
🗣️ /dæb/


How to use "dab" in a sentence:

dab (at) something (with something)

  • She dabbed at her tears with a tissue.


🗣️ /ˈdæmɪdʒ/

හානි කරනවා, හානි වෙනවා

How to use "damage" in a sentence:

damage (to someone/something)

  • The hurricane caused extensive damage to the entire town.


🗣️ /dæmp/

තෙත් කරනවා

How to use "damp" in a sentence:

damp something

  • I need to damp this cloth before I can use it to wipe the table.


🗣️ /dɑːns/


How to use "dance" in a sentence:

dance (something)

  • She danced a tango at the party last night.


🗣️ /deə(r)/

(යමක් කරන්නට) නිර්භය වෙනවා

How to use "dare" in a sentence:

dare (to) do something

  • She dared to speak up in class.


🗣️ /dæʃ/

කලබලෙන් දුවනවා

How to use "dash" in a sentence:

dash (adv./prep.)

  • She quickly dashed through the door.


🗣️ /dɔːn/

දවසක්/කාලයක් උදාවෙනවා

How to use "dawn" in a sentence:

  • The sun starts to dawn in the east.


🗣️ /ˈdefn/

කන් බිහිරි කරවනවා

How to use "deafen" in a sentence:

deafen someone

  • The gunshot was so loud it deafened my ears.


🗣️ /diːl/

ගනුදෙනු කරනවා, යමක් ගැන සාකච්ඡා කරනවා, (කාඩ්) බෙදා දෙනවා

How to use "deal" in a sentence:

deal (something)

  • She dealt the cards to the players.


🗣️ /dɪˈkeɪ/

දිරාපත් වෙනවා, ක්ෂය වෙනවා

How to use "decay" in a sentence:

  • The abandoned house started to decay over time.


🗣️ /dɪˈsiːv/

රවට්ටනවා, මුළා කරනවා

How to use "deceive" in a sentence:

deceive someone

  • The con man deceived her out of all her savings.


🗣️ /dɪˈsaɪd/

තීරණය කරනවා

How to use "decide" in a sentence:

decide something

  • The student decided to study English grammar on their own.

decide between A and B

  • "I can't decide between going to the beach or staying home on my day off."

decide that...

  • I have decided that I will go to the movies tonight.

decide wh-

  • I decided where to go for dinner.


🗣️ /dɪˈsaɪfə(r)/

කියවන්නට අපහසු යමක් කියවා තේරුම්ගන්නවා

How to use "decipher" in a sentence:

decipher something

  • The students were able to decipher the ancient hieroglyphics on the stone tablet.


🗣️ /dɪˈkleə(r)/

අවධාරණය කර සිටිනවා, විවෘතව ප්‍රකාශ කරනවා

How to use "declare" in a sentence:

declare something

  • She declared her love for him in front of the entire class.

declare that...

  • I declare that I will study hard to pass my English exam.


🗣️ /ˈdekəreɪt/


How to use "decorate" in a sentence:

decorate something (with something)

  • The students decorated their classroom with colorful streamers and balloons.


🗣️ /dɪˈkriːs/

ප්‍රමාණයෙන් අඩු වෙනවා

How to use "decrease" in a sentence:

decrease something

  • The price of apples decreased after the harvest season.

decrease (from something) (to something)

  • The water level in the lake decreased from 20 feet to 15 feet after the dry season

decrease by

  • The temperature will decrease by five degrees tomorrow.


🗣️ /dɪˈfiːt/

පරාජය කරනවා, ව්‍යර්ථ කරනවා

How to use "defeat" in a sentence:

defeat someone/something

  • The soccer team defeated their opponent in the championship game.


🗣️ /dɪˈfend/

පහරකින් ආරක්ෂා කරනවා

How to use "defend" in a sentence:

defend (someone/something) (from/against someone/something)

  • He defended his sister from the bully at school.


🗣️ /dɪˈfaɪn/

අර්ථ දක්වනවා, විදහා පානවා

How to use "define" in a sentence:

define something (as something)

  • I will define a square as a shape with four equal sides.

define wh-

  • Can you define what a simile is?


