
🗣️ /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/

හඳුනා ගන්නවා

How to use "identify" in a sentence:

identify someone/something (as something)

  • I identified the suspect as the one who stole my wallet.


🗣️ /ɪɡˈnaɪt/

ගිනි ගන්නවා, ගිනි ගන්වනවා

How to use "ignite" in a sentence:

ignite (something)

  • The match ignited the firewood.


🗣️ /ɪɡˈnɔː(r)/

නොසලකා හරිනවා, ගණන් නොගෙන සිටිනවා

How to use "ignore" in a sentence:

ignore someone/something

  • He always ignores me when I speak to him in class.


🗣️ /ˈɪləstreɪt

චිත්‍ර/සටහන් ආදියෙන් පැහැදිලි කරනවා, නිදර්ශනය කරනවා

How to use "illustrate" in a sentence:

illustrate something (with something)

  • The artist will illustrate the story with colorful pictures.

illustrate wh-

  • Let me illustrate what the weather will be like tomorrow with this map.


🗣️ /ɪˈmædʒɪn/

පරිකල්පනය කරනවා, හිතින් මවාගන්නවා

How to use "imagine" in a sentence:

imagine (something)

  • Imagine the possibilities of having a teleportation device.

imagine (that)

  • Imagine that you are the only person left on earth.

imagine wh-

  • Imagine what it would be like to fly without any restrictions or limitations.

imagine someone/something doing something

  • Imagine your best friend dancing in front of the whole school.


🗣️ /ɪmˈpel/

බල කරනවා, පොළඹවනවා

How to use "impel" in a sentence:

impel someone (to do something)

  • The coach impelled his players to work harder during practice.


🗣️ /ɪmˈplɑːnt/

රෝපණය කරනවා

How to use "implant" in a sentence:

implant something (in/into something)

  • The surgeon will implant a small device into your wrist to track your vitals.


🗣️ /ˈɪmplɪment/

ක්‍රියාවෙහි යොදවනවා

How to use "implement" in a sentence:

implement something

  • We need to implement stricter rules in order to maintain discipline in the classroom.


🗣️ /ɪmˈplaɪ/


How to use "imply" in a sentence:

imply (that)

  • Her silence implied that she was not happy with the decision.

imply something

  • She implied her disapproval through her facial expression.


🗣️ /ɪmˈpɔːt/

ආනයනය කරනවා (පිටින් ගෙන්වනවා)

How to use "import" in a sentence:

import something (from …) (into …)

  • We import spices from India into our country for use in our local dishes.


🗣️ /ɪmˈpəʊz/

(නීතියක්/පනතක්) පනවනවා

How to use "impose" in a sentence:

impose something (on/upon someone/something)

  • I will impose a curfew on you if you continue to break the rules.


🗣️ /ɪmˈpres/

යහපත් හැඟීමක් හිතෙහි කාවද්දනවා

How to use "impress" in a sentence:

impress someone (with something)

  • I want to impress my boss with my presentation skills at the next meeting.

impress someone that

  • I can impress my boss that I am a hard worker by consistently meeting deadlines.

impress someone on/upon something

  • "His performance on the piano impressed the judges at the talent competition."


🗣️ /ɪmˈprɪnt/

(සිතෙහි) කාවදිනවා/කාවද්දනවා, මුද්‍රාව යොදනවා

How to use "imprint" in a sentence:

imprint in/on something

  • The artist will imprint his signature on the painting.

imprint A in/on B

  • The artist imprinted their signature in the corner of the painting.

imprint B with A

  • Her fingers were imprinted with the ink from the pen she was holding.


🗣️ /ɪmˈprɪzn/

සිර ගත කරනවා

How to use "imprison" in a sentence:

imprison someone

  • The judge sentenced the criminal to imprison him for 10 years.


🗣️ /ɪmˈpruːv/

වැඩි දියුණු කරනවා

How to use "improve" in a sentence:

improve (something)

  • The student can improve their English by practicing speaking and reading every day.


🗣️ /ˈɪmprəvaɪz/

පෙර සූදානමක් නැතිව ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා

How to use "improvise" in a sentence:

improvise (something)

  • I improvised a song on my guitar last night.

improvise on something

  • The musician decided to improvise on the piano during their performance.


🗣️ /ɪnˈkluːd/

අඩංගු කරනවා, අන්තර්ගත කරනවා

How to use "include" in a sentence:

include something

  • The ingredients for this recipe include flour, sugar, and eggs.

include doing something

  • My shopping list includes buying milk and bread.

include someone/something (as/in/on something)

  • One example sentence using the verb phrase 'include' is:

"The team roster includes five new players


🗣️ /ɪnˈkriːs/

වැඩි වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "increase" in a sentence:

increase (something) (from A) (to B)

  • The price of avocados increased from $2 to $4.

increase (something) (in/by/with something)

  • The price of gas will increase by 10% next month.


