
🗣️ /weɪt/

රැඳී සිටිනවා, නැවතී සිටිනවා, (යමක්/කෙනෙක් වෙනුවෙන්) බලාගෙන ඉන්නවා

How to use "wait" in a sentence:

wait (adv./prep.) (for someone/something) (to do something)

  • I waited patiently for the bus to arrive.


🗣️ /weɪk/

අවදි වෙනවා/අවදි කරනවා, ඇහැරෙනවා/ඇහැරවනවා

How to use "wake" in a sentence:

wake (something) (up)

  • She woke her baby up gently.

wake from something (to something)

  • She woke from her nap to the sound of the doorbell.

wake to do something

  • I woke to do my morning exercises.


🗣️ /wɔːk/

ඇවිදිනවා, අවිද්දනවා, පයින් ගිහින් අරලනවා

How to use "walk" in a sentence:

walk (adv./prep.)

  • He walks slowly to school.

walk something

  • She likes to walk her dog in the park every morning.

walk someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • He walked the dog in the park.


🗣️ /ˈwɒndə(r)/

පැහැදිලි අදහසක් නැතිව ඔහේ යනවා

How to use "wander" in a sentence:

wander (adv./prep)

  • She wandered aimlessly in the forest.

wander something

  • He wanders the park every day after school.


🗣️ /wɒnt/

අවශ්‍යයි (ඕනෙ)

How to use "want" in a sentence:

want something

  • I want a cup of coffee.

want (someone/something) to do something

  • My students want me to teach them grammar rules in a fun and engaging way.

want someone/something doing something

  • I want my students practicing English every day.

want someone/something + adj.

  • I want a cool drink.


🗣️ /wɔːm/

උණුසම් කරනවා

How to use "warm" in a sentence:

warm someone/something (up)

  • He always likes to warm up his hands by the fire on a cold winter day.


🗣️ /wɔːn/

අනතුරු අඟවනවා

How to use "warn" in a sentence:

warn someone

  • "I warned him not to touch the hot stove."

warn (someone) about/against someone/something

  • I warn my students about the dangers of using their phones in class.

warn (someone) of something

  • I warned the students of the upcoming exam.

warn (someone) that

  • I warned her that there was a storm coming.


🗣️ /wɒʃ/


How to use "wash" in a sentence:

wash something

  • She washes her clothes every Saturday morning.

wash something (from something)

  • She washed the stain from her shirt.


🗣️ /weɪst

නාස්ති කරනවා, නිකරුණේ විනාශ කරනවා

How to use "waste" in a sentence:

waste something

  • He wasted his money on an expensive car.

waste something on someone/something

  • He wasted his money on a useless gadget.

waste something (in) doing something

  • She wasted all her money in buying unnecessary clothes.

waste someone/something as something

  • She wasted her talent as a singer by not pursuing a career in music.


🗣️ /wɒtʃ/

නරඹනවා, බලනවා, ප්‍රවේසමෙන් සලකා බලනවා, සෝදිසියෙන් සිටිනවා, මුර කරනවා

How to use "watch" in a sentence:

watch someone/something

  • I watch the sunset every evening.

watch (something) (for something)

  • She watches the clock for her favorite TV show to start.

watch wh-

  • I will watch whatever movie my friends choose tonight.

watch someone/something doing something

  • I watch my students speaking Sinhala in class.

watch someone/something do something

  • She watches me do my homework.

watch over someone/something

  • I watch over my little brother while my parents are at work.


🗣️ /ˈwɔːtə(r)/

වතුර දානවා, වතුර ලබා දෙනවා

How to use "water" in a sentence:

water something

  • I need to water the plants in the garden.


🗣️ /weɪv

අත වනනවා, (කොඩි ආදිය) ලෙළ දෙනවා, රැළි ගැහෙනවා/ගස්සනවා

How to use "wave" in a sentence:

wave at/to someone

  • I often wave at my friends when I see them in the hallway at school.

wave something at someone

  • The teacher waved her hand at her students to get their attention.

wave someone something

  • He waved me a hello as I walked by his house.

wave something (to someone)

  • I waved my hand to my friend to say hello.

wave adv./prep.