🗣️ /ˌdiːˈfleɪt/

හුළං අරිනවා, හුළං බහිනවා

How to use "deflate" in a sentence:

deflate (something)

  • The balloon deflated quickly after being popped with a needle.


🗣️ /dɪˈfɔːm/

ස්වභාවික හැඩය වෙනස් කරනවා/වෙනවා

How to use "deform" in a sentence:

deform (something)

  • She used a hammer to deform the metal sheet into a new shape.


🗣️ /ˌdiːˈfrɒst/

හිමාහරණය කරනවා

How to use "defrost" in a sentence:

defrost (something)

  • "The frozen chicken will take an hour to defrost before we can cook it for dinner."


🗣️ /ˌdiːˈfjuːz/

නිෂ්ක්‍රීය කරනවා

How to use "defuse" in a sentence:

defuse something

  • I will defuse the bomb before it explodes.


🗣️ /dɪˈfaɪ/

(නීතියකට/විශ්වාසයකට) පටහැනිව යනවා

How to use "defy" in a sentence:

defy someone/something

  • The student defied their teacher's instructions and left the classroom without permission.


🗣️ /dɪˈdʒenəreɪt/


How to use "degenerate" in a sentence:

degenerate (into something)

  • The negotiations have degenerated into a heated argument between the two parties.


🗣️ /dɪˈɡreɪd/

තත්වය/ගුණය පහත හෙලනවා

How to use "degrade" in a sentence:

degrade (someone/something)

  • The constant bullying at school can degrade a young person's self-esteem.


🗣️ /diːˈhaɪdreɪt/

විජලනය වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "dehydrate" in a sentence:

dehydrate (someone/something)

  • "He forgot to drink water during his hiking trip and became severely dehydrated."


🗣️ /dɪˈleɪ/

පරක්කු කරනවා

How to use "delay" in a sentence:

delay someone/something

  • The train delay is causing me to be late for work.


🗣️ /dɪˈliːt/

ලියු/මුද්‍රිත/පටිගත යමක් ඉවත් කර හරිනවා

How to use "delete" in a sentence:

delete something (from something)

  • He deleted the incorrect answer from his essay before submitting it.


🗣️ /dɪˈlaɪt/

සතුටු කරනවා

How to use "delight" in a sentence:

delight someone

  • She delighted her parents with her perfect score on the test.


🗣️ /dɪˈlɪvə(r)/

(දෙයක්) බෙදා හරිනවා, (කථාවක්) පවත්වනවා

How to use "deliver" in a sentence:

deliver something

  • I will deliver the package tomorrow.


🗣️ /dɪˈmɑːnd/

තරයේ ඉල්ලා සිටිනවා

How to use "demand" in a sentence:

demand something

  • The students demanded more time to complete their assignment.

demand to do something

  • He demanded to see the manager immediately.

demand that...

  • I demand that all students complete their homework every day.


🗣️ /ˈdemənstreɪt/

විද්‍යාමාන කර දක්වනවා/පෙන්වනවා

How to use "demonstrate" in a sentence:

demonstrate something (to someone)

  • I will demonstrate the math problem to my students on the board.

demonstrate that...

  • She demonstrated that she is an excellent cook by cooking a delicious meal for her family.

demonstrate wh-

  • She demonstrated how to solve the math problem.


🗣️ /dɪˈnaɪ/

(යමක්) අසත්‍ය බව ප්‍රකාශ කරනවා

How to use "deny" in a sentence:

deny something

  • She denied the accusation.

deny (that)

  • She denies that she stole the money.


🗣️ /dɪˈpend/

කෙනෙක්/යමක් මත රඳා පවතිනවා, යැපෙනවා

How to use "depend" in a sentence:

depend on someone/something

  • The success of our project depends on the support of our sponsors.


🗣️ /dɪˈskraɪb/

විස්තර කරනවා

How to use "describe" in a sentence:

describe someone/something

  • She described her cat as playful and cuddly.

describe wh-

  • "Describe wh- questions in one word."


🗣️ /dɪˈzɜːt/

අත්හැර දමා යනවා

How to use "desert" in a sentence:

desert someone/something

  • She deserted her husband and children to run away with another man.


🗣️ /dɪˈzɜːv/

යමක් ලැබීමට සුදුසු වෙනවා

How to use "deserve" in a sentence:

deserve something

  • The hardworking students deserve good grades.


