How to...
Disagree with people

Disagreeing with people

Sometimes people give an opinion and you don't agree with it. We have many ways to show disagreement in English. Here are ten of them.

  1. I'm not sure about that!
  2. You could be right, but...
  3. (I'm afraid) I don't agree.(I'm afraid) I don't agree.
  4. I agree up to a point, but...
  5. That's an interesting idea, but...
  6. Do you really think...?
  7. Rubbish! / Nonsense!
  8. You can't be serious!
  9. Actually, as a matter of fact. I think...
  10. That's not how I see it.


  • Phrases 1 and 2 are quite polite and not too direct in saying you disagree.
  • Phrase 3 is neutral. We use 'I'm afraid' to soften it and make it less aggressive to the other speaker.
  • Phrases 4 and 5 are showing partial agreement with the other speaker but both are followed with the second speaker's (different) ideas.
  • Phrase 6 is used to question how the other speaker could really think something that you think is completely wrong.
  • Phrases 7 and 8 are saying that the other speaker is completely wrong in a very direct, blunt way.