ප්‍රත්‍යක්ෂ කරනවා

How to use "prove" in a sentence:

prove something (to someone)

  • "She proved her innocence to the judge with concrete evidence."

prove that...

  • She proved that she could solve complex math problems without a calculator.

prove wh-

  • "Prove what you know through your actions, not just your words."

prove someone/something + adj.

  • The forensic evidence proved the suspect guilty of the crime.


🗣️ /prəˈvaɪd/

සපයනවා, සලසනවා, ලබා දෙනවා

How to use "provide" in a sentence:

provide something (to/for someone)

  • I will provide pencils to my students for their exams.

provide someone with something

  • The company will provide the clients with a detailed report.


🗣️ /prəˈvəʊk/

ප්‍රකෝප කරනවා, කුලප්පු කරනවා

How to use "provoke" in a sentence:

provoke something

  • She always knows how to provoke a reaction from her siblings.

provoke someone (into something)

  • The politician's controversial remarks provoked the crowd into rioting.

provoke someone (into doing something)

  • I provoked my students into participating in the classroom discussion by asking thought-provoking questions.

provoke someone (to do something)

  • She provoked him to chase after her by playfully teasing him.


🗣️ /ˈpʌblɪʃ/

(පොතක් ආදිය) ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කරනවා

How to use "publish" in a sentence:

publish something

  • I will publish my book next month.


🗣️ /pʊl/


How to use "pull" in a sentence:

pull (something)

  • She pulled the door open.

pull (at/on something)

  • He pulls at the rope to raise the flag.

pull (ab/something) (adv./prep.)

  • I pulled the door closed gently.


🗣️ /pʌntʃ/

මිටින් පහර දෙනවා, හිල් කරනවා

How to use "punch" in a sentence:

punch someone/something (on something)

  • I punched him on the nose.

punch something (in/through something)

  • She punched a hole in the wall.


🗣️ /ˈpʌnɪʃ/

දඬුවම් කරනවා

How to use "punish" in a sentence:

punish someone (for something)

  • The teacher punished the students for not completing their homework on time.

punish someone (for doing something)

  • He was punished for breaking the school's rules.

punish someone (by/with something)

  • She punished her child by taking away his video games for a week.


🗣️ /ˈpɜːtʃəs/

මිලදී ගන්නවා

How to use "purchase" in a sentence:

purchase something (from someone)

  • I purchase eggs from the farmers market every Saturday.


🗣️ /pəˈsjuː/

ලුහු බැඳ යනවා

How to use "pursue" in a sentence:

pursue someone/something

  • She pursued her dream of becoming a doctor.


🗣️ /pʊʃ/

තල්ලු කරනවා, තදින් ඉල්ලා සිටිනවා, ප්‍රමාණය ඉක්මවා වෙහෙසනවා

How to use "push" in a sentence:

push (something)

  • I push the chair across the room.

push at something

  • I push at the door to close it.

push someone/something + adv./prep.

  • He pushed the door open.

push something + adj.

  • I push the door open.

push someone (into something/doing something)

  • He pushed the student into the swimming pool as punishment for misbehaving.

push someone (to do something)

  • I pushed him to study harder for his exams.


🗣️ /pʊt/

දානවා, තබනවා, යොමු කරනවා, ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා etc.

How to use "put" in a sentence:

put something (adv./prep.)

  • She put the book on the table.