How to...
Forget things

Forgetting things

Sometimes we can't remember things from the past and sometimes we forget to do important things in the present. We can use these ten phrases for these situations.

  1. (I'm afraid) I can't remember.
  2. I've completely forgotten.
  3. My mind's gone blank
  4. (Sorry) I have no memory of...
  5. (I'm afraid) it doesn't ring a bell.
  6. I have no recollection of...
  7. Sorry, I forgot.
  8. I simply forgot to do it.
  9. What was I thinking of?
  10. Oh no, it completely slipped my mind.


  • Phrases 1 - 6 are for things in the past that we can't remember.
  • Phrases 7 - 10 are for things that we forgot to do in the present.
  • Phrase 3 gives the idea that I don't remember now but I might remember some time later.
  • Phrases 4, 5 and 6 mean that you don't even remember that you knew the information at one time in the past.
  • Phrase 5 means that a name, place or face is completely unfamiliar when you see or hear it again.
  • Phrase 9 suggests that the speaker is angry with himself or herself for forgetting to do something.