Word Families
Excerpt from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dicitonary (Third Edition)
Words often come in families. You can expand your vocabulary by becoming familiar with these word families and this can also enable you to become a more fluent speaker and writer of English. If you know all the possible words within a word family, you can express yourself in a wider range of ways. For example, if you know the verb and the noun forms related to the adjective boring, you can say:
- That class was really boring.
- I was really bored in that class.
- That class was a real bore.
In the list below, the words in bold are words that are very common and important to learn. The other wordsin the same row are words in the same family, often formed with prefixes and suffixes. Sometimes they are just a different part of speech, for example anger, which is a noun and a verb). All the words in this list have entries in the dictionary except for some beginning with un-, im-, in- or ir-, or ending with -ly or -ily, where the meaning is always regular. Sometimes words in a word family can have meanings that are very different from others in the group, so you should always check in the dictionary if you are not sure of the meaning.

Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
ability disability inability | enable disable | able unable disabled | ably |
acceptance | accept | acceptable unacceptable accepted | acceptably unacceptably |
accident | accidental | accidentally | |
accuracy inaccuracy | accurate inaccurate | accurately inaccurately | |
accusation the accused accuser | accuse | accusing | accusingly |
achievement achiever | achieve | achievable | |
act action inaction interaction reaction transaction | act action | acting | |
activity inactivity | activate | active inactive interactive proactive | actively |
addition | add | additional | additionally |
admiration admirer | admire | admirable | admirably |
advantage disadvantage | advantageous disadvantaged advantaged | advantageously | |
advertisement advertiser advertising | advertise | ||
advice adviser | advise | advisable inadvisable advisory | advisedly |
agreement disagreement | agree disagree | agreeable | agreeably |
aim | aim | aimless | aimlessly |
amazement | amaze | amazed amazing | amazingly |
anger | anger | angry | angrily |
announcement announcer | announce | unannounced | unannounced |
appearance disappearance reappearance | appear disappear reappear | ||
applicant application | apply reapply | applicable applied | |
appreciation | appreciate | appreciable appreciative | appreciatively appreciably |
approval disapproval | approve disapprove | approving disapproving | approvingly |
approximation | approximate | approximate | approximately |
argument | argue | arguable argumentative | arguably |
arrangement rearrangement | arrange rearrange | ||
art artist artistry | artistic arty | artistically | |
shame | shame | ashamed unashamed shameful shameless | shamefully shamelessly |
attachment | attach detach | attached unattached detachable detached | |
attack counter-attack attacker | attack counter-attack | ||
attention inattention | attend | attentive inattentive | attentively |
attraction attractiveness | attract | attractive unattractive | attractively |
authority authorization | authorize | authoritarian authoritative authorized unauthorized | authoritatively |
availability | available unavailable | ||
avoidance | avoid | avoidable unavoidable | unavoidably |
awareness | aware unaware | unawares | |
base the basics basis | base | baseless basic | basically |
bearer | bear | bearable unbearable | |
beat beating | beat | unbeatable unbeaten | |
beauty beautician | beautify | beautiful | beautifully |
beginner beginning | begin | ||
behaviour misbehaviour | behave misbehave | behavioural | |
belief disbelief | believe disbelieve | believable disbelieving unbelievable | unbelievably |
block blockage | block unblock | blocked unblocked | |
blood bleeding | bleed | bloodless bloody | |
the boil boiler | boil | boiling | |
bore boredom | bore | bored boring | boringly |
break breakage outbreak | break | broken unbreakable unbroken | |
breath breather breathing | breathe | breathless breathy | breathlessly |
brother brotherhood | brotherly | ||
build builder building | build rebuild | ||
burn burner | burn | burning burnt | |
burial | bury | buried | |
calculation calculator | calculate | incalculable calculated calculating | |
calm calmness | calm | calm | calmly |
capability | capable incapable | capably | |
care carer | care | careful careless caring uncaring | carefully carelessly |
celebration celebrity | celebrate | celebrated celebratory | |
centre centralization decentralization | centre decentralize centralize | central centralized | centrally |
certainty uncertainty | ascertain | certain uncertain | certainly uncertainly |
challenge challenger | challenge | challenging | |
change | change | changeable interchangeable | |
unchanged changing | |||
character characteristic | characterize | characteristic uncharacteristic | characteristically |