  • He waved happily to his friends as they walked away.

wave someone/something + adv./prep.

  • He waved to his friends from across the street.


🗣️ /weə(r)/

(ඇඳුම්) අඳිනවා, (ඇඳුමකින්/කොන්ඩ මෝස්තරයකින්/හිනාවකින්) සැරසෙනවා

How to use "wear" in a sentence:

wear something

  • She wears a red dress to the party.

wear something + adj.

  • She wears a red scarf.


🗣️ /weɪ/

යම් බරක් වෙනවා, බර කිරනවා, සසඳා බලනවා

How to use "weigh" in a sentence:

weigh (+ noun)

  • She weighs the cat before and after feeding it to see if it's gaining weight.

weigh someone/something

  • The baby weighs 10 pounds.

weigh something (up)

  • My suitcase weighs up to 20kgs when fully packed for a long trip.


🗣️ /ˈwelkəm/

(කෙනෙක්/දෙයක්) (සතුටින්) පිළිගන්නවා

How to use "welcome" in a sentence:

welcome (someone)

  • I welcomed my friend to my home.

welcome someone (to something)

  • I welcome you to our class in English.

welcome something

  • Sinhala students always welcome new vocabulary in English class.


🗣️ /wet/

තෙමනවා, තෙත් කරනවා

How to use "wet" in a sentence:

wet something

  • She wet the towel and laid it out flat to dry.


🗣️ /ˈwɪspə(r)/

සිහින් හඬින් (රහසින්) කියනවා, කොඳුරනවා, මුමුණනවා

How to use "whisper" in a sentence:

whisper (something) (to someone)

  • I whispered the answer to my partner during the test.

whisper (to someone) that

  • She whispered to me that she was scared of the dark.

whisper (about something)

  • He whispered about the surprise party so that no one would overhear.

whisper (adv./prep.)

  • She whispered softly in my ear.


🗣️ /ˈwaɪdn/

පුළුල් වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "widen" in a sentence:

widen (something)

  • He widened the pathway to make it easier for the wheelchairs to pass through.

widen (into something)

  • The road widens into a four-lane highway near the city.


🗣️ /wɪlt/

(පැළයක්/මලක්/කොලයක්) මැළ වෙනවා, පරවී යනවා

How to use "wilt" in a sentence:

  • The flowers will wilt without enough water.


🗣️ /wɪn/

දිනනවා/දිනාගන්නවා, දිනා දෙනවා

How to use "win" in a sentence:

win something

  • She won the race.

win at something

  • I always try my best to win at sports competitions.

win aginst someone/something

  • He always wins against his opponents in chess.

win something from someone

  • She won a gold medal from her rival in the competition.

win someone something

  • He won his team the championship.


🗣️ /wɪŋk/

ඇහැක් ගහනවා

How to use "wink" in a sentence:

wink (at someone)

  • She winked at me during the exam to let me know the answer was on the paper.


🗣️ /waɪp/

පිහ දානවා, අතුගා දමනවා

How to use "wipe" in a sentence:

wipe something (on something)

  • I wipe the table with a cloth.

wipe something with something

  • The student wiped the whiteboard with a cloth.

wipe something (from/off something)

  • She wiped the dust from the bookshelf.

wipe something away/off/up

  • I wiped the tears away from my eyes.


🗣️ /wɪʃ/

ප්‍රර්ථනා කරනවා, බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවා

How to use "wish" in a sentence:

wish (that)

  • I wish that the weather was better today.

wish someone/something + adj.

  • I wish you success in your studies.

wish someone/something + adv./prep.

  • I wish my students could understand English better.

wish to do something

  • I wish to go to the beach tomorrow.

wish someone something

  • I wish you a happy birthday.

wish someone/something to do something

  • I wish my students to understand the usage of the verb phrase 'wish'.

wish for something

  • I wish for a new bicycle for my birthday.