🗣️ /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/

පෙන්නුම් කරනවා, අඟවනවා

How to use "indicate" in a sentence:

indicate (something) (to someone)

  • The teacher indicated the answer to her students.

indicate that...

  • The hand gestures indicate that he is happy.

indicate wh-

  • I will provide a sentence, but first let me briefly explain the verb phrase 'indicate.'


🗣️ /ˈɪnfluəns/


How to use "influence" in a sentence:

influence someone/something

  • Her parents' strict rules greatly influenced her behavior.

influence wh-

  • Influencing what others think is an important skill to have.


🗣️ /ɪnˈfɔːm/

දැනුම් දෙනවා

How to use "inform" in a sentence:

inform someone (of something)

  • I will inform my manager of the meeting tomorrow.

inform (someone) that

  • She informed me that the meeting was cancelled.


🗣️ /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/

ආරම්භ කරනවා, ඇතුළත් කරගන්නවා

How to use "initiate" in a sentence:

initiate something

  • "We will initiate the project tomorrow."

initiate someone (into something)

  • She was initiated into the secret society by performing a series of rituals.


🗣️ /ɪnˈdʒekt/

එන්නත් කරනවා, ඇතුළට විදිනවා

How to use "inject" in a sentence:

inject something (into someone/something)

  • She injected the medicine into the patient's arm.

inject A (with B)

  • She injected the patient with a dose of medication.

inject B (into A)

  • I will inject medicine into your arm to help you feel better.


🗣️ /ˈɪndʒə(r)/

ආබාධ කරනවා, ආබාධ කරගන්නවා, හානි කරනවා, හානි කරගන්නවා

How to use "injure" in a sentence:

injure someone/something

  • "The car accident injured the driver."


🗣️ /ˈɪnpʊt/

ආදානය කරනවා

How to use "input*" in a sentence:

input* something

  • "The student must input the password into the computer before accessing the online quiz."


🗣️ /ɪnˈsɜːt/

ඇතුල් කරනවා

How to use "insert" in a sentence:

insert something (into/between something)

  • He inserted the key into the lock and turned it to open the door.


🗣️ /ɪnˈsɪst/

බල කරනවා

How to use "insist" in a sentence:

insist (on someone/something doing something)

  • He insists on his children studying every night before bed.

insist (that)

  • She insists that she can solve the problem on her own.


🗣️ /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/

නිර්මාණාත්මක කාර්යයකට ප්‍රබෝධ කරනවා

How to use "inspire" in a sentence:

inspire someone ( with something)

  • She inspired her students with her passion for literature.

inspire someone (in something)

  • "The teacher's passion for literature inspired her students to become avid readers."

inspire someone (to do something)

  • Watching a documentary about global warming can inspire someone to take action and reduce their carbon footprint.


🗣️ /ɪnˈstɔːl/

පාවිච්චිය සඳහා සවිකරනවා

How to use "install" in a sentence:

install something

  • She will install the new software on her computer.


🗣️ /ɪnˈstrʌkt/

උපදෙස් දෙනවා

How to use "instruct" in a sentence:

instruct someone (in something)

  • I will instruct my students in English grammar and usage.

instruct someone to do something

  • She instructed her son to clean his room.

instruct that...

  • I instruct that you study for your exam tonight.


🗣️ /ɪnˈsʌlt/

අපහාස කරනවා

How to use "insult" in a sentence:

insult someone/something

  • She insulted me in front of the whole class.


🗣️ /ɪnˈtend/

අදහස් කරනවා, අපේක්‍ෂා කරනවා

How to use "intend" in a sentence:

intend (someone/something) (to do something)

  • I intend you to finish your homework by tomorrow.

intend doing something

  • I intend joining the school's drama club next year.

intend that...

  • I intend that my students will understand the concept of verb phrases by the end of this lesson.


🗣️ /ˌɪntərˈækt/

අන්තර් සමබන්ධතා පවත්වනවා

How to use "interact" in a sentence:

interact (with someone/something)

  • I interact with my students every day in order to help them improve their English skills.


🗣️ /ˈɪntədɪkt/

(සේවය) තහනම් කරනවා

How to use "interdict" in a sentence:

interdict someone/something

  • The government interdicted the distribution of illegal drugs in the country.


🗣️ /ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)/

බාධා කරනවා, අනුන්ගේ කටයුතුවලට අතපොවනවා

How to use "interfere" in a sentence:

interfere (in something)

  • She should not interfere in their decision.

interfere (with someone/something)

  • I warned my students not to interfere with the experiment.