characterization | |||
chemical chemist chemistry | chemical | chemically | |
circle semicircle circulation | circle circulate | circular | |
cleaner cleaning cleanliness | clean | clean unclean | cleanly |
clarity clearance clearing | clear | clear unclear | clear clearly |
close closure | close | closed closing | |
closeness | close | close closely | |
clothes clothing | clothe | clothed unclothed | |
collection collector | collect | collected collective | collectively |
colour colouring | colour | coloured discoloured colourful colourless | colourfully |
combination combine | combine | combined | |
comfort discomfort | comfort | comfortable uncomfortable comforting | comfortably |
commitment | commit | noncommittal committed | |
communication communicator | communicate | communicative uncommunicative | |
comparison comparative | compare | comparable incomparable | comparatively |
competition competitor | compete | competitive uncompetitive | competitively |
completion incompleteness | complete | complete incomplete | completely incompletely |
complication | complicate | complicated uncomplicated | |
computer computing computerization | computerize | ||
concentration | concentrate | concentrated | |
concern | concern | concerned unconcerned | |
conclusion | conclude | concluding conclusive inconclusive | conclusively |
condition precondition conditioner conditioning | condition | conditional unconditional | conditionally unconditionally |
confidence | confide | confident confidential | confidently confidentially |
confirmation | confirm | confirmed unconfirmed | |
confusion | confuse | confused confusing | confusingly |
connection | connect disconnect | connected disconnected | |
subconscious unconscious consciousness unconsciousness | conscious subconscious unconscious | consciously unconsciously | |
consequence | consequent inconsequential | consequently | |
consideration | consider reconsider | considerable considerate inconsiderate considered | considerably considerately |
continent | continental intercontinental | ||
continuation continuity | continue discontinue | continual continued continuous | continually continuously |
contribution contributor | contribute | contributory | |
control controller | control | controlling uncontrollable | uncontrollably |
convenience inconvenience | inconvenience | convenient inconvenient | conveniently |
convince | convinced convincing unconvincing | convincingly | |
cook cooker cookery cooking | cook | cooked uncooked | |
cool coolness | cool | cool | coolly |
correction correctness | correct | correct incorrect corrective | correctly incorrectly |
count recount | count recount | countable uncountable countless | |
cover coverage covering | cover uncover | undercover uncovered | undercover |
creation creativity creator | create recreate | creative uncreative | creatively |
crime criminal criminologist | incriminate | criminal incriminating | criminally |
critic criticism | criticize | critical uncritical | critically |
crowd overcrowding | crowd | crowded overcrowded | |
cruelty | cruel | cruelly | |
cry outcry | cry | crying | |
culture subculture | cultural cultured | culturally | |
cure | cure | cured incurable | |
custom customer customs | accustom | customary | customarily |
cut cutting | cut undercut | cutting | |
damage damages | damage | damaging undamaged | |
danger | endanger | endangered dangerous | dangerously |
dare daring | dare | daring | daringly |
dark darkness | darken | dark darkened darkening | darkly |
date | date predate | dated outdated | |
day midday | daily | daily | |
dead death | deaden | dead deadly deathly | deadly deathly |
deal dealer dealings | deal | ||
deceit deceiver deception | deceive | deceitful deceptive | deceptively |
decision indecision | decide | decided undecided decisive indecisive | decidedly decisively indecisively |
decoration decorator | decorate | decorative | decoratively |
deep depth | deepen | deep deepening | deeply |
defeat defeatism defeatist | defeat | undefeated defeatist | |
defence defendant defender | defend | defenceless indefensible defensive | defensively |
definition | define | definite indefinite | definitely indefinitely |
demand demands | demand | demanding undemanding | |
democracy democrat | democratic undemocratic | democratically | |
demonstration demonstrator | demonstrate | demonstrable demonstrative | demonstrably |
denial | deny | undeniable | undeniably |
dependant dependence independence dependency | depend | dependable dependent independent | dependably independently |
description | describe | describable indescribable descriptive nondescript | descriptively |
desire | desire | desirable undesirable desired undesired | |
destroyer destruction | destroy | indestructible destructive | destructively |
determination determiner | determine | determined predetermined indeterminate | determinedly |
developer development redevelopment | develop redevelop | developed undeveloped developing | |
difference indifference differentiation | differ differentiate | different indifferent | differently |
