
🗣️ /feɪs/

මුහුණ දෙනවා, මුහුණලා සිටිනවා/තිබෙනවා

How to use "face" in a sentence:

face someone/something

  • She faced her fears and jumped into the pool.


🗣️ /feɪd/

දුර්වර්ණ වෙලා යනවා, මැකී යනවා, ක්‍රමයෙන් නොපෙනී/නොඇසී යනවා

How to use "fade" in a sentence:

fade (something) (from something)

  • The picture faded from my memory.

fade (away) (to/into something)

  • The sunlight slowly faded away into the horizon.


🗣️ /feɪl/

අසමත් වෙනවා, අසාර්ථක වෙනවා, දුර්වල වෙනවා

How to use "fail" in a sentence:

fail (something)

  • He will fail the test if he doesn't study.

fail in something

  • My students often fail in their attempts to grasp the complexities of the English language.

fail to do something

  • "He failed to complete the assignment on time."

fail someone

  • I don't want to fail my students by not giving them the resources they need to succeed.


🗣️ /feɪnt/

ක්ලාන්ත වෙනවා

How to use "faint" in a sentence:

  • The student fainted during the exam due to heat exhaustion.


🗣️ /fɔːl/


How to use "fall" in a sentence:

fall (adv./prep.)

  • The leaves fell gently from the tree.


🗣️ /ˈfænsi/

කැමැත්තක් හිතෙනවා

How to use "fancy" in a sentence:

fancy something

  • He fancies a cup of tea.

fancy doing something

  • I fancy cooking dinner tonight.


🗣️ /ˈfɑːsn/

තදින් බඳිනවා, වසා අගුල්ලනවා

How to use "fasten" in a sentence:

fasten something (up)

  • She fastened her seatbelt before starting the car.


🗣️ /fɪə(r)/

බය වෙනවා

How to use "fear" in a sentence:

fear someone/something

  • I fear spiders.

fear to do something

  • I fear to speak in public.

fear doing something

  • "I fear climbing that mountain alone."


🗣️ /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/

විදහා දක්වනවා, (නිර්මාණයක) පෙනී සිටිනවා

How to use "feature" in a sentence:

feature someone/something (as someone/something)

  • The movie features Tom Hanks as the lead actor.

feature (in something)

  • The latest smartphone features a high-quality camera.


🗣️ /fiːd/

පෝෂණය කරනවා, කවනවා, (අවශ්‍ය දේ) සපයනවා

How to use "feed" in a sentence:

feed someone/something

  • "She feeds her baby milk every morning."


🗣️ /fiːl/

හැඟෙනවා, දැනෙනවා, විඳිනවා, ස්පර්ශ කර බලනවා

How to use "feel" in a sentence:

feel something

  • I feel happiness.

feel (+ adj.)

  • I feel happy.

feel (adv./prep.)

  • I feel confident after studying this lesson.


🗣️ /fel/

බිම හෙළනවා

How to use "fell" in a sentence:

fell someone/something

  • He fell the tree with one swift swing of the axe.


🗣️ /fetʃ/

අරං එනවා, එක්කගෙන එනවා

How to use "fetch" in a sentence:

fetch someone/something

  • John, please fetch me a glass of water from the kitchen.

fetch someone something

  • "Please fetch me a glass of water."


🗣️ /faɪt/

සටන් කරනවා, පොර බදනවා, ගහ ගන්නවා

How to use "fight" in a sentence:

fight (against) (someone/something)

  • She fought against her fear of heights and completed the climb.


🗣️ /faɪl/

ගොනුගත කරනවා, (ඉල්ලුම්පතක්/නඩුවක්) ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා, පීරී ගානවා

How to use "file" in a sentence:

file something

  • I need you to file these papers in alphabetical order.

file for something

  • I am going to file for a divorce.

file something (away/down)

  • I always file my important documents away in a safe place.


🗣️ /fɪl/

පිරෙනවා, පුරවනවා

How to use "fill" in a sentence:

fill (something) (with something)

  • The water bottle is filled with cold refreshing water.


🗣️ /fɪlm/

චිත්‍රපටයකට නගනවා

How to use "film" in a sentence:

film someone/something

  • She will film the sunset.


