
🗣️ /neɪm/

නම් කරනවා, නමක් දෙනවා

How to use "name" in a sentence:

name (someone/something) +noun

  • I will name my dog Rover.

name (someone/something) (after someone/something)

  • I named my daughter Amelia after my great-grandmother.


🗣️ /nəˈreɪt/

කථාවක්/සිද්ධියක් අනුපිළිවෙලින් විස්තර කරනවා

How to use "narrate" in a sentence:

narrate something

  • She narrated her experience to the class.


🗣️ /niːd/

උවමනා වෙනවා, අවශ්‍ය වෙනවා

How to use "need" in a sentence:

need someone/something

  • She needs help with her homework.

need to do something

  • I need to finish grading these exams before tomorrow.

need doing something

  • He needs studying for his exam.


🗣️ /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/

එකඟතාවයකට එන්නට සාකච්ඡා කරනවා

How to use "negotiate" in a sentence:

negotiate something

  • She negotiated a lower price for the car.

negotiate (with someone) (for/about something)

  • I negotiated with my boss for a higher salary.


🗣️ /nɒd/

හිස සලනවා, හිසින් සංඥා කරනවා

How to use "nod" in a sentence:

nod (something) (to/at someone) (to do something)

  • She nodded her head at the student to signal him to hand in his homework.


🗣️ /nəʊt/

අවධානයට ලක් කරනවා, සටහන් කරගන්නවා, මතක තබා ගන්නවා

How to use "note" in a sentence:

note something

  • Please note the due date for the assignment is next Monday.

note that...

  • Note that the exam will be held at 9 AM tomorrow.

note wh-

  • Note what I told you yesterday and make sure to follow my instructions carefully.


🗣️ /ˈnəʊtɪs/

නිරීක්ෂණය කරනවා, විශේෂ අවධානයට යොමු කරනවා, දකිනවා

How to use "notice" in a sentence:

notice someone/something

  • I notice the new student in class.

notice that...

  • I notice that she is always late for class.

notice wh-

  • I noticed who was at the party last night.

notice someone do/doing something

  • I noticed my students struggling to understand the concept.


🗣️ /ˈnʌmbə(r)/

අංකනය කරනවා

How to use "number" in a sentence:

number something (+ noun)

  • She numbered the pages in her notebook.

number something (from …) (to …)

  • I number the pages of my book from one to ten.


🗣️ /nɜːs/


සාත්තු කරනවා, කිරි දෙනවා/පොවනවා

How to use "nurse" in a sentence:

nurse someone

  • She nursed her sick husband back to health.


🗣️ /ˈnɜːtʃə(r)/

ඇති දැඩි කරනවා, පෝෂණය කරනවා

How to use "nurture" in a sentence:

nurture someone/something

  • She nurtures her children with love and care.