How to...
Remember things

Remembering things

Do you have a good memory? You can probably remember many things from the past. These are ten phrases that English people use when they are recalling things from the past.

  1. I remember...
  2. I can (clearly) remember...
  3. I'll never forget...
  4. As far as I can remember...
  5. As I recall...
  6. If I remember correctly...
  7. If I'm not / Unless I'm - mistaken...
  8. Now I come to think of it...
  9. I have a vague recollection of...
  10. It's on the tip of my tongue.


  • We use phrases 1, 2, 3 and 9 with a noun phrase or gerund after the phrase.
  • We follow phrases 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 with a whole sentence or clause.
  • Phrases 4, 5, 6 7 and 9 are for things that we don't remember very well. We have some memory of the event but it is not complete.
  • Phrases 2 and 4 are for things that we have a very good memory of with many details.
  • We use phrase 8 when we didn't remember much at first but then a clearer memory came back. We introduce our more accurate story with this phrase.
  • We use phrase 10 for a name or piece of information that we can't remember but we think that we almost have it and that if we keep thinking hard, it will come back.