
🗣️ /læk/

යමක් නැතිව/හිඟව සිටිනවා

How to use "lack" in a sentence:

lack something

  • They lack the necessary materials for the science experiment.


🗣️ /lænd/

ගොඩ බසිනවා, ගොඩ බස්සනවා

How to use "land" in a sentence:

land (adv./prep.)

  • The plane lands smoothly on the runway.

land something

  • The plane will land the passengers at the airport.


🗣️ /lɑːst/

අවසන් නොවී/විනාශ නොවී පවතිනවා

How to use "last" in a sentence:

  • She last visited her hometown last year.


🗣️ /lɑːf/

හඬ නගා සිනහ වෙනවා

How to use "laugh" in a sentence:

laugh (out)

  • She laughed out loud at the silly joke.

laugh at someone/something

  • She laughed at his joke.


🗣️ /lɔːntʃ/

යාත්‍රාවක් දියත් කරනවා, අලුත් යමක් අරඹනවා

How to use "launch" in a sentence:

launch something

  • I will launch my new online course tomorrow.


🗣️ /leɪ/

(බිමින්) තබනවා, බිත්තර දානවා, අතුරනවා/වැතිරෙනවා

How to use "lay" in a sentence:

lay something down

  • I lay my bag down on the table.

lay eggs

  • The hen will lay eggs every morning.

lay someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • He lay the book on the table.


🗣️ /leɪz/

අලසකමින් කල් ගෙවනවා

How to use "laze" in a sentence:

laze around/about

  • He loves to just laze around the house all day and do nothing productive.


🗣️ /liːd/

කැඳවාගෙන යනවා, නායකත්වය දෙනවා, පෙරමුණ ගන්නවා

How to use "lead" in a sentence:

lead someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • The manager will lead the project successfully.

lead someone to do something

  • He led his team to victory in the championship game.


🗣️ /liːk/

කාන්දු වෙනවා, කාන්දු කරනවා, රහස් හෙළිදරව් කරනවා

How to use "leak" in a sentence:

leak (something)

  • The faucet in the kitchen sink is leaking water.

leak something (to someone)

  • The plumber will leak the information to the landlord.


🗣️ /liːn/

ඇල වෙනවා (නැවෙනවා), හේත්තු වෙනවා, පැත්තකට බර වෙනවා

How to use "lean*" in a sentence:

lean* adv./prep.

  • She leaned against the wall for support.

lean* (on/against) someone/something

  • She leaned on the door for support as she caught her breath.


🗣️ /liːp/

දුරට පනිනවා

How to use "leap*" in a sentence:

leap* (adv./prep.)

  • The frog leaped gracefully over the lily pad.

leap* (from …) (to …)

  • She leaped from one rock to another with grace and agility.


🗣️ /lɜːn/


How to use "learn*" in a sentence:

learn* (about) something (from someone/something)

  • She learned about history from her grandfather's stories.

learn* something (from doing something)

  • I learned how to ride a bike by practicing every day.

learn* that...

  • I learned that the sun rises in the east.

learn* wh-

  • I learned what the word 'endeavor' means from my vocabulary book.


🗣️ /liːv/

පිටත් වෙනවා, හැර දමා යනවා, තබා යනවා, ඉතිරිකර තබනවා

How to use "leave" in a sentence:

leave for …

  • They left for school early this morning.

leave something

  • He forgot to leave his keys at home.

leave someone/something for/with someone/something

  • I will leave the book for you to read.


🗣️ /ˈliːɡəlaɪz/

නීත්‍යානුකූල කරනවා

How to use "legalize" in a sentence:

legalize something

  • "The government has decided to legalize marijuana for medicinal use."


🗣️ /lend/

ණයට/තාවකාලිකව දෙනවා

How to use "lend" in a sentence:

lend someone something

  • She lent me her pen.

lend (out) something (to someone)

  • I lend (out) my book (to my friend).


🗣️ /let/

(යමක් කරන්නට) ඉඩ හරිනවා/අවසර දෙනවා

How to use "let" in a sentence:

let someone/something do something

  • Let the students work on their assignments quietly.