directness direction directions director | direct redirect | direct indirect | directly indirectly |
disagreement | disagree | disagreeable | disagreeably |
disappointment | disappoint | disappointed disappointing | disappointingly |
disaster | disastrous | disastrously | |
disciplinarian discipline | discipline | disciplinary disciplined undisciplined | |
discoverer discovery | discover | ||
distance | distance | distant | distantly |
disturbance | disturb | disturbed undisturbed disturbing | disturbingly |
divide division subdivision | divide subdivide | divided undivided divisible divisive | |
divorce divorcee | divorce | divorced | |
*do doing | do outdo overdo redo undo | done overdone undone | |
doubt doubter | doubt | undoubted doubtful doubtless | undoubtedly doubtfully |
dream dreamer | dream | dream dreamless dreamy | dreamily |
dress dresser dressing | dress redress undress | dressed undressed dressy | dressily |
drink drinker drinking drunk drunkenness | drink | drunk drunken | drunkenly |
drive driver driving | drive | driving | |
due dues | due undue | due duly unduly | |
earner earnings | earn | ||
earth | unearth | earthy earthly unearthly | |
ease unease easiness | ease | easy uneasy | easily uneasily easy |
east easterner | east eastward(s) | east easterly eastern | |
economics economist economy | economize | economic economical uneconomic(al) | economically |
education | educate | educated uneducated educational | educationally |
effect effectiveness ineffectiveness | effect | effective ineffective ineffectual | effectively ineffectively |
effort | effortless | effortlessly | |
election re-election elector electorate | elect re-elect | unelected electoral | |
electrician electricity | electrify | electric electrical | electrically |
electronics | electronic | electronically | |
embarrassment | embarrass | embarrassed embarrassing | embarrassingly |
emotion | emotional emotive | emotionally | |
emphasis | emphasize | emphatic | emphatically |
employee employer employment unemployment | employ | unemployed | |
encouragement discouragement | encourage discourage | encouraged encouraging discouraging | encouragingly |
end ending | end | unending endless | endlessly |
energy | energize | energetic | energetically |
enjoyment | enjoy | enjoyable | enjoyably |
enormity | enormous | enormously | |
entrance entrant entry | enter | ||
entertainer entertainment | entertain | entertaining | entertainingly |
enthusiasm enthusiast unenthusiastically | enthuse | enthusiastic unenthusiastic | enthusiastically |
environment environmentalist | environmental | environmentally | |
equality inequality | equalize | equal unequal | equally unequally |
escape escapism | escape | escaped inescapable | inescapably |
essence essentials | essential | essentially | |
estimate estimation | estimate overestimate underestimate | estimated | |
event non-event | eventful uneventful eventual | eventfully eventually | |
exam examination cross-examination examiner | examine cross-examine | ||
excellence | excel | excellent | excellently |
excitement | excite | excitable excited exciting unexciting | excitedly excitingly |
excuse | excuse | excusable inexcusable | inexcusably |
existence | exist coexist | non-existent existing pre-existing | |
expectancy expectation | expect | expectant unexpected | expectantly unexpectedly |
expenditure expense expenses | expend | expensive inexpensive | expensively inexpensively |
experience inexperience | experience | experienced inexperienced | |
experiment | experiment | experimental | experimentally |
expert expertise | expert inexpert | expertly | |
explaining explanation | explain | unexplained explanatory explicable inexplicable | inexplicable |
explosion explosive | explode | exploding explosive | explosively |
exploration explorer | explore | exploratory | |
expression | express | expressive | expressively |
extreme extremism extremist extremity | extreme extremist | extremely | |
fact | factual | factually | |
fail failure | fail | unfailing | unfailingly |
fairness | fair unfair | fairly unfairly | |
faith faithfulness | faithful unfaithful | faithfully | |
familiarity family | familiarize | familiar unfamiliar | familiarly |
fame | famed famous infamous | famously infamously | |
fashion | fashion | fashionable unfashionable | fashionably unfashionably |
fat | fatten | fat fattening fatty | |
fastener | fasten unfasten | ||
fault | fault | faultless faulty | faultlessly |
fear | fear | fearful fearless fearsome | fearfully fearlessly |
feel feeling feelings | feel | unfeeling | |
fiction nonfiction | fictional | ||
fill refill filling | fill refill | filling | |
final semifinal finalist | finalize | final | finally |
finish | finish | finished unfinished | |
firmness infirmity | firm | firm infirm | firmly |
fish fishing | fish | fishy | fishily |
fit fittings | fit | fitted fitting | fittingly |
fix fixation fixture | fix | fixed transfixed unfixed | fixedly |
flat | flatten | flat | flat flatly |
flower | flower | flowered flowery flowering | |
fold folder | fold unfold | folded folding | |