🗣️ /ˈfaɪnæns/

මුදල් සපයනවා

How to use "finance" in a sentence:

finance something

  • She decided to finance her car purchase through a bank loan.


🗣️ /faɪnd/

සොයාගන්නවා, පෙනෙනවා, දැනෙනවා

How to use "find" in a sentence:

find someone/something (for something)

  • I found my keys for my car.

find someone/something (to do something)

  • I found her to be very friendly.

find that...

  • My students find that learning English can be challenging but rewarding.

find something + adj.

  • I find it challenging to teach English to students whose mother tongue is Sinhala.


🗣️ /ˈfɪnɪʃ/

ඉවර කරනවා

How to use "finish" in a sentence:

finish (something)

  • She finished her homework before dinner.

finish doing something

  • He finished studying for his exam.

finish + adj.

  • He finished exhausted after running the marathon.


🗣️ /ˈfaɪə(r)/

(තුවක්කුව) පත්තු කරනවා, රැකියාවෙන් අස් කරනවා

How to use "fire" in a sentence:

fire (something) (at someone/something)

  • He fired a warning shot at the intruder.

fire someone

  • The manager decided to fire the lazy employee.


🗣️ /fɪt/

(ඇඳුමක්) ප්‍රමාණය/හැඩය හරියනවා, ගැළපෙනවා, ගළපනවා, සවිකරනවා

How to use "fit*" in a sentence:

fit* (someone/something) (for something)

  • An example sentence using the verb phrase 'fit* (someone/something) (for something)'

fit* (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She fit the book neatly into her backpack.


🗣️ /fɪks/

සවි කරනවා, සවි වෙනවා, අලුත්වැඩියා කරනවා

How to use "fix" in a sentence:

fix something (for someone)

  • I fixed lunch for my brother.

fix someone something

  • She fixed her friend a cup of tea.


🗣️ /flæp/

අත්තටු ගසනවා, ලෙල දෙනවා

How to use "flap" in a sentence:

flap (something)

  • She flapped the newspaper to chase away the flies.


🗣️ /fleə(r)/

ගිනි දැල් අවිලෙනවා, (තරහෙන්) නාස් පුඩු පළල් වෙනවා

How to use "flare" in a sentence:

  • The fire flared brightly in the night sky.


🗣️ /ˈflætə(r)/

චාටු බස් කියනවා, (බොරු) ප්‍රශංසා කරනවා

How to use "flatter" in a sentence:

flatter someone

  • She flattered her boss with compliments during the meeting.


🗣️ /fləʊt/

පාවෙනවා, ඉපිලෙනවා, දියත් කරනවා

How to use "float" in a sentence:

float (someone/something) (in/on something)

  • The instructor floated the students in the pool during their swimming lesson.

float (adv./prep.)

  • "The buoy floated effortlessly on the calm sea."


🗣️ /flɒk/

රංචු ගැහෙනවා

How to use "flock" in a sentence:

flock together

  • Birds of a feather flock together.

flock (adv./prep.) (to do something)

  • The students flocked eagerly to the front of the classroom to participate in the group activity.


🗣️ /flʌd/

ජලයෙන් යටවෙනවා/යටකරනවා, ගඟක් පිටාර ගලනවා, බුරුතු පිටින් එනවා

How to use "flood" in a sentence:

flood (something)

  • The river flooded the entire town.

flood in/into something

  • "The river flooded into the fields, destroying crops and causing extensive damage."


🗣️ /ˈflʌrɪʃ/

සශ්‍රීකව වැඩෙනවා, සාර්ථක/දියුණු වෙනවා

How to use "flourish" in a sentence:

  • The flowers in the garden are flourishing in the warm sun.


🗣️ /fləʊ/

ගලායනවා, ගලා බසිනවා

How to use "flow" in a sentence:

flow (adv./prep.)

  • Water flowed smoothly through the river.


🗣️ /ˈflaʊə(r)/

මල් හටගන්නවා/හටගන්වනවා

How to use "flower" in a sentence:

  • The flowers bloomed in the garden.


🗣️ /ˈflʌktʃueɪt/

ප්‍රමාණය/ගුණය අඩු වැඩි වෙනවා

How to use "fluctuate" in a sentence:

fluctuate (between A and B)

  • The prices of vegetables in this market always fluctuate between low and high every season.