🗣️ /dɪˈzaɪn/

සැලසුම් කරනවා

How to use "design" in a sentence:

design something (for someone/something)

  • I will design a website for my client.


🗣️ /dɪˈstrɔɪ/

විනාශ කරනවා

How to use "destroy" in a sentence:

destroy someone/something

  • The hurricane destroyed the small village.


🗣️ /dɪˈtætʃ/

යමකින් තවත් යමක් ගලවනවා

How to use "detach" in a sentence:

detach something (from something)

  • I will detach the cable from the back of the computer.


🗣️ /dɪˈteɪn/

රඳවා තබා ගන්නවා

How to use "detain" in a sentence:

detain someone

  • The police will detain the suspect for questioning.


🗣️ /dɪˈtekt/

යමක් ඇති බව දැනගන්නවා

How to use "detect" in a sentence:

detect something

  • I detect a hint of hesitation in her voice.


🗣️ /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/

නිවැරදිව තහවුරු කරගන්නවා, තීරණය කරනවා

How to use "determine" in a sentence:

determine something

  • She determined the best route to take for their trip.

determine that...

  • I determined that she was lying based on her body language.

determine wh-

  • I can determine which movie we will watch tonight.


🗣️ /dɪˈveləp/

සංවර්ධනය වෙනවා, සංවර්ධනය කරනවා

How to use "develop" in a sentence:

develop (something)

  • She developed an interest in art after attending a gallery exhibit.


🗣️ /dɪsˈeɪbl

(යමක්) ක්‍රියා විරහිත කරනවා, (කෙනෙක්ව) ආබාධිත කරනවා

How to use "disable" in a sentence:

disable something

  • I will disable the alarm tomorrow.

disable someone

  • The nurse disabled the patient's ability to use their legs.


🗣️ /daɪ/

මැරෙනවා, අක්‍රිය වෙනවා, දුබල වෙනවා

How to use "die" in a sentence:

die (of/from something)

  • "My grandfather died from cancer last year."

die (for something)

  • She was willing to die for her country's freedom.

die something

  • The flower will die soon if you don't water it.


🗣️ /dɪɡ/

පොළොව හාරනවා, පොළොව කොටනවා

How to use "dig" in a sentence:

dig (for something)

  • She dug for buried treasure in the garden.

dig something

  • I dug a hole in the ground for the tree to be planted.


🗣️ /daɪˈdʒest/

(අහාර) ජීර්ණය වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "digest" in a sentence:

digest (something)

  • He took his time to carefully digest the information before making a decision.


🗣️ /dəˈrekt/

යොමු කරනවා, මෙහෙයවනවා

How to use "direct" in a sentence:

direct someone/something (at/to/against someone/something)

  • She directed her anger at the person who had betrayed her.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsəˈɡriː/

එකඟ නොවෙනවා

How to use "disagree" in a sentence:

disagree (with someone) (on/about/over something)

  • I disagree with my friend on the topic of climate change.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)/

අතුරුදන් වෙනවා, නොපෙනී යනවා

How to use "disappear" in a sentence:

disappear (adv./prep.)

  • The car slowly disappeared behind the hill.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/

(බලාපොරොත්තු කඩකරමින්) කනස්සල්ලට පත් කරනවා

How to use "disappoint" in a sentence:

disappoint (someone/something)

  • The new movie disappointed me.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsəˈpruːv/

අකමැත්ත පළ කරනවා, අනුමත නොකරනවා

How to use "disapprove" in a sentence:

disapprove something

  • I disapprove your behavior at the party last night.

disapprove of someone/something

  • I disapprove of his behavior.


🗣️ /dɪsˈɑːm/

නිරායුධ කරනවා

How to use "disarm" in a sentence:

disarm someone

  • The police officer was able to disarm the suspect without resorting to violence.


🗣️ /dɪsˈkɑːd/

ඉවත දමනවා

How to use "discard" in a sentence:

discard (someone/something)

  • I discard old books every year to make space for new ones.


🗣️ /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/

මුදා හරිනවා

How to use "discharge" in a sentence:

discharge someone (from something)

  • He was discharged from the hospital after making a full recovery.

discharge something

  • The hospital discharged her after her surgery.