🗣️ /ˌɪntəˈlɒk/

එකිනෙකට පූට්ටු වෙනවා

How to use "interlock" in a sentence:

interlock (something) (with something)

  • The puzzle pieces interlock with each other to create a complete picture.


🗣️ /ɪnˈtɜːprɪt/

අර්ථ නිරූපණය කරනවා, කතාවක් බසකින් බසකට හරවනවා

How to use "interpret" in a sentence:

interpret something (as something)

  • He interpreted her smile as a sign of forgiveness.

interpret for someone

  • I will interpret for my friend who does not speak English.


🗣️ /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/

බාධා කරනවා, අඛණ්ඩතාවය බිඳිනවා

How to use "interrupt" in a sentence:

interrupt someone/something (with something)

  • The student interrupted the teacher's lesson with a question about the homework assignment.


🗣️ /ˌɪntəˈsekt/

ඡේදනය වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "intersect" in a sentence:

intersect (something) (with something)

  • The road intersects the river, creating a dangerous crossing point for cars.


🗣️ /ˌɪntəˈviːn/

මැදිහත් වෙනවා

How to use "intervene" in a sentence:

intervene in something

  • She intervened in the argument between her two friends.


🗣️ /ˈɪntəvjuː/

සම්මුඛ සාකච්චාවකට ලක්කරනවා

How to use "interview" in a sentence:

interview (someone) (for/about something)

  • I will interview you for the newspaper article about the school play.


🗣️ /ɪnˈtriːɡ/

කුතුහලය අවුස්සනවා, කුමන්ත්‍රණය කරනවා

How to use "intrigue" in a sentence:

intrigue someone (that …)

  • I will intrigue my students with fascinating stories about ancient civilizations.

intrigue (with someone) (against someone)

  • She constantly intrigues with her co-workers against her boss.


🗣️ /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/

හඳුන්වා දෙනවා, ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා

How to use "introduce" in a sentence:

introduce someone/something (to someone)

  • I'm going to introduce you to my best friend.

introduce someone/something (as someone/something)

  • I will introduce you as my new colleague during the meeting tomorrow.


🗣️ /ɪnˈveɪd/

ආක්‍රමණය කරනවා

How to use "invade" in a sentence:

invade something

  • The army will invade the enemy's territory at dawn tomorrow.


🗣️ /ɪnˈvent/

(අලුත් යමක්) නිර්මාණය කරනවා

How to use "invent" in a sentence:

invent something

  • She will invent a new recipe for dinner tonight.


🗣️ /ɪnˈvest/

ආයෝජනය කරනවා

How to use "invest" in a sentence:

invest something (in/on something)

  • She invested her savings in the stock market.


🗣️ /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/

විමර්ශනය කරනවා, ප්‍රවේශමෙන් සෝදිසි කර බලනවා

How to use "investigate" in a sentence:

investigate something

  • He had to investigate the matter thoroughly before making any conclusions.

investigate (someone) for something

  • The police will investigate him for the theft.

investigate wh-

  • "Students were asked to investigate who had taken the missing books from the library."


🗣️ /ɪnˈvaɪt/

ආරාධනා කරනවා, සුහදව කැඳවනවා

How to use "invite" in a sentence:

invite someone (to/for something)

  • I invite my friends to my birthday party.

invite someone (to do something)

  • He invited her to the party.


🗣️ /ɪnˈvɒlv/

සම්බන්ධ කරගන්නවා/වෙනවා

How to use "involve" in a sentence:

involve someone/something (in something)

  • I involved my sister in the planning of our family vacation.

involve someone/something (in doing something)

  • "The project involves the students in doing research and presenting their findings."

involve something

  • The project involves researching different historical sources.

involve someone/something soing something

  • "The project involves students creating a presentation on a social issue."


🗣️ /ˈaɪən/

ඉස්තිරික්ක කරනවා, (රෙදි) මදිනවා

How to use "iron" in a sentence:

iron (something)

  • I iron my shirt every morning before work.


🗣️ /ˈɪrɪteɪt/

කෝප කරනවා, අපහසුතාවයට/වේදනාවට පත් කරනවා

How to use "irritate" in a sentence:

irritate someone/something

  • The children's constant chatter irritates me during class.


🗣️ /ˈaɪsəleɪt/

තනි කරනවා, වෙන් කරනවා, හුදකලා කරනවා, කොන් කරනවා

How to use "isolate" in a sentence:

isolate someone/something (from someone/something)

  • The teacher isolated the disruptive student from the rest of the class for the remainder of the lesson.


🗣️ /ˈɪʃuː/

නිකුත් කරනවා

How to use "issue" in a sentence:

issue something (to someone)

  • I will issue the assignments to you tomorrow.

issue someone (with something)

  • I will issue you with a new textbook.