follower following | follow | following | |
force | force | forceful forcible | forcefully forcibly |
forest deforestation forestry | forested | ||
forgetfulness | forget | forgetful unforgettable | forgetfully |
forgiveness | forgive | forgiving unforgiving | |
form formation transformation reformer transformer | form reform transform | reformed | |
formality | formalize | formal informal | formally informally |
fortune | fortunate unfortunate | fortunately unfortunately | |
freedom freebie | free | free | free freely |
freeze freezer freezing | freeze | freezing frozen | |
frequency infrequency | frequent | frequent infrequent | frequently infrequently |
freshness refreshments | freshen refresh | fresh refreshing | freshly refreshingly |
friend friendliness | befriend | friendly unfriendly | |
fright | frighten | frightened frightening frightful | frighteningly frightfully |
fruit fruition | fruit | fruitful fruitless fruity | fruitfully fruitlessly |
fund refund funding | fund refund | funded | |
furnishings furniture | furnish | furnished unfurnished | |
garden gardener gardening | garden | ||
generalization | generalize | general | generally |
generosity | generous | generously | |
gentleness | gentle | gently | |
gladness | gladden | glad | gladly |
glass glasses | glassy | ||
good goodies goodness goods | good | ||
government governor | govern | governmental governing | governmentally |
gratitude ingratitude | grateful ungrateful | gratefully | |
greatness | great | greatly | |
green greenery greens | green | ||
ground underground grounding grounds | ground | groundless underground | underground |
grower growth undergrowth | grow outgrow | growing grown overgrown | |
guilt guiltiness | guilty | guiltily | |
habit | habitual | habitually | |
hair hairiness | hairless hairy | ||
hand handful | hand | underhand handy | |
handle handler handling | handle | ||
hanger | hang overhang | hanging | |
happiness unhappiness | happy unhappy | happily unhappily | |
hardship | harden | hard | hard hardly |
harm harmfulness | harm | unharmed harmful harmless | harmlessly |
head heading overheads | head behead | overhead heady | overhead |
health | healthy unhealthy | healthily unhealthily | |
hearing | hear overhear | unheard unheard of | |
heart | heartened heartening heartless hearty | heartily heartlessly | |
heat heater heating | heat overheat | heated unheated | heatedly |
height heights | heighten | high heightened | |
help helper helpfulness helping | help | helpful unhelpful helpless | helpfully helplessly |
historian history | historic prehistoric historical | historically | |
hold holder holding | hold | ||
home | home | homeless homely | home |
honesty dishonesty | honest dishonest | honestly dishonestly | |
hope hopefulness hopelessness | hope | hopeful hopeless | hopefully hopelessly |
human humanism humanity inhumanity | humanize | human inhuman superhuman humane | humanly humanely |
hunger | hungry | hungrily | |
hurry | hurry | hurried unhurried | hurriedly |
hurt | hurt | unhurt hurtful | hurtfully |
ice icicle icing | ice | icy | icily |
identification identity | identify | identifiable unidentified | |
imagination | imagine | imaginable unimaginable imaginary imaginative | unimaginably imaginatively |
importance | important unimportant | importantly | |
impression | impress | impressionable impressive | impressively |
improvement | improve | improved | |
increase | increase | increased | increasingly |
credibility incredulity | incredible credible incredulous | incredibly incredulously | |
independence independent | independent | independently | |
industrialist industrialization industry | industrial industrialized industrious | industrially industriously | |
infection disinfectant | infect disinfect | infectious | infectiously |
inflation | inflate deflate | inflatable inflated inflationary | |
informant information informer | inform misinform | informative uninformative informed uninformed | |
injury | injure | injured uninjured | |
innocence | innocent | innocently | |
insistence | insist | insistent | insistently |
instance instant | instant instantaneous | instantly instantaneously | |
instruction instructor | instruct | instructive | instructively |
intelligence | intelligent unintelligent | intelligently | |
intent intention | intend | intended unintended intentional unintentional | intentionally unintentionally |
interest | interest | interested interesting disinterested uninterested | interestingly |
interruption | interrupt | uninterrupted | |
interview interviewee | interview | ||
introduction | introduce | introductory | |
invention inventiveness inventor | invent reinvent | inventive | inventively |
invitation invite | invite | uninvited inviting | invitingly |
involvement | involve | involved uninvolved | |
item | itemize | itemized | |
joke joker | joke | joky/jokey | jokingly |
journal journalism journalist | journalistic | ||
judge judg(e)ment | judge | judgmental | |
juice juices | juicy | ||
keenness | keen | keenly | |
keep keeper keeping | keep | kept | |
kill overkill killer killing | kill | ||