🗣️ /ˈdɪsəplɪn/

(දඬුවම් කර) හික්මවනවා

How to use "discipline" in a sentence:

discipline someone (for something)

  • "You need to discipline your child for breaking the school rules."


🗣️ /dɪsˈkləʊz/

එළිදරව් කරනවා

How to use "disclose" in a sentence:

disclose something (to someone)

  • I will disclose the results of the test to the principal.

disclose that...

  • "I must disclose that I made a mistake in my report."

disclose wh-

  • She disclosed what happened at the party without hesitation.


🗣️ /ˌdɪskəˈnekt/

විසන්ධි කරනවා

How to use "disconnect" in a sentence:

disconnect something (from something)

  • I need to disconnect the charger from the wall outlet before leaving the house.

disconnect someone/something

  • I will disconnect the computer from the internet to prevent any distractions during the exam.


🗣️ /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/

අනාවරණය කරගන්නවා

How to use "discover" in a sentence:

discover something

  • I discovered a hidden treasure in the backyard.


🗣️ /dɪˈskʌs/

සාකච්ඡා කරනවා

How to use "discuss" in a sentence:

discuss wh-

  • Let's discuss what our next project will be in class.

discuss something

  • We will discuss the solution to this problem in class tomorrow.

discuss something with someone

  • I will discuss the topic with my colleague tomorrow.


🗣️ /dɪsˈfɪɡə(r)/

විරූපී කරනවා

How to use "disfigure" in a sentence:

disfigure someone/something

  • The accident disfigured her face.


🗣️ /dɪsˈɡreɪs/

අපකීර්තියට පත්කරනවා

How to use "disgrace" in a sentence:

disgrace someone/something

  • She disgraced her family's reputation by stealing from her workplace.


🗣️ /dɪsˈɡaɪz/

බොරු වෙස් ගන්වනවා

How to use "disguise" in a sentence:

disguise someone (as something)

  • She disguised her son as a clown for the costume party.


🗣️ /dɪsˈɡʌst/

හිතේ පිළිකුල ඇති කරවනවා

How to use "disgust" in a sentence:

disgust someone

  • The sight of rotten food in the fridge disgusts me.


🗣️ /dɪsˈɒnə(r)/

අගෞරව කරනවා, නින්දා කරනවා

How to use "dishonour" in a sentence:

dishonour someone/something

  • He dishonoured his family by lying and stealing from them.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt/

විෂබීජ නැති කරනවා

How to use "disinfect" in a sentence:

disinfect something

  • "She disinfects the kitchen counter before preparing food."


🗣️ /dɪsˈlaɪk/

අප්‍රිය කරනවා

How to use "dislike" in a sentence:

dislike someone/something

  • I dislike spicy food.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ/

අකීකරු වෙනවා, අණ නොපිළිපදිනවා

How to use "disobey" in a sentence:

disobey (someone/something)

  • The student disobeyed the teacher's instructions and received a detention.


🗣️ /dɪsˈəʊn/

අයිතිය ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරනවා

How to use "disown" in a sentence:

disown someone/something

  • She decided to disown her father for his actions.


🗣️ /dɪˈspleɪ/

ප්‍රදර්ශනය කරනවා, පෙනෙන්නට සලස්වනවා

How to use "display" in a sentence:

display something (to someone)

  • I will display a map to my students.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsˈpruːv/

අසත්‍ය බව ඔප්පු කරනවා, නිෂ්ප්‍රභා කරනවා

How to use "disprove" in a sentence:

disprove something

  • The evidence presented by the defense disprove the prosecutor's claims.


🗣️ /dɪˈspjuːt/

තර්ක කරනවා

How to use "dispute" in a sentence:

dispute something

  • They disputed the results of the election.

dispute that...

  • I dispute that it was the right decision.

dispute wh-

  • I dispute whether he actually won the race.


🗣️ /dɪsˈkwɒlɪfaɪ/

තරඟයකට සහභාගීවීම අහිමි කරනවා

How to use "disqualify" in a sentence:

disqualify someone/something (from something)

  • The referee has the authority to disqualify any player who breaks the rules from the game.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːd/

නොසලකා හරිනවා

How to use "disregard" in a sentence:

disregard something

  • I disregard your advice.


