
🗣️ /hæk/

පරිගණකයක් භාවිතයෙන් අනවසරයෙන් දත්ත ලබා ගන්නවා, කපා කොටා දමනවා

How to use "hack" in a sentence:

hack (into something)/(something)

  • She tried to hack into the computer system to retrieve her lost files.

hack someone/something

  • I will hack the computer system to retrieve the lost data.


🗣️ /hɔːlt/

නවතිනවා, නවත්වනවා

How to use "halt" in a sentence:

halt (someone/something)

  • I halted the dog from running into the street by calling its name.


🗣️ /hænd/

අතින්ම බාර දෙනවා

How to use "hand" in a sentence:

hand something (to someone)

  • He handed the book to his classmate.

hand in/over something

  • She handed in her completed homework to the teacher.


🗣️ /ˈhændl/

(කෙනෙක්/දෙයක් සම්බන්ධව) කටයුතු කරනවා, අතින් ස්පර්ශ කරනවා, හසුරවනවා

How to use "handle" in a sentence:

handle someone/something

  • I can handle this situation.


🗣️ /hæŋ/

එල්ලනවා, එල්ලෙනවා, එල්ලා වැටෙනවා

How to use "hang" in a sentence:

hang (something)(adv./prep.)

  • The painting hangs beautifully above the fireplace.

hang (something) (up/out)

  • I hung my coat up on the hook.


🗣️ /hæŋ/

කෙනෙක්ව එල්ලා මරනවා

How to use "hang" in a sentence:

hang someone (to death)

  • He was hanged to death for his crimes.


🗣️ /ˈhæpən/

(යමක්) සිද්ධ වෙනවා

How to use "happen" in a sentence:

  • "The car accident happened yesterday."


🗣️ /hɑːm/

රිදවනවා, හානි කරනවා

How to use "harm" in a sentence:

harm someone/something

  • Harming others is never acceptable behavior.


🗣️ /ˈhɑːvɪst/

අස්වැන්න නෙලා ගන්නවා, ඵල නෙලාගන්නවා

How to use "harvest" in a sentence:

harvest (something)

  • I harvested the ripe tomatoes from my garden this morning.


🗣️ /hætʃ/

බිත්තරවලින් පැටව් එනවා, බිත්තර රකිනවා, හොරෙන් සැලැස්මක් හදනවා

How to use "hatch" in a sentence:

hatch (out)

  • The turtle will eventually hatch out of its egg.

hatch something (up)

  • I hatched up a plan to surprise my best friend for her birthday.


🗣️ /heɪt/

වෛර කරනවා, අකැමති වෙන්වා

How to use "hate" in a sentence:

hate someone/something

  • I hate rainy days.

hate to do something

  • I hate to wake up early in the morning.

hate doing something

  • I hate waking up early in the morning.


🗣️ /hɔːnt/

හොල්මන් කරනවා

How to use "haunt" in a sentence:

haunt someone/something

  • The memory of his lost dog continues to haunt him.


🗣️ /hed/

(දිහාවකට) යනවා, මූලිකත්වය ගෙන සිටිනවා, ඉදිරියෙන් සිටිනවා, හිසින් පහර දෙනවා

How to use "head" in a sentence:

head + adv./prep.

  • She headed towards the library.

head something

  • I head the meeting last week.


🗣️ /hiːl/

සුව වෙනවා, සුව කරනවා

How to use "heal" in a sentence:

heal (something)

  • The doctor used medicine to heal the wound.

heal someone (of something)

  • She healed her husband of his illness.


🗣️ /hiːp/

ගොඩ ගහනවා

How to use "heap" in a sentence:

heap something (up)

  • She heaped the dirty clothes up in the corner of the room to be washed later.

heap A on B

  • I am going to heap all of the toys on the bed.


🗣️ /hɪə(r)/

ඇහෙනවා, ඇහුම්කන් දෙනවා

How to use "hear" in a sentence:

hear someone/something

  • I heard the birds singing in the morning.

hear (that)

  • I hear that my favorite movie is coming to town next week.

hear wh-

  • I can hear what you're saying.