🗣️ /flʌʃ/

මුහුණ රතු වෙනවා, සෝදා හරිනවා

How to use "flush" in a sentence:

flush (red)

  • Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment when she realized she had forgotten her lines.

flush something

  • The toilet automatically flushes when you stand up.


🗣️ /flaɪ/

පියාඹනවා, ගුවනින් යනවා, ගුවන් යානයක්/සරුංගලයක් මෙහෙයවනවා

How to use "fly*" in a sentence:

fly* (adv./prep.)

  • The birds are able to fly high in the sky.

fly* something

  • I fly kites every weekend with my friends.


🗣️ /fəʊld/

නවනවා, හකුලනවා

How to use "fold" in a sentence:

fold something (up)

  • She folds the letter up and puts it in her pocket.

fold something (into something)

  • She folded the laundry into neat piles.


🗣️ /ˈfɒləʊ/

පසුපස යනවා, අනුගමනය කරනවා

How to use "follow" in a sentence:

follow (someone/something)

  • She followed her friends to the store.


🗣️ /fəˈbɪd/

තහනම් කරනවා

How to use "forbid" in a sentence:

forbid (someone) something

  • I forbid him sweets before dinner.

forbid someone (to do something)

  • I forbid you to eat dessert before finishing your meal.

forbid someone (from doing something)

  • "I forbid him from going to the party."


🗣️ /fɔːs/

බල කරනවා, බලෙන් යොදනවා, බලෙන් කරනවා

How to use "force" in a sentence:

force someone (into something)

  • I can force you into silence if you don't stop talking.

force someone (into doing something)

  • He forced his students into studying harder for the exam.

force something

  • He used his strength to force the door open.


🗣️ /fɔːdʒ/

(ලියවිල්ලක්/අත්සනක්) හොරට සකස් කරනවා, ලෝහ තලා හැඩ කරනවා

How to use "forge" in a sentence:

forge something

  • She will forge her own path to success.


🗣️ /fəˈɡet/

අමතක වෙනවා/කරනවා, අතපසු වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "forget" in a sentence:

forget (someone/something)

  • I forgot my keys at home.

forget (about something)

  • I always forget about my homework until the last minute.

forget to do something

  • She forgot to bring her lunch to school today.

forget doing something

  • I forget brushing my teeth this morning.

forget that...

  • I often forget that I have a meeting at 2 pm.

forget wh-

  • I forget where I put my keys.


🗣️ /fəˈɡɪv/

වරදට සමාව දෙනවා

How to use "forgive" in a sentence:

forgive someone (for something)

  • I forgive you for breaking my favorite mug.

forgive someone (for doing something)

  • I forgive him for lying to me.

forgive someone something

  • "I will forgive you your mistake."


🗣️ /fɔːm/

ස්වාභාවිකව සෑදෙනවා, සාදනවා, හැඩගැහෙනවා, හැඩ ගන්වනවා

How to use "form" in a sentence:

form (from something) (into something)

  • "I watched the clay form from a shapeless lump into a beautiful vase."


🗣️ /fəˈseɪk/

අත්හැර දමා යනවා

How to use "forsake" in a sentence:

forsake someone/something

  • "I will never forsake my family, no matter what happens."


🗣️ /faʊnd/

(සංවිධානයක්) ආරම්භ කරනවා/ පිහිටුවනවා

How to use "found" in a sentence:

found something

  • I found my keys in the living room.


🗣️ /friːz/

සීතල නිසා මිදෙනවා, (බයෙන්/විශ්මයෙන්) ගල් ගැහෙනවා, අක්‍රිය වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "freeze" in a sentence:

freeze something

  • The frozen pizza cooled down quickly in the freezer.


🗣️ /ˈfraɪtn/

බය කරනවා/වෙනවා

How to use "frighten" in a sentence:

frighten (someone)

  • She was frightened by the loud thunder.


🗣️ /ˈfʌŋkʃn/

(නිවැරදිව) ක්‍රියා කරනවා

How to use "function" in a sentence:

function (as someone/something)

  • The heart functions as a pump in the human body.

function (adv./prep.)

  • The computer functions automatically.


🗣️ /fʌnd/

අරමුදල් සපයනවා

How to use "fund" in a sentence:

fund something

  • The government will fund our school's new library.