🗣️ /ˌdɪsrɪˈspekt/

නිගරු කරනවා

How to use "disrespect" in a sentence:

disrespect someone/something

  • "Billy showed disrespect towards his teacher by talking back during class."


🗣️ /dɪsˈrʌpt/

කඩා කප්පල් කරනවා

How to use "disrupt" in a sentence:

disrupt something

  • The loud noise from the construction site disrupted my concentration during the test.


🗣️ /daɪˈsekt/

(දේහයක්) අධ්‍යනය කරන්නට කැබලි කපනවා

How to use "dissect" in a sentence:

dissect something

  • The students will dissect a frog in their biology class tomorrow.


🗣️ /dɪˈzɒlv/

දිය වෙනවා, දිය කරනවා

How to use "dissolve" in a sentence:

dissolve (something) (in something)

  • The sugar dissolves in the hot tea.


🗣️ /dɪˈstɪl/

ආසවනය මගින් පෙරා ගන්නවා

How to use "distil" in a sentence:

distil something (from something)

  • I will distil the essence of the poem from its complex language.


🗣️ /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/

වෙන්කොට හඳුනාගන්නවා

How to use "distinguish" in a sentence:

distinguish A from B

  • I can distinguish the sound of a duck from that of a chicken.

distinguish between A and B

  • One of the key skills in science is the ability to distinguish between observations and inferences.


🗣️ /dɪˈstɔːt/

විකෘති කරනවා

How to use "distort" in a sentence:

distort something

  • I distorted the truth in order to protect my friend.


🗣️ /dɪˈstrækt/

අවධානය වෙනතකට හරවනවා

How to use "distract" in a sentence:

distract someone (from something)

  • The loud noise outside distracted me from my work.


🗣️ /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/


How to use "distribute" in a sentence:

distribute something (to/among someone)

  • I distribute worksheets to my students.


🗣️ /dɪˈstɜːb/

බාධා කරනවා

How to use "disturb" in a sentence:

disturb someone/something

  • "The loud noise from the construction site disturbed the neighbors."


🗣️ /daɪv/


How to use "dive" in a sentence:

dive (into something)

  • She dove into the pool.


🗣️ /daɪˈvɜːdʒ/

විහිදී යනවා, වෙනස් මගක් ගන්නවා

How to use "diverge" in a sentence:

diverge from something

  • The road diverges from the main highway at this point.


🗣️ /dɪˈvaɪd/

කොටස් කරනවා, බෙදා දෙනවා

How to use "divide" in a sentence:

divide something (into something)

  • The teacher divided the class into groups for a group project.

divide something between A and B

  • He divided the cake between his two children.


🗣️ /dɪˈvɔːs/

දික්කසාද වෙනවා, දික්කසාද කරනවා

How to use "divorce" in a sentence:

divorce (someone)

  • She wants to divorce her husband.


🗣️ /daɪˈvʌldʒ/

රහසිගතව තිබිය යුතු යමක් හෙළි කරනවා

How to use "divulge" in a sentence:

divulge something to someone

  • She hesitated to divulge the secret to her friend.


🗣️ /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/

ආධිපත්‍යය පවත්වනවා, පාලනය කරනවා, කැපී පෙනෙනවා

How to use "dominate" in a sentence:

dominate (someone/something)

  • "She dominated her opponent in the tennis match."


🗣️ /dəʊˈneɪt/

පරිත්‍යාග කරනවා

How to use "donate" in a sentence:

donate something (to someone/something)

  • She donated her old clothes to a local charity.


🗣️ /dəʊt/

වැරදි දැක දැකත් ආදරය කරනවා

How to use "dote" in a sentence:

dote on someone/something

  • I dote on my cat and spoil her with treats and toys.


🗣️ /ˈdʌbl/

දෙගුණ කරනවා

How to use "double" in a sentence:

double something

  • He doubled his salary by getting a second job.


🗣️ /daʊt/

වියහැකියාව සැක කරනවා

How to use "doubt" in a sentence:

doubt someone/something

  • I doubt her ability to pass the test.


🗣️ /daʊn/

පහත හෙළනවා

How to use "down" in a sentence:

down someone/something

  • I put my backpack down on the chair.