🗣️ /laɪ/

වැතිරී සිටිනවා, හාන්සි වී සිටිනවා, තිබෙනවා, පවතිනවා

How to use "lie" in a sentence:

lie (adv./prep.)

  • He lies flat on the ground, pretending to be dead.


🗣️ /laɪ/

බොරු කියනවා

How to use "lie" in a sentence:

lie (to someone) (about someone)

  • She lied to the police about her whereabouts last night.


🗣️ /lɪft/

ඔසවනවා, ඉස්සෙනවා

How to use "lift" in a sentence:

lift someone/something (up) (adv./prep.)

  • He lifted the box up with ease.


🗣️ /laɪt/

දැල්වෙනවා/දල්වනවා, ආලෝකමත් වෙනවා/කරනවා

How to use "light*" in a sentence:

light* something

  • I will light a candle in the room to create a cozy atmosphere.


🗣️ /laɪk/

කැමතියි, කැමති වෙනවා

How to use "like" in a sentence:

like someone/something

  • She likes pizza.

like to do something

  • I like to watch movies in my free time.

like doing something

  • I like playing soccer.


🗣️ /ˈlɪmɪt/

සීමා කරනවා

How to use "limit" in a sentence:

limit something (to something)

  • We must limit our expenses to only what is necessary.


🗣️ /laɪn/

පේළි හදනවා/හැදෙනවා

How to use "line" in a sentence:

line (something) up

  • "I asked my students to line up at the door before entering the classroom."


🗣️ /lɪŋk/

සම්බන්ධ කරනවා/වෙනවා, ආඳනවා/ඈඳෙනවා, එකට බඳිනවා/බැඳෙනවා

How to use "link" in a sentence:

link A to B

  • Mary linked her Instagram account to her Facebook profile.

link A with B

  • I link your email address with your name for future reference.

link A and B (together)

  • I linked the two pieces of paper together with a paperclip.


🗣️ /lɪst/

ලැයිස්තුගත කරනවා

How to use "list" in a sentence:

list something

  • Please list the items on your grocery list for me.


🗣️ /ˈlɪsn/

ඇහුම්කන් දෙනවා

How to use "listen" in a sentence:

listen (to someone/something)

  • I listened to the music while studying.


🗣️ /lɪv/

ජීවත් වෙනවා, පවතිනවා

How to use "live" in a sentence:

live (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She lives with her parents in the countryside.


🗣️ /ləʊd/

බර පටවනවා, ගොඩ ගහනවා

How to use "load" in a sentence:

load (up) something (with something)

  • The truck driver slowly loaded up the boxes with supplies for the delivery.

load someone/something (into/onto something)

  • I will load the groceries into the car.


🗣️ /ləʊˈkeɪt/

පිහිටි/තිබෙන/සිටින තැන සොයාගන්නවා

How to use "locate" in a sentence:

locate someone/something

  • "I will help you locate your lost phone."


🗣️ /lɒk/

අගුලු දානවා, යතුරු දානවා, හිර කරනවා/වෙනවා

How to use "lock" in a sentence:

lock (something) (adv./prep.)

  • She locked the door carefully before leaving the house.


🗣️ /lʊk/


How to use "look" in a sentence:

look (at someone/something)

  • She looked at the whiteboard as the teacher explained the lesson.

look (adv./prep.) (someone/something)

  • He looked up at the sky.


🗣️ /luːs/

බුරුල් කරනවා, ලිහනවා, ලිහා අරිනවා

How to use "loose" in a sentence:

loose something (on/upon someone/something)

  • She accidentally loosed her grip on the vase, causing it to fall and shatter on the


🗣️ /luːz/

පරදිනවා, නැති කරගන්නවා

How to use "lose" in a sentence:

lose (someone/something)

  • I lost my keys yesterday and had to search for them for an hour.


🗣️ /ˈləʊə(r)/

පහත් කරනවා, පහත හෙළනවා, අඩු කරනවා

How to use "lower" in a sentence:

lower someone/something (adv./prep.)

  • She lowered her gaze in embarrassment.