🗣️ /hiːt/

රත් වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "heat" in a sentence:

heat up

  • I need to heat up the soup for dinner.

heat (something)

  • I am heating the water for tea.


🗣️ /help/

උදවු වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "help" in a sentence:

help someone/something

  • I helped my friend with his homework last night.

help (someone) with something

  • I helped my sister with her homework.

help (someone) (to) do something

  • I will help you understand the new grammar rule.

help (someone) in doing something

  • He helped me in studying for my exams.


🗣️ /haɪd/

හැංගෙනවා, හංගනවා

How to use "hide" in a sentence:

hide (someone/something) (from something)

  • John hides his wallet from his little sister.

hide (someone/something) (adv./prep.)

  • He quickly hid the stolen necklace under his bed.


🗣️ /ˈhaɪlaɪt/

අවධානයට ලක් කරනවා

How to use "highlight" in a sentence:

highlight something

  • One example could be: "I will highlight the important information in the text for easier understanding."


🗣️ /ˈhɪndə(r)/

අවහිර කරමින් වළක්වනවා

How to use "hinder" in a sentence:

hinder someone/something (from doing something)

  • The heavy rain hindered the students from going to school.


🗣️ /hɪnt/

ඉඟියකින් දන්වනවා

How to use "hint" in a sentence:

hint (at something)

  • I could see Jane's raised eyebrow as a hint that she wanted me to stop talking.

hint (that)

  • I hinted that the exam would be difficult.


🗣️ /ˈhaɪə(r)/

කුලියට ගන්නවා

How to use "hire" in a sentence:

hire someone/something (to do something)

  • I will hire a tutor to help me improve my English skills.


🗣️ /hɪt/

පහරක් ගහනවා, වදිනවා, හැප්පෙනවා

How to use "hit" in a sentence:

hit someone/something

  • She hit the ball.

hit something (on/against something)

  • She hit the ball against the wall.

hit something (adv./prep.)

  • She hit the ball towards the goal post with great precision.


🗣️ /hɔːd/

ගොඩ ගහ ගන්නවා

How to use "hoard" in a sentence:

hoard (something)

  • I hoard candy in my desk drawer.


🗣️ /həʊld/

අල්ලාගෙන ඉන්නවා, දරාගෙන ඉන්නවා, රඳවාගෙන ඉන්නවා

How to use "hold" in a sentence:

hold someone/something

  • She holds her baby tightly in her arms.


  • He held onto his hat tightly as the wind blew.

hold someone + noun

  • She held her daughter's hand tightly as they crossed the busy street.


🗣️ /həʊp/

බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවා

How to use "hope" in a sentence:

hope (for something)

  • I hope for a better tomorrow.

hope that...

  • I hope that you understand the lesson.

hope to do something

  • I hope to see you soon.


🗣️ /ˈhɒspɪtəlaɪz/

රෝහල්ගත කරනවා

How to use "hospitalize" in a sentence:

hospitalize someone

  • My grandmother was hospitalized last night due to a severe fever.


🗣️ /haʊl/

උඩු බුරනවා

How to use "howl" in a sentence:

howl (in/with something)

  • The wolf howled in the darkness, signaling its pack to come closer.


🗣️ /hʌɡ/

වැළඳ ගන්නවා

How to use "hug" in a sentence:

hug (someone/something)

  • She hugged her mother tightly before leaving for school.


🗣️ /hʌnt/

දඩයම් කරනවා

How to use "hunt" in a sentence:

hunt someone/something

  • He hunts rabbits in the forest every weekend.

hunt for someone/something

  • I hunt for my lost keys every morning.


🗣️ /ˈhʌri/

ඉක්මන් කරනවා

How to use "hurry" in a sentence:

hurry (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She hurried the children into the car to avoid being late for school.

hurry someone (into doing something)

  • "Please don't hurry me into making a decision, I need more time to think."


🗣️ /hɜːt/

රිදෙනවා, රිද්දනවා

How to use "hurt" in a sentence:

hurt someone/something

  • The dog hurt his paw while playing in the yard.