More ways to say...
"That won't happen"

Imagine your friend says "I'm going to president one day". In English, we have a number of phrases to say that we think the other person is being totally unrealistic.

  1. As if!
  2. In your dreams!
  3. You wish!
  4. No chance!
  5. Not a chance!
  6. Not likely!
  7. Dream on!
  8. Never in a million years!
  9. You'll be lucky!
  10. Yes, and pigs might fly!


  • Phrases 1, 2, and 3 not only show disbelief but are also quite dismissive of the person who made the prediction.
  • Phrases 4 and 5 are indicating that you think the prediction is totally impossible.
  • Phrase 6 is a little more tentative. You concede that there may be a small chance.
  • Phrase 7 suggests that you think the other person is just day-dreaming.
  • Phrases 9 and 10 are a little sarcastic. In phrase ten you are saying that the prediction is no more likely than pigs suddenly being able to fly.