🗣️ /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/

එක් පරිගණකයකින් තවත් පරිගණකයකට (අන්තර්ජාලය හරහා) දත්ත ලබා ගනන්වා

How to use "download" in a sentence:

download something

  • I downloaded a new mobile app last night.


🗣️ /dræɡ/

බලෙන් ඇදගෙන යනවා

How to use "drag" in a sentence:

drag someone/something

  • My brother dragged the heavy suitcase to the car.


🗣️ /dreɪn/

දිය බහින්න සලස්වනවා

How to use "drain" in a sentence:

drain (something)

  • The sink was clogged, so I used a plunger to drain the water.


🗣️ /dreɪp/

ලිහිල්ව ඔතනවා

How to use "drape" in a sentence:

drape someone/something in something

  • She draped the flag over her shoulders to show her patriotism.

drape something around someone/something

  • I draped a blanket around her shoulders to keep her warm.


🗣️ /drɔː/

අඳිනවා, අදිනවා, ජය පරාජයෙන් තොරව අවසන් කරනවා

How to use "draw" in a sentence:

draw something

  • She drew a beautiful picture of a flower.

draw someone/something

  • The artist drew a beautiful landscape.


🗣️ /driːm/

හීන දකිනවා, හීන බලනවා

How to use "dream*" in a sentence:

dream* of/about someone/something

  • He dreams of becoming a doctor one day.

dream* something

  • She dreams of becoming a doctor one day.

dream* that...

  • I dream of becoming a doctor one day.


🗣️ /dres/

ඇඳුම් අඳිනවා, ඇඳුම් අන්දනවා

How to use "dress" in a sentence:

dress (someone) (in something)

  • She dressed her child in a cute pink dress for the party.


🗣️ /drɪŋk/


How to use "drink" in a sentence:

drink (something)

  • I drink water every morning for good health.


🗣️ /drɪp/

(දියරයක්) බින්දුව බින්දුව වෑස්සෙනවා

How to use "drip" in a sentence:

drip (something)

  • Water drips slowly from the faucet.


🗣️ /draɪv/

(වාහනයක්) පදවනවා

How to use "drive" in a sentence:

drive (something),

  • She drives the car to work every morning.

someone (adv./prep.)

  • He drives carefully.


🗣️ /ˈdrɪzl/

පොද වැස්සක් වටෙනවා

How to use "drizzle" in a sentence:

  • The rain began to drizzle lightly as we walked to the store.


🗣️ /drɒp/

යම් දෙයක් වැටෙනවා/වට්ටනවා

How to use "drop" in a sentence:

drop (something)

  • She dropped her pencil on the floor.


🗣️ /draʊn/

දියේ ගිලෙනවා, දියේ ගිල්වනවා, යටපත් කරනවා

How to use "drown" in a sentence:

drown (someone) (in something)

  • She drowned her sorrows in a bottle of wine.


🗣️ /draɪ/

වේලෙනවා, වේලනවා

How to use "dry" in a sentence:

dry (someone/something)

  • The towel will dry the wet dishes.


🗣️ /dʌb/

හඬ කවනවා

How to use "dub" in a sentence:

dub something (into something)

  • She dubbed the movie into Spanish to make it more accessible for international viewers.


🗣️ /dʌk/

යමක් හිසේ වැදීමෙන් බේරෙන්නට ඔළුව පහත කරනවා

How to use "duck" in a sentence:

duck (something)

  • She ducks the flying baseball.


🗣️ /dʌmp/

ඔහේ අත්හැර දමනවා

How to use "dump" in a sentence:

dump something/someone (on someone)

  • He dumped all the blame on his team members for the project's failure.


🗣️ /ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt/

එක සමාන පිටපත් හදනවා

How to use "duplicate" in a sentence:

duplicate something

  • She was able to duplicate the experiment and get the same results.


🗣️ /dʌst/

දූවිලි පිහිනවා

How to use "dust" in a sentence:

dust (something) (with something)

  • I dusted the bookshelf with a clean cloth.


🗣️ /daɪ/

සායම් පොවනවා

How to use "dye" in a sentence:

dye something (+ adj.)

  • I will dye my hair blonde for the summer.