
🗣️ /beɪk/

පෝරණුවක පුළුස්සනවා

How to use "bake" in a sentence:

bake something

  • She bakes cookies every Sunday.

bake someone something

  • I baked my family a delicious cake for their birthday party.


🗣️ /ˈbæləns/

තුලනය කරනවා, තුලිතව සිටිනවා

How to use "balance" in a sentence:

balance something

  • I need to balance my checkbook at the end of each month.

balance something (on something)

  • I balanced the book on my head as I walked across the room.

balance (on something)

  • She balanced on the tightrope without falling.


🗣️ /bæn/

තහනම් කරනවා

How to use "ban" in a sentence:

ban something

  • The government has banned smoking in all public places.

ban someone from something

  • He was banned from the club for causing a disturbance.

ban someone from doing something

  • The school has banned the use of mobile phones on campus.


🗣️ /bæt/

ක්‍රිකට් වැනි ක්‍රීඩාවක පිත්තෙන් පහර දෙනවා

How to use "bat" in a sentence:

bat (adv./prep.)

  • She batted her eyelashes at him, hoping to catch his attention.


🗣️ /beɪð/

නානවා, නාවනවා

How to use "bathe" in a sentence:

bathe (someone)

  • She bathes her baby every night before bedtime.

bathe something

  • She bathes her baby every night before bedtime.


🗣️ /beə(r)/

දරා සිටිනවා, (ඉවසා) දරා ගන්නවා

How to use "bear" in a sentence:

bear something

  • I can bear the weight of this heavy suitcase.


🗣️ /biːt/

ගහනවා, පරදවනවා

How to use "beat" in a sentence:

beat someone/something

  • He beat the drum at the parade.

beat someone at something

  • She beat him at chess.


🗣️ /bɪˈkʌm/

යමක් හෝ යම් ආකාරයක් බවට පත් වෙනවා

How to use "become" in a sentence:

become (+ noun/adj.)

  • "She became a doctor after years of hard work and dedication."


🗣️ /beɡ/

සිඟනවා, අයදිනවා

How to use "beg" in a sentence:

beg (for something)

  • John begged for food from the kind stranger.

beg someone

  • I saw a homeless man on the street corner, holding a sign that read "Please help me

beg someone to do something

  • He begged his parents to let him go to the party.


🗣️ /bɪˈɡɪn/


How to use "begin" in a sentence:

begin (something)

  • "Let's begin class with some warm-up exercises."

begin to do something

  • She began to read her favorite book.


🗣️ /bɪˈheɪv/


How to use "behave" in a sentence:

behave adv./prep.

  • He behaved calmly during the exam.


🗣️ /bɪˈliːv/

විශ්වාස කරනවා, අදහනවා

How to use "believe" in a sentence:

believe someone/something

"I believe my friend's story about his trip to Europe."


🗣️ /bɪˈlɒŋ/


How to use "belong" in a sentence:

belong to someone/something

  • "The red notebook belongs to Susan."


🗣️ /bend/

නැවෙනවා, නවනවා

How to use "bend" in a sentence:

bend adv./prep.

  • She bends over the table to pick up her pen.

bend something (adv./prep.)

  • The tree bends towards the sunlight.


🗣️ /ˈbenɪfɪt/

වාසි සලසනවා, වාසි ලබනවා

How to use "benefit" in a sentence:

benefit someone

  • She will benefit her students by providing them with extra study materials.

benefit (from something)

  • They will benefit from studying hard for their exams.


🗣️ /bet/

ඔට්ටු අල්ලනවා

How to use "bet" in a sentence:

bet something (on someone/something)

  • I bet $100 on the red team to win the game.


🗣️ /bɪˈtreɪ/

පාවා දෙනවා

How to use "betray" in a sentence:

betray someone/something (to someone)

  • John's best friend betrayed him to the police after he committed the crime.


🗣️ /baɪt/


How to use "bite" in a sentence:

bite into something

  • She bites into the juicy apple, savoring its sweetness.

bite something/someone

  • The dog bites the mailman.


🗣️ /bleɪm/

බනිනවා, දොස් පවරනවා

How to use "blame" in a sentence:

blame someone/something (for something)

  • She blames herself for the accident.


🗣️ /bliːd/

ලේ යනවා/ගලනවා/හලනවා

How to use "bleed" in a sentence:

  • I bleed easily when I cut myself.


🗣️ /blend/

මිශ්‍ර වෙනවා, මිශ්‍ර කරනවා

How to use "blend" in a sentence:

blend (something) (with something)

  • She blended the ingredients with a mixer, creating a smooth batter.


🗣️ /bles/

ආශිර්වාද කරනවා

How to use "bless" in a sentence:

bless someone/something

  • She blessed her children before they went to bed.