🗣️ /wɪθˈdrɔː/

(යමකින්/යම් සිද්ධියකින්) ඉවත් වෙනවා/කරගන්නවා

How to use "withdraw" in a sentence:

withdraw (someone/something) (from something)

  • He withdrew his hand from the fire.

withdraw something (from something)

  • She withdrew her hand from the hot stove.


🗣️ /ˈwɪðə(r)/

(පැළයක්/මලක්/කොලයක්) මැළ වෙනවා, පරවී යනවා

How to use "wither" in a sentence:

wither (away)

  • The flowers in the garden will quickly wither away without enough water.


🗣️ /ˈwɪtnəs/

යමක් සිදුවෙනු දකිනවා

How to use "witness" in a sentence:

witness something

  • I witnessed the sunrise this morning.


🗣️ /ˈwʌndə(r)/

කුතුහලයට පත් වෙනවා, පුදුම වෙනවා

How to use "wonder" in a sentence:

wonder wh-

  • "I often wonder what the future holds for us."

wonder (about something)

  • I often wonder about the different cultures in our country.

wonder if/whether

  • I wonder if she'll be able to attend the party tonight.

wonder that...

  • I wonder that the store is still open this late.

wonder (at something)

  • I wonder at the beauty of the sunset.


🗣️ /wɜːk/

වැඩ කරනවා, වැ

ඩක නිරත වෙනවා, රැකියාවක් කරනවා, (යමක්) ක්‍රියා කරවනවා

How to use "work" in a sentence:

work at something

  • "I work at the library every Saturday morning."

work on something

  • I am working on my project.

work for someone/something

  • "I work for a large tech company."

work in something

  • She works in a factory.

work with someone

  • I often work with my team members to come up with new ideas.

work as something

  • She works as a doctor.

work something

  • I am going to work my way through this difficult book.

work against something

  • The opposing team's heavy defense worked against our chances of scoring.

work (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She works on her computer every Monday.


🗣️ /ˈwʌri/

කනස්සල්ලට පත්වෙනවා/පත් කරනවා

How to use "worry" in a sentence:

worry about someone/something

  • I worry about my students' progress in English.

worry over someone/something

  • She worries over her son's health every day.

worry that...

  • I worry that I won't be able to finish this essay on time.

worry someone (about someone/something)

  • "I worry my parents about my grades."

worry someone that

  • I worry my parents that I won't pass the exam.

worry someone with something

  • My example sentence is: "Don't worry your parents with your grades, just focus on improving


🗣️ /ræp/

ඔතනවා, දවටනවා, වෙළනවා

How to use "wrap" in a sentence:

wrap A (up) (in B)

  • "Let's wrap the present up in some colorful wrapping paper."

wrap B around A

  • She wraps the present around the box.


🗣️ /rek/

කඩා බිඳ දමනවා, විනාශ කරනවා

How to use "wreck" in a sentence:

wreck something

  • He wrecked his car in the accident.


🗣️ /ˈresl/

පොර බදනවා

How to use "wrestle" in a sentence:

wrestle with someone/something

  • He wrestled with his inner demons until he found peace within himself.

wrestle someone (adv./prep.)

  • He was able to easily wrestle his opponent to the ground with his strong arms.

wrestle to do something

  • The wrestler will wrestle to win the championship.


🗣️ /raɪt/


How to use "write" in a sentence:

write (something)

  • The student writes notes in their notebook during class.

write in/on/with something

  • She writes in her journal every night before going to bed.

write something (on/about something)

  • I will write an essay about my summer vacation.

write someone something

  • "I will write you a letter tomorrow."

write to someone (that)

  • I write to my parents every week to update them on my studies.

write doing something

  • I write daily in my journal to reflect on my thoughts and experiences.

write that...

  • Write that on the board.

write of something

  • He wrote of his travels in his journal.