kindness unkindness | kind unkind | kindly unkindly | |
knowledge | know | knowing knowledgeable known unknown | knowingly unknowingly knowledgeably |
enlargement | enlarge | large | largely |
laugh laughter | laugh | laughable | laughably |
law lawyer outlaw | outlaw | lawful unlawful | lawfully unlawfully |
laziness | laze | lazy | lazily |
lead leader leadership | lead | lead leading | |
learner learning | learn unlearn | learned unlearned | |
legality illegality legalization | legalize | legal illegal | legally illegally |
length | lengthen | long lengthy lengthening | lengthily |
liar lie | lie | lying | |
life | live | lifeless lifelike lifelong | lifelessly |
light lighter lighting lightness | light lighten | light | lightly |
dislike liking | like dislike | likeable | |
likelihood | likely unlikely | likely | |
limit limitation limitations | limit | limited unlimited | |
literature literacy | literary literate illiterate | ||
liveliness living | live outlive relive | live lively living | live |
local location relocation | locate dislocate relocate | local | locally |
loser loss | lose | lost | |
loud | aloud loud/loudly | ||
love lover | love | lovable unlovable loveless lovely loving | lovingly |
low | lower | low lower lowly | low |
luck | lucky unlucky | luckily unluckily | |
machine machinery mechanic mechanics mechanism machinist | mechanical mechanized | mechanically | |
magic magician | magic magical | magically | |
make remake maker making | make remake | unmade | |
man manhood mankind manliness mannishness | man | manly manned unmanned mannish | mannishly manfully |
management manager manageress | manage | manageable unmanageable managerial | |
mark marker markings | mark | marked unmarked | markedly |
market marketing marketability marketer marketeer | market | marketable | |
marriage | marry remarry | married unmarried marriageable | |
match mismatch | match | matching unmatched matchless | matchlessly |
material materialism materialist materials materialization | materialize | material immaterial materialistic | materially |
meaning meaningfulness | mean | meaningful meaningless meaninglessly | meaningfully |
measure measurement | measure | measurable immeasurable measured | immeasurably |
medical medication medicine | medical medicated medicinal | medically medicinally | |
memorial memory | memorize | memorable | memorably |
mentality | mental | mentally | |
method methodology | methodical methodological | methodically | |
militancy militant the military militia militarist militarism | military militant militaristic militarized demilitarized | militantly militarily | |
mind minder reminder mindlessness | mind remind | mindless mindful minded | mindlessly |
minimum minimization | minimize | minimal minimum minimalist | minimally |
miss | miss | missing | |
mistake | mistake | mistaken unmistakable | mistakably unmistakenly |
mix mixer mixture | mix | mixed | |
modernity modernization | modernize | modern modernistic | |
moment | momentary momentous | momentarily | |
mood moodiness | moody | moodily | |
moral morals morality immorality | moralize | moral amoral immoral moralistic | morally |
mother motherhood | mother | motherly | |
move movement removal remover mover | move remove | movable unmoved moving | movingly |
murder murderer | murder | murderous | murderously |
music musical musician musicianship musicality musicologist musicology | musical unmusical | musically | |
name | name rename | named unnamed nameless | namely |
nation national multinational nationalism nationalist nationality nationalization | nationalize denationalize | national international multinational nationalistic | nationally internationally |
nature naturalist naturalization naturalness the supernatural naturist naturism | naturalize | natural supernatural unnatural naturalistic | naturally unnaturally |
necessity | necessitate | **necessary** unnecessary | necessarily unnecessarily |
need needs | need | needless needy needed | needlessly |
nerve nerves nervousness | unnerve | nervous nervy nerveless unnerving | nervously nervelessly unnervingly |
news renewal newness | renew | new renewable renewed | newly anew |
night midnight | overnight nightly nights | ||
noise noisiness | noisy noiseless | noisily | |
normality abnormality norm | normalize | normal abnormal | normally abnormally |
north northerner | north northerly northern northward(s) northbound northbound | north northward(s) | |
notice | notice | noticeable unnoticed | noticeably |
number numeral | number outnumber enumerate | innumerable numerical numerous numbered numerate | |
nurse nursery nursing | nurse | ||
obedience disobedience | obey disobey | obedient disobedient | obediently disobediently |
occasion | occasional | occasionally | |
offence offender offensive | offend | offensive inoffensive | offensively |
office officer official officialdom | officiate | official unofficial | officially unofficially |
the open opener opening openness | open | open opening | openly |
operation cooperation cooperate operator | operate operative | operational operative cooperative operable | operationally |
opposition opposite | oppose | opposed opposing opposite | opposite |
option | opt | optional | optionally |
order disorder | order | disordered orderly disorderly ordered | |
organization disorganization reorganization organizer | organize disorganize reorganize | organizational organized | |
origin original originality originator | originate | original unoriginal | originally |
owner ownership | own disown | ||
the public publication publicist publicity | publicize | public | publicly |
publisher publishing | publish | published unpublished | |
punishment | punish | punishable punishing punitive | punishingly |
purification purist purity impurity purifier | purify | pure impure | purely |
purpose purposelessness | purposeful purposeless | purposefully purposely purposelessly | |
push pusher pushiness | push | pushed pushy | |
qualification disqualification qualifier | qualify disqualify | qualified unqualified | |
quarter quarters | quarter | quarterly | quarterly |
question questioning questioner questionnaire | question | questionable unquestionable | unquestionably |
quiet disquiet | quieten/quiet | quiet | quietly |
race racism racist | racial multiracial racist | racially | |
rarity | rare rarefied rarified | rarely | |
rate rating ratings | rate underrate | overrated underrated | |
reaction reactor reactant | react overreact | reactionary | |
read reader readership reading | read | readable unreadable | |
readiness | ready | ready | readily |
realism realist reality unreality realization | realize | real unreal realistic unrealistic realisable | real really realistically |
reason reasoning reasonableness | reason | reasonable unreasonable reasoned | reasonably unreasonably |
receipt receipts receiver reception recipient | receive | receptive reciprocal received | reciprocally |
recognition | recognize | recognizable unrecognizable recognized | recognizably |
record recorder recording | record | recorded unrecorded | |
referee reference referral | refer referee | ||
reflection reflector | reflect | reflective | reflectively |
regret | regret | regrettable regretful | regrettably regretfully |
regular regularity irregularity | regulate | regular irregular | regularly irregularly |
relation relations relationship relative | relate | related unrelated relative | relatively |
relaxation | relax | relaxed relaxing | |
reliability reliance | rely | reliable unreliable reliant | reliably |
religion | religious irreligious | religiously | |
the remainder remains | remain | remaining | |
remark | remark | remarkable unremarkable | remarkably |
repair disrepair | repair | irreparable | irreparably |
repeat repetition | repeat | repeated repetitive/repetitious | repeatedly repetitively |
report reporter | report | unreported | reportedly |
representation representative | represent | representative unrepresentative | |
reputation disrepute | reputable disreputable reputed | reputedly reputably | |
respect disrespect respectability respecter respects | respect | respectable respected respectful disrespectful respective | respectably respectfully disrespectfully respectively irrespective |
respondent response responsiveness | respond | responsive unresponsive | responsively |
responsibility irresponsibility | responsible irresponsible | responsibly irresponsibly | |
rest unrest restlessness | rest | restless rested restful | restlessly |
retiree retirement | retire | retired | |
reward | reward | rewarding unrewarding | |
riches richness enrichment the rich | enrich | rich | richly |
ride rider riding | ride | riderless | |
right rightness rights righteousness | right | right righteous rightful | right rightly rightfully |
roll roller | roll unroll | rolling | |
romance romantic romanticism | romance romanticize | romantic unromantic romanticized | romantically |
rough roughage roughness | rough roughen | rough | rough roughly |
round rounders roundness | round | round rounded | round roundly |
royal royalist royalty | royal royalist | royally | |
rudeness | rude | rudely | |
rule ruler ruling | rule overrule | ruling | |
run rerun runner running rundown | run outrun overrun rerun | running runny | |
sadness | sadden | sad saddened | sadly |
safe safety | safe unsafe | safely | |
satisfaction dissatisfaction | satisfy | satisfactory unsatisfactory satisfied dissatisfied unsatisfied satisfying | satisfactorily unsatisfactorily |
save saver saving savings | save | ||
scare | scare | scared scary | scarily |
school pre-school schooling scholar | school | pre-school scholastic | scholastically scholarly |
science scientist | scientific unscientific | scientifically | |
score scorer | score outscore underscore | scoreless | |
search | search | searching searchable | searchingly |
seat seating | seat unseat | seated | |
secrecy secret secretiveness | secrete | secret secretive | secretly secretively |
sense nonsense sensibility insensitivity sensitiveness sensor | sense sensitize desensitize | sensible senseless sensitive insensitive nonsensical sensory | sensibly sensitivity insensitively senselessly |
separation separatism separatist | separate | separable inseparable separate | inseparably separately |
seriousness | serious | seriously | |
servant serve server service disservice services serving servitude servicing | serve service | serviceable servile serving | |
sex sexism sexuality sexist | sexist sexual bisexual sexy asexual | sexually sexily | |
shadow shade | shadow overshadow | shadowy | |
shake shakiness shaker | shake | shaky | shakily |
shape shapeliness shapelessness | shape | shapeless shapely shaped | shapelessly |
sharpener sharpness | sharpen | sharp | |
shine shininess | shine outshine | shiny | |
shock shocker | shock | shocked shocking shockable | shockingly |
shop shopper shopping | shop | ||
short shortage shortness shorts | shorten | short shortish | short shortly |
shyness | shy | shy | shyly |
sick sickness | sicken | sick sickening sickly | sickeningly |
sight insight oversight sighting | sight | sighted unsightly | |
sign signal signatory signature signing | sign signal | signed unsigned | |
significance insignificance signification | signify | significant insignificant | significantly insignificantly |
silence silencer | silence | silent | silently |
similarity | similar dissimilar | similarly | |
simplicity simplification | simplify | simple simplistic | simply |
song singer singing | sing | sung | |
single singles | single | single singular | singly |
skill | skilful skilled unskilled deskilled | skilfully | |
sleep sleeper sleepiness sleeplessness | sleep | asleep sleepless sleepy sleeping | sleepily |
slight | slight slighted slightest | slightly | |
slip slipper | slip | slippery | |
smoke smoker non-smoker smoking | smoke | smoked smoking non-smoking smoky smokeless | |
smoothness smoothie | smooth | smooth | smoothly |
society sociologist sociology socialism socialist socialite | socialize | sociable unsociable social anti-social unsocial sociological | socially sociologically |
softness softy softener | soften | soft | softly |
solid solidarity solidity solids | solidify | solid | solidly |
solution solubility | solve | soluble insoluble unsolved solvable | |
south southerner | south southerly southern southbound | south southward(s) southbound | |
speaker speech | speak | unspeakable speechless outspoken unspoken | unspeakably |
special specialist speciality specialization specialism | specialize | special specialized | specially |
speed speeding speediness | speed | speedy | speedily |
spelling speller | spell misspell | ||
spoils spoiler | spoil | spoilt/spoiled unspoiled/unspoilt | |
sport | sport | sporting sporty unsporting | sportingly unsportingly |
spot | spot | spotted spotless spotty | spotlessly |
stand standing standoff standstill | stand withstand | standing outstanding | outstandingly |
standard standardization | standardize | standard substandard | |
start starter non-starter | start restart | ||
statement understatement | state overstate | understated | |
steam steamer | steam | steamy steaming | |
steepness | steepen | steep | steeply |
sticker stickiness | stick | sticky stuck unstuck | |
stiffness | stiffen | stiff | stiff stiffly |
stone | stone | stoned stony | |
stop stoppage stopper | stop | non-stop | non-stop |
storm | storm | stormy | |
straight | straighten | straight | straight |
stranger strangeness | strange estranged | strangely | |
strength | strengthen | strong | strongly |
stress | stress de-stress | stressed stressful | stressy |
strike striker | strike | striking strikebound | strikingly |
structure restructuring structuralism structuralist | structure restructure | structural structuralist | structurally |
student study studies studiousness | study | studious studied | studiously |
stupidity | stupid | stupidly | |
style stylist stylishness | style | stylish stylistic | stylishly stylistically |
substance | substantiate | substantial insubstantial substantive | substantially |
success | succeed | successful unsuccessful | successfully unsuccessfully |
suddenness | sudden | suddenly | |
sufferer suffering sufferance | suffer | insufferable | insufferably |
suggestion | suggest | suggestive suggestible | suggestively |
summer midsummer | summery | ||
supplier supplies supply | supply | ||
support supporter supportiveness | support | supportive supporting | supportively |
supposition | suppose presuppose | supposed | supposedly |
surface | surface resurface | surface | |
surprise | surprise | surprised surprising | surprisingly |
surroundings surrounds surround | surround | surrounding | |
survival survivor | survive | surviving survivable | |
suspect suspicion | suspect | suspect suspected unsuspecting unsuspected suspicious | suspiciously |
swearing | swear | sworn | |
sweet sweetener sweetness sweety | sweeten | sweet | sweetly |
swim swimmer swimming | swim | swimmingly | |
symbol symbolism symbolist | symbolize | symbolic symbolical symbolist | symbolically |
sympathy sympathizer sympathies | sympathize | sympathetic unsympathetic | sympathetically unsympathetically |
system systematization | systematize | systematic | systematically |
takings undertaking taker | take overtake undertake | taken | |
talk talks talker | talk | talkative | |
taste distaste taster. distastefulness | taste | tasteful distasteful tasteless tasty | tastefully distastefully tastelessly |
tax taxation | tax | taxable taxing | |
teacher teaching teachings | teach | taught | |
tear tearfulness | tearful | tearfully | |
technicality technician technique | technical | technically | |
technology technologist | technological | technologically | |
thanks thankfulness | thank | thankful thankless | thankfully |
theorist theory theorem | theorize | theoretical | theoretically |
thickness thickener | thicken | thick | thickly |
thinness thinner | thin | thin | thinly |
think rethink thinker thinking | think rethink | unthinkable | |
thirst | thirsty | thirstily | |
thought thoughtfulness thoughtlessness | thoughtful thoughtless | thoughtfully thoughtlessly | |
threat | threaten | threatening | threateningly |
tie ties | tie untie | ||
tightness | tighten | tight | tight tightly |
time overtime timer timing timelessness | time | timeless timely untimely | timelessly |
tiredness | tire | tired tireless tiresome tiring | tirelessly tiredly tiresomely |
title subtitle subtitles surtitle | entitle | titled | |
top topping | top | top topless topmost | |
touch touchiness | touch | touched untouched touching touchy untouchable | touchingly touchily |
toughness | toughen | tough | toughly |
trade trader trading | trade | trade | |
tradition traditionalist traditionalism | traditional | traditionally | |
trainee trainer training retraining | train | trained untrained | |
transport transportation transporter | transport | ||
treat treatment mistreatment maltreatment | treat mistreat maltreat | untreated | |
trick trickery trickster | trick | tricky | |
trouble troubles | trouble | troubled troublesome troubling | troublingly |
trust distrust mistrust trustee trusteeship trustworthiness | trust distrust mistrust entrust | trusting trustworthy | trustfully |
truth untruth truthfulness | true untrue truthful | truly truthfully untruthfully | |
try trier | try | trying untried | |
turn upturn turning turnout turnaround turnover | turn overturn | upturned | |
twist twister | twist | twisted twisty | |
type typing typist | type typify | typical | typically |
understanding misunderstanding | understand misunderstand | understandable understanding understood misunderstood | |
upset | upset | upset upsetting | |
urgency urge urging | urge | urgent | urgently |
usage use disuse misuse usefulness user | use misuse reuse | reusable used disused unused useful useless | usefully |
valuables value values valuer valuation evaluation | value devalue evaluate | valuable invaluable undervalued valueless | |
variable variance variant variety variation | vary | variable varied various | invariably variously |
vegetable vegetarian | vegetarian | ||
view overview preview review viewer | view preview review | ||
violence | violent non-violent | violently | |
visit visitor visitation | visit revisit | ||
vote voter voting | vote | ||
want wants | want | wanted unwanted | |
war warfare warrior | pre-war post-war warring warlike | ||
warmth | warm | warm | warmly |
wash washer washing washout | wash | washable unwashed awash | |
wastage waste waster | waste | waste wasteful | wastefully |
watch watchfulness | watch | watchful | watchfully |
water waters | water | underwater waterproof watery | underwater |
way subway midway | wayward | midway | |
weakling weakness | weaken | weak | weakly |
wear underwear | wear | wearing worn wearable | |
week midweek | weekly midweek | weekly midweek | |
weight weights weighting | weigh outweigh | overweight underweight weighted weighty weightless | weightlessly |
welcome | welcome | welcome unwelcome welcoming | |
west western westerner westernization | westernize | westerly western westernized westbound westernmost | west westward(s) westbound |
white whiteness whitening whites | whiten | white whitish | |
whole wholesomeness | whole wholesome unwholesome | wholly | |
width | widen | wide | wide widely |
wild wildness | wild | wildly | |
willingness unwillingness | willing unwilling | willingly unwillingly | |
win winner winnings | win | winning | |
winter midwinter | wintry | ||
wire wireless wiring | wire | wiry | |
woman womanhood | womanize | womanly | |
wonder wonderment | wonder | wonderful wondrous | wonderfully wondrously |
wood | wooded wooden woody | woodenly | |
wool woollens woolliness wooly | woollen woolly | ||
word words wording | word reword | wordy worded wordless | |
work workaholic worker workings workout | work rework | workable unworkable overworked working | |
world underworld | world worldly unworldly worldwide | worldwide | |
worry worrier | worry | worried unworried worrying worriedly worrisome | worryingly |
worth worthlessness | worth worthless worthwhile worthy unworthy | worthily | |
writer writing writings | write rewrite | written unwritten | |
wrong wrongdoer | wrong | wrong wrongful | wrong wrongly wrongfully |
year | yearly | yearly | |
young youngster youth | young youthful | youthfully |