🗣️ /blaɪnd/

අන්ධ කරනවා, රවටනවා

How to use "blind" in a sentence:

blind someone/something

  • The bright lights blinded me momentarily.


🗣️ /blɪŋk/

ඇසිපිය ගසනවා

How to use "blink" in a sentence:

blink (something)

  • She blinked her eyes at the bright light.


🗣️ /bləʊ/

(සුළං) හමනවා, (සුළං) පිඹිනවා

How to use "blow" in a sentence:

blow adv./prep.

  • The wind blew fiercely through the trees.


🗣️ /blʌʃ/

ලජ්ජාවෙන් මුහුණ රතු වෙනවා

How to use "blush" in a sentence:

blush (with something) (at something)

  • She blushed with embarrassment at the compliment.


🗣️ /bəʊst/

පුරසාරම් දොඩනවා

How to use "boast" in a sentence:

boast of/abou something

  • She boasts of her accomplishments to everyone she meets.

boast that...

  • He boasted that he was the best runner in the school.


🗣️ /bɔɪl/

තම්බනවා, (වතුර) නටවනවා

How to use "boil" in a sentence:

boil something

  • I always boil the water before adding the tea leaves.


🗣️ /bʊk/

කලින් වෙන් කරගන්නවා

How to use "book" in a sentence:

book something

  • I will book my flight to London tomorrow.


🗣️ /ˈbɒrəʊ/

ණයට ගන්නවා

How to use "borrow" in a sentence:

borrow something (from someone)

  • She will borrow a book from me for her class assignment.


🗣️ /ˈbɒðə(r)/

කරදර කරනවා, කරදර වෙනවා

How to use "bother" in a sentence:

bother (someone)

  • "It bothers me that you didn't RSVP to the party invitation."

bother to do something

  • He didn't even bother to call me back.

bother doing something

  • "I don't want to bother cleaning my room today."


🗣️ /baʊns/

පොළා පනිනවා, පොළා පනින්නට සලස්වනවා

How to use "bounce" in a sentence:

bounce off something

  • The basketball bounced off the rim and into the net.

bounce something (against/off something)

  • She bounced the ball against the wall.


🗣️ /baʊ/

හිස නමා ආචාර කරනවා

How to use "bow" in a sentence:

bow (to someone/something)

  • The man bowed to the king before speaking.


🗣️ /breɪk/

තිරිංග තද කරනවා

How to use "brake" in a sentence:

brake (something)

  • "He had to brake his car suddenly to avoid hitting the dog in the road."


🗣️ /breɪk/

කැඩෙනවා, කඩනවා

How to use "break" in a sentence:

break (something)

  • "Please don't break the vase on the table."

break adv./prep.

  • He broke his leg while playing soccer.


🗣️ /briːð/

හුස්ම ගන්නවා, ශ්වසනය කරනවා

How to use "breathe" in a sentence:

breathe (something)

  • She breathed in the fresh air.


🗣️ /brɪŋ/

ගේනවා, අරගෙන එනවා

How to use "bring" in a sentence:

bring someone/something

  • "Please bring your textbook to class tomorrow."

bring someone something

  • He brought his friends some snacks for the movie night.


🗣️ /brʌʃ/

බුරුසුවකින් අතුල්ලනවා, යන්තමින් ඇතිල්ලෙනවා

How to use "brush" in a sentence:

brush something

  • I brush my teeth every morning.

brush against something

  • I brush against the door as I walk into the room.


🗣️ /bɪld/


How to use "build" in a sentence:

build something

  • I am building a sandcastle on the beach.

build someone something

  • I helped build my neighbor a birdhouse.


🗣️ /bʌmp/

යමක වදිනවා, වද්ද ගන්නවා

How to use "bump" in a sentence:

bump something

  • I accidentally bumped the table.

bump into someone/something

  • "I bumped into the door and stubbed my toe."


🗣️ /bɜːn/

ගිනි තියනවා, පුළුස්සනවා, පිළිස්සෙනවා

How to use "burn*" in a sentence:

burn* (someone/something)

  • The candle burned brightly in the dark, filling the room with a warm glow.


🗣️ /bɜːst/

පීඩනය නිසා පුපුරනවා

How to use "burst" in a sentence:

burst (something)

  • The balloon burst.


🗣️ /ˈberi/

වළලනවා, යටපත් කරනවා

How to use "bury" in a sentence:

bury someone/something

  • I will bury the treasure in the backyard.


🗣️ /baɪ/

මිලදී ගන්නවා

How to use "buy" in a sentence:

buy something (for someone)

  • I always buy chocolates for my little sister on her birthday.

buy (someone) something (from …) (for something)

  • The father bought his son a new bike from the store